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It was around 7 by the time to the two girl got back to the house

"Pablo" Melissa says excitedly as she walks into the house, aurora behind her. Excited to show him what she bought and to do a little fashion show like she always does when she wants to show him new clothes.
Walking into the living room, she's met with a bunch of shirtless sweaty boy.
Her smile dropping into a face of disgust as the smell hits her.
"Dios mío, it smells" Aurora said from behind the girl.
The group of boys stare at the two girls without saying anything for a second, then break out into a loud cheer.
Melissa looks back at Aurora in confusion.
Pablo makes his way over to his girlfriend, a wide smile on his face as he practically dances to her.
"Hola, amor" he beams as he tries to pull her into a hug but gets pushed back gently.
Melissa's faces scrunches. "You smell 10x worse then you ever have" she mumbles to him.
Pablo frowns. "I don't smell that bad" he says lifting up his armpit to be faced with the smell of death.
"Oh" he mutters putting his arm down.
"You have dirt all over..."

"What happened" aurora asks as she tries to avoid Javi from coming near her.

"We played an intense game of football, then we swam, then played football again, Pablo got dared to roll down a hill then run up it while dizzy, we ding-dong ditched, and ran off without Cristo then raced home, now we were playing fifa and celebrating our win" Biel summarizes.

Melissa and Aurora stare at them in shock.
"What about you girls, what'd you do?" Javi asks.

Melissa and Aurora simply hold up their shopping bags.
"Boring" Mario and Fermin say at the same time before plopping on the couch.
Pablo takes his girlfriends bags from her hand and tried to peek to see what she got.
Melissa take it back, causing his to pout.
"Shower and I'll give you a fashion show" Melissa whispers before heading to the bedroom.

Quickly changing into some athletic shorts so she could be more comfortable leaving her baby blue tank top on then heading to the bathroom to wash her face because she felt musty from the hot weather.
While freshening up, Pablo walks into the bathroom with spare clothes in his hands.
He grins at Melissa, wrapping a hand around her waist, letting it rest on her abdomen as he leans closer to press a kiss against her collarbone.
"I expect that fashion show" he jokes before undress himself and hopping into the shower, leaving Melissa to finish up her stuff.

After a while Pablo finds himself sat at the foot of the bed while the blue eyed girl insisted on treating this like a runway because she thinks it's fun.
The boy sits patiently playing a game on his phone.
"Ready?" He sees her head peak from the bathroom door.
He nods and sets his phone down.
Melissa the walks out with a wide smile on her face, instantly getting shy under Pablo's glance.
Pablo giggles at the girls sudden shyness but admired the outfit she had put on.
A black skirt paired with a dark blue long sleeve, off the shoulders shirt.
"Buenísima" he says blowing her a kiss then asks her to do a small twirl.
With a small smile on his face, Pablo reaches out to the girl and pulls up the skirt . He smirks and her, causing her to roll her eyes.
"and that's how I won't wear it" she giggles and pulls it back down to its original place.
"Next" Pablo laughs as she walks away.

Quickly changing into a green hoodie she bought and leaving the skirt she walks out.
"It's a bit big" she beams pulling up the hoodie.
Pablo chuckles at his girl. "I love it"

Melissa smiles as walks away to change into the pink dress.
"This one will be your favorite" she said peaking her head out from the bathroom.
Pablo raises a brow at her. "Really? You look good in everything mi Vida" he flirts.

The girl walks out, twirling to show Pablo the whole dress.
Pablo stares at her speechless, then look up at her cheekily, a small blush raising on his cheeks.
The dress fit her perfectly, showed off her curves and beautiful tan legs, the pink made her eyes look more blue if that was even possible.
"Do you like it?" She asks.

Pablo nods still looking at her up and down. "I love it, you look stunning, Melissa" he tells her.
Reaching out to grab her hand in his to pull her closer.
"Go change so we can watch some Tv and cuddle" he whispers to her.
Melissa smiles then leans down to press her lips to his.
Pablo hums into the kiss before pulling the girl so she was sitting on his lap, her legs on either side of him.
Moving his hand from her lower back down to her butt, gently squeezing.
Melissa hums and moves her lips from his lips down to his jaw then neck.
Softly sucking, making sure not to leave any marks.
Melissa can hear Pablo breathing start to get heavy at the interaction they were having.
Grinding her hips onto his, causing an unwanted groan to leave his lips.
Smirking the girl get off Pablo, winking at the flustered boy as she walks back to the bathroom to change into her original clothes.

Pablo pressed his lips together in a thin line before getting up and locking the door.
She's not getting away with that one.


Melissa lays ontop of Pablo. Both teenagers covered in sweat.
"Well that was fun" the girl says moving her hair from her face.
Pablo burst out laughing at her comment. He holds the girl closer to him, pressing his lips to her hair.
The pair lay there in a comfortable silence. Sheets over them.
Melissa runs her pointer finger around Pablo's chest, making random doodles as he simply just held her to him.
"Pablo?" She whispers, a thought from the other day popping into her head.
"Mhm?" He hums.
Melissa moved her body so she was off of him but kept her hand on his chest.
Pablo shifts his glaze down to her, raising an eyebrow.
"Do you ever think about getting married?" She asks.
Pablo's heart skips a beat at the mention of marriage.
Why now out of all the times did she have to ask?
"I do" he responds nonchalantly.

The girl rests her head against his chest again and shrugs.
"We've just never talked about it and we've been together for almost 4 years and have a daughter" she says.
Pablo grins at the girl. "Well if it makes you feel better amor, everything that I have planned out for the future, has you and our kids in it."

His words make her heart flutter. "You and our kids" she repeats in her head.
She's never doubt that they won't get married someday, but hearing those words come from his mouth made her heart flutter.
"Te amo" she says happily.
Pablo eyes widen at the girls reaction but couldn't help but smile at the same time. "Yo más"

A/n: im going to leave high school with 4 friends and 3 of them are in 11th grade and the other one goes to a different school 🕺🏻

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