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The group of friends sit down at the restaurant table which gave Melissa and beautiful view of the ocean.
She wore a purple sun dress which matched with auroras red one.
Pablo sits on the left side of the girl, reaching down and tugging her chair so she could be closer to him and so he could wrap his arm around her shoulder.
Aurora and Melissa start their own conversation about the plan that everyone had plan.
"What will you wear to the concert tomorrow?" asks the blue eyed girl.
Aurora shrugs , "not sure, I brought a cute pair of jeans and corset top or a white dress" she tells the girl.
"And you?

"I brought a basic black satin mini dress " Melissa smiles at her.
"Let's do each others hair and makeup!"
The the pair burst out in a fit of giggles.  Oh how they love being girls.

Pablo diverts his attention from his friends to his girlfriend as she talked to his sister.
He stares at her side profile, a small grin popping on his face as he listens to her laugh at something Aurora said.
with the hand that was over her shoulder, he starts to play with her hair as she kept talking.
Melissa moves her hand to the one Pablo had in her hair, untangling it from his fingers and hooking her pointer finger to his.


After eating, the group of friends head back to the house, having nothing planned for the 1st day beside chill and relax.
So that's what they did, chill and relax.
Currently, Melissa cuddled into Pablo on the couch as they all watch a comedy movie.
The girl with blue eyes fight back the tiredness.
She didn't want to admit that she was tired but, if she was honest her bed time was 2 hours ago.
It was now 1 am and she was fight for her life.
Some will say, why isn't Pablo tired then?
Pablo had been staying up since off season started till 3 or 4 am playing video games with Fermin.
11pm-after being the only time Estela isn't there to insist on her playing as well.
"go to sleep, mi amor" Pablo whispers into her ear.
Melissa lazily shakes her head.
She refused to go to sleep first. She's supposed to be a teenager.
"I'm off to bed, goodnight guys" Melissa's eyed perk at the sound of Cristo voice.
Quietly thanking the lord, the girl decided to wait a few minutes before excusing herself was well.
Taking off her makeup and putting on her Pjs, she climbs into the cool sheets, covering herself from head to toe as she snuggles into the cushion.
Instantly getting knocked out the moment she found comfort.
Two hours later, Pablo walks into the bedroom after leaving the bathroom.
He pulls off his shirt, tossing it on top of his closed suitcase.
He slowly moves onto the bed, reaching out and pulling her closer to him by her waist.
The sleeping lady, hums in her sleep at the feeling of her back getting pulled against a warm body.
Trying not to wake her up, Pablo leans down, pressing soft gentle kisses on her shoulder as he cuddles into her.
Few moments later, Pablo's eyes open as he feels the girl in his arms start to move.
Melissa turns her body to face Pablo. She snuggled into the warm chest. Mumbling something that the boy did not catch.
He leans down pressing a kiss to her forehead before rest his head slightly above hers on the pillow, holding her close as he closes his eyes to fall into a deep sleep.


"Stay still" Aurora chuckles as she gently holding Melissa's face steady as she applies mascara. Melissa places her lip linear down and puts her full attention back to ten girl who was doing the rest of her makeup.
"Gorgeous" the Páez girl says, putting the wand back into the tube.
Melissa grabs her phone and analyzes her makeup.
"I love it" the girl giggles as she checks herself out.
The two girls switch spots and Melissa pulls out all of Auroras makeup and quickly gets to work.

"have you and my brother talked about marriage?" Aurora asks the girl.
Melissa shakes her head, as she blends in the primer into the girls face.
"we talk about our future but marriage has never been brought up" the blue eyed girls shrugs. She's always just assumed that her and Pablo will get married one day. I mean they have a kid together and everything is going perfect.
"Why?" Melissa asks placing a few dots of skin tint on her face.

Aurora shrugs. "I don't know, he looked like he got really awkward in the car when the guys mentioned you guys getting married"'
Melissa hums as she blending in the tint. "No, it's never actually came into a conversation between us. I love him and would marry him if he asks me right now but we're still young so i don't know what the plans are" she tells the sister.

Aurora nods as she looks up, letting the girl blend the concealer she just added. "he has mentioned more kids though" Melissa added.
Auroras eyes perk up.
Melissa nods. "Yeah, he really wants a boy..well he'll love them regardless of the gender obviously but I can tell he wants a boy"

"...have you guys been trying...?"
Melissa laughs and shakes her head "no we haven't..I don't think I'm ready for another kid yet, maybe in 2-3 years when we're just a tad bit older"

"What about you and Javi? You guys have been together for, 6 years? Right" Melissa asks.
"On the 30th" she blushes.

Melissa wiggles her brows at her friend causing her blush even more.
" we've talked about it but we're still young, only 20 so maybe in few years when we are fully settled" she smiles.
Melissa gently bumps the girl with her hip.'"that's cute, the boy is absolutely in love" she tells her.

Aurora laughs as "so is my brother, have you seen the way he looks at you?"
The two girls laughs together.
After a few more minutes and a few more random conversations, they both have their hair and makeup done then they quickly change into their outfits.

"You look great" the blue eyed girls tells the Páez girl.
She wore a casual white off the shoulders dress then paired them a pair of a low pair of black wedges.
Melissa worse her black dress then a pair of low block heels that wrapped up her ankle.
"Ready?" She asks

A/n: Y'all are going to HATE me again.

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