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"Can you tell me now?" The girl plops down onto the bed, next to Pablo.
Pablo sets his phone down and looks at her. "Como te sientes?" He asks.
Melissa groans. "I'm fine, amor".
Pablo chuckles at her and leans in to press his lips to hers but the girl moves back. Pablo sighs. "Okay, you have to promise not to get mad at me" he tells her.
She nods and takes his hand in hers, ready to find out what actually was going to happen.
"It's a lot but basically"
"Ana likes me..I went over to Alejandro's house and she was there and from then on she wouldn't leave me alone no matter how much I told her I had a girlfriend and daughter and that I would never be interested in her. She would always find an excuse to go to Ale's when I was there and was always extremely close to me and she threatened to tell you that I was cheating if was wasn't 'nice to her' but I finally had enough, and decided to stop being scared of her and I blocked her on everything, Alejandro even dropped her. I know I should've told you, Amor but I was stupid for putting up with her for so long and let her disrespect our relationship like that and we were in our moment where everything we did bothered us and I didn't want you to get mad at me and maybe leave me, then it just became part of the past and I didn't feel like it was necessary to bring up and I tried hiding it." He tells her.

The girl doesn't say anything but just blinks at him trying to process everything that he had just said.
That would explain it.
"You didn't cheat on me though....right? She asks hesitantly.
Pablo eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head and reaches out to grab her by her hands.
"No amor, I didn't. I would never" he tells her, pressing her hands up to his lips.
She felt herself relax slightly still feeling a little weird about the fact the Ana had a crush on her one boyfriend and maybe still did.

"Lo siento" he tells her again. Melissa leans into him and hugs him. "You should've told me the truth the night I first met Ana" she whispers
He nods and holds her to him. "I know, I know. I was scared to see how you reacted for I put it off"
Melissa sighs but nods at him. She wasn't exactly mad but she was upset that he hadn't told her the truth from the beginning.
"I'm sorry too..for not listening to you when you said to be careful around her" the blue eyed girl apologizes as well.
Pablo kisses her head. "It's okay, mi Vida"
"Are you mad with me?" He asks.

The girl shakes her head. "No im not" he smiles softly at her.
"Thats all?" She asks him.
"Thats all amor I promise"

"Te amo" he whispers. "Yo más"


"Pablo!" Melissa screams from down stairs. Soon after her shout, heavy footsteps are heard running down the stairs and to her.
"Que pasa?" A panicked Pablo ask rushing over to his girlfriend who sat on the couch. Melissa excitedly gets up off the couch and shoves her phone in his face showing him message and picture her agent has just sent her.
Pablo sigh and takes the phone. "Melissa, you scared me, I thought something bad happened" he tells as his eyes fall to the screen.
Melissa stares at him, internally jumping up and down at the message.
"This is great!" Pablo exclaims looking at her excitedly then wraps his arms around her.
Melissa giggles hugging his back. Her agent had sent her a picture of one of her recents shoots showed on a New York City billboard.
She takes her phone back and stares at the picture they put.
She was beyond happy. "Do you want to you go? Te llevo" Pablo tells her.
"I'm so happy for you, amor" he smiles at her and pulls her into another hug.

She looks up at him from his arms, her smile as bright as could be. He smirks back down at her because leaning down and pressing his lips to hers.
Their lips move together for a few moments before they pull away again and hold each other.
"Do you want to go see it?" He asks again.
Melissa shakes her head. "No, you have training and I don't want to go without you and Estela" she tells him before kissing his cheek.

He nods and presses his lips to her once more then pulls away and looks around the room. "Where is Estela?" He asks looking around.
Melissa rest her head to his shoulder and looks out to the yard, where Estela sat with her dolls playing in the shade.
Feeling eyes on get, the little girl looks up and waves happily at her mom and dad.
"Hi papi! Mami! Why did you yell?" The girl asks curiously running to the opened glass door.
The couple chuckle at how late the girl reacted to the scream.
"Happy screams" Melissa shrugs at her.
"Those aren't happy screams" Pablo whispers into the young mom's ear.
Earning a small slap to the chest from her.

A/n: don't really like this one 🙏🏼

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