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Nobody showed...

Jk 🫡

Pedri was the first to arrive.
Estela loves Pedri.
Won't leave his side whenever he come over to hang out with Pablo.
It sometimes made the young dad jealous but he learned to deal with it because he knew she didn't see Pedri as much.
Melissa is convinced that her daughter has a little innocent crush...well not a crush, she's only two but she wouldn't dare tell her boyfriend that because he might go feral at the thought.
Next was Fermin and Alejandro.
Now with Estela and Fermin it was different.
Estela doesn't like Fermin for some reason. Whenever he comes to visit Estela stays stuck to her dads side and will most literally scream whenever the blonde wants to pick her up.
"Why does your daughter not like me!" Fermin groans as he walks away, after his attempt to give her a hug for her birthday but she simply moved away from him to Alejandro.
Pablo pats his friends back and shrugs.
The house slowly starts to fill in.
Following Lewy, his wife and girls, Sergi, his wife and daughter, Xavi and his son, his wife and daughter couldn't make it. Marc and his kid. Then lastly Ansu, Ferran, sira, frenkie and Mikky.

Melissa watches the kids run around the backyard while Ansu and Ferran chased them.
She chuckles before turning back to her conversation with sira, Mikky, Aurora, Anna and Coral.
"How does it feel that you baby is now 2?" Sira asks jokingly.
"Sad, I'm very sad..she's growing up so fast!" The young mom says.
Mikky reaches out and takes her hand.
"Maybe her growing up to fast is a sign the you and Pablo need another" she winks.
Sira and Aurora laugh along side with Mikky while Melissa shakes her head. "Dios mio no..we're only 18 so I say give it a few more years" she says.
"You know Robert told me once that it's hard to imagine Pablo in dad mode" Anna points out.
Aurora nods taking a sip from her drink.
"Oh my god...Pablo in dad mode is so funny"

"the other day she got the idea to jump from couch to couch and Pablo had told her to stop, she didn't listen and he put her in time out...later that day, she was sleeping then I caught him doing the exact same thing he told her not to do"
They all burst out in laughter. "Sounds like him" Sira giggles.

"Looks like Pablo is in dad mode right now Coral whispers, loud enough so only we could hear.
All our eyes move over to where Pablo sat in between Lewy and his mom.
Pablo held Stela steady on his lap as she tries settling the pink tiara on her dads head.
Pablo gives her a kiss on the cheek then setting back down on the floor, giving her a sip of his water before she runs back to the group of kids.
Pablo friends and teammates start joking around which only made Pablo roll his eyes.
He fixes his tiara and glares at them.
"You guys are just mad that I look better in a tiara then you" he jokes.

One by one the dads at the table start calling over their kids telling them to put tiaras on them.
"Auoura! give me a tiara!" The Paez dad yells.
Auoura laughs standing from her seat and walking over to her father at the end of the table.
"Why can't I put in on you?" Pablo ask and he looks at his father with an offended look.
"Melissa Mija, you too!" Her dad calls her over.
Melissa walks over, placing a pink tiara on her dads head.
"Estela can you give me one?" She heard Pedri ask her daughter.
She glances up to she her placing one on pedris head before he sets her down.
"Can you give me one Estela?" Fermin asks, in hope to win her over.
She stares at him for a second.
Then runs off again.


"Bebe come here!" Melissa yells for her daughter.
The little girl comes running to her parents as fast as she could.
Melissa picks her up and stands her on a chair right by her cake.
"Pictures" Pablo's mom cheers as she pulls out her phone.
Pablo walks over to his girlfriend and daughter.
Estela standing in the middle on the chair.
"Smile princesa" aurora tells estela.

After taking a few pictures and singing happy birthday, they all sat around the table eating cake as they talk.
"Papi" estela whispers to her dad.
Pablo looks down at her and hums.
"porque no comes pastel?" She asks.
Pablo ruffles her hair. "Papi cant eat pastel right now" he tells her.
She frowns her eyes then glances at the slice of cake in front of his that she had begged him to take.
"can i have it?" She whispers, glancing back at her mom who had gone inside for something.
Pablo looks around to see everyone else in distracted. He grabs the plate of cake and hands it to his daughter, putting his finger up to his lips to let her know to be quiet.
Estela smiles widely before she quickly wonders of with cake.

Melissa walks back outside, taking bet spot next to Pablo.
He grins at her, throwing his arms over her shoulder and gently rubbing her arm.
"You put together really good party amor" he praises.
She smiles at him. "Thank you"

They all sat there a few more minutes but eventually the kids started going over to their parents telling them that their tired.
One by one left and eventually it was just the little family left.
Pablo carries the sleeping two year old up to get her room before coming back down stairs to help his girlfriend clean up the last few things that were left.
He walks outside, taking as many of the presents that sat on the floor and taking them inside. Placing the in the corner of the living room where she could see them tomorrow.
He walks into the kitchen to see Melissa putting the left over fruit away.
"Let's go to sleep amor" he says.
Melissa looks up at him as she closes the fridge.
She hums walking over to him as he took her hand and led her up tbh stairs.

She pulls off her out, throwing it into laundry basket then changing into a pair of spandex and a sweatshirt before walking into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Pablo walks out as she walks in. Pulling off his shirt and changing into a pair of shorts before sitting down on his side of the bed waiting.

The girl finally comes out of the bathroom walking over to her boyfriend who stood up at het presence.
She looks up at him with tired eyes.
Pablo doesn't say anything, he gently places his hand on her neck pulling her into a passionate kiss.
"You looked so good today amor" he whispers, pulling away slightly.
Melissa places her hands on his naked chest, running her hands up and down.
"You did too" she says before he pulled her into another passionate kiss.
They pull away, Melissa walking over to turn of the lights before crawling into her side of the best and cuddling up to Pablo.
She rest of head on his chest as his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
She knew he wouldn't be away for long and that he had been away for much longer but she can't help but feel that sad feeling that he was leaving.
She felt like she needed to be there for him.
He was nominated for the Kopa Trophy after all and she new he was going to win..she could feel it.

A/n: went fishing for 5 hours today...caught nothing. Anyways enjoy <3

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