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(She remembers running into the girls but nothing else after that)

"Girls day!" Aurora cheers as she walks into the kitchen.
Melissa looks up from her spot on the kitchen table as she continues to eat her bowl a cereal.
Aurora walks over to the girl and presses a small kiss to her cheek before getting herself breakfast.
"Melissa, Pablo told me just now that you guys ran into Sira?" She asks the younger girl.
"Yeah, she came with a group of friends, lovely girls" Melissa tells her.
"We should invite them? What do you think?" The Páez girl asks sitting down next to her.
Melissa eyes brighten at the idea or having two of her closest girl friends around for the day.
"I love it! I'll text her" Melissa beams pulling out her phone.

Sira 🌸

Hey Sira! Do you have plans for

hey Mel!
No we don't
Just around maybe

Would you guys like to join
me and Aurora?
We're having a girl days

omg that's sounds fun
let me asks them

Okay okay

they're down!
when and where?

we pick you guys up at around 2?

We'll see you later babe
Here's the hotel address
xxx xxx xx

See you soon!

Aurora happily cheers as she looks over at Melissas phone.
"This is going to be great!"
Melissa laughs along side Aurora, getting weird look from the boys as they start to fill into the kitchen.
"Buenos días" they all says as they scurry to find food.
"Hola mi amor" Pablo says walking over to his girlfriend and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "You feel okay?" He asks, tucking her hair behind her ear.
She nods at him before kissing his cheek as well.
"Sira and her friends are tagging along for girls day" she tells her boyfriend, a wide smile on her face.
"All the girls she came here with?" He asks, his heart nervously skipping a beat.
Melissa nods then looks down at her phone.
"oh...that's great, mi amor" he chuckles awkwardly, causing his girlfriend to give him a weird look.
From the corner of his eye, Pablo see Fermin shaking his head at him as he dumps himself a cup of milk.
"Is something wrong?" She asks quietly.
Pablo gulps and nods, taking his girlfriends hand and gently pulling her off her seat then walking her to the living area.
"What's up?" She asks
Pablo looks his girlfriend in the eyes and says. "Be careful around Ana"
Melissa frowns. "Why? She seemed really sweet?"

Pablo shakes his head. "I met her back in March 2021, Alejandro asked me to come hang out and she was their and she just not a good friend, she can be extremely bitchy and fake from what I know" he warns, was he lying about her being fake and bitchy, no. was he trying to avoid the truth though. Yes.
Melissa frowns at the boys warning, she seemed like such a sweet girl and fun to be around.
"Why did you never tell me about her?" She question her boyfriend.
Pablo shrugs, "it was during our not so good time, plus she's the type of person you just want to block out and never mention" he says.
She nods slowly, feeling as if something wasn't fully right but decided not to question it. "Well..thank you for telling me, mi amor" she tells him, then presses a kiss to his lips.
Letting him know that she was going to go shower and get ready and to meet her upstairs in 30 minutes so they could call Estela.


"Be safe" Pablo says to his sister and girlfriend as he kisses his girlfriend's forehead.
The two girls say goodbye to the group of guys as they make their way out of the drive way.
Aurora and plays music as they make their way to the hotel.
Singing along and laughing the whole time.
It felt nice to just be a teenager.

"Una dominicana que es uva bombón Uva, uva bombón La de Barcelona que vino en avión Y dice que mi bicho está cabrón" the pair sing.

Melissa loves Bad Bunny's music, she never listened to it often out loud because not a lot about of it is child appropriate and yeah Estela doesn't understand but she does need a 2 year old going around sing these lyrics.
Finally making into the the hotel, the two girls spot the group of friends waiting for them at the front.
Pulling up and unlocking the door, they start to fill in the car.
They quickly greet each other the head off to their first destination.

At the mall the group of girls walk around laughing and joking together as they looks at random stores.
"Melissa! Pablo will absolutely love this one you" sira whisper shouts at her friends while holding up a pink mini, long sleeve dress that had a squared neck.
Melissa wasn't a huge fan of pink. In fact she believe she only owns 5 pink clothing items. It's a cute color but she very much prefers black, blues and white.
But Pablo, oh Pablo loved it when she wears pink.
He constantly tell her it brings out her features.
She walks over and exams the dress. "It it" aurora encourages.
Melissa shrugs and grabs the dress.

After a while of looking around stores and buying a few things.
The group of girls decide to head to eat.
Stopping at this cute looking cafe.

Melissa sat in front of Ana, and Aurora to her left.
Melissa sat quietly looking at the menu, tuning out the conversation Sira and Aurora were having.
"What are you going to get?" Ana asks the Perez girl.
The blue eyed girl looks up at her for a second and shrugs. "Maybe a burger"
Ana chuckles. "Aren't you a model? Thought you couldn't eat that or you'd get fat" she laughs.
Melissa smiles awkwardly. "I'm on break, plus it's one time"
Ana shrugs and goes back to looking at her menu.
"How is Estela?" Ana asks.

"She's good" Melissa smiles.
Ana smiles back. "She looks just like Pablo, adorable"

"She does look like him" yet again, the perez girl smiles awkwardly.
Thankfully, Sira pulls her into their conversation about what everyone has planned for the rest of the trip.

"We're go to the beach tomorrow to chill then the next day we're coming to hang out on a boat" Melissa says, looking at Aurora for confirmation Because she wasn't sure.
"Then just hanging out around the city" she shrugs.

A/n: still a couple chapters till the truth 🤫
2 updates in one day???!

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