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"Buena suerte" Pablo hums as she gives him a peck before she makes her way back to her spot with Estela and her in laws.
Estela sits with her grandma as Melissa and Aurora have a conversation as they wait for the players to start going out.
After a while their full attention finally goes out to the field.
Estela stood on her grandpas lap trying her best get her father's attention by waving.

Melissa slightly chuckles at Pablo serious face. So serious to the point her looked like something was disgusting him. But that's his normal face. Always looks mad, scared or disgusted if he's not smiling
His eyes scan the crowd before finally landing on his waving daughter. His serious face quickly changes into a smiling one and he blows her a kiss.
Estela laughs happily. "You see mami?" She asks her mother.
Melissa nods as she reaches over and fixes her Jersey.

The game eventually started. Melissa's eyes trained on Pablo the whole time, admiring how good he looked in the white jersey.


Estela skips happily down the tunnel after the game. Her father at the end of it talking to someone. "Papa" the girl calls out as she gets closer to him. Pablo says one last time to the guy before paying his full attention to his daughter, squatting down as she approached him. "Hola, mi Vida" he babys as she falls into his arms.
He pampers the little girl in kisses as she giggles at his actions.
Melissa reaches them and places a hand on his shoulder before moving it up to his hand, pushing the wet strands away from his face.
He looks up at his girl and smiles. His perfect smile in Melissa opinion. He takes Estela into his arms and stands up, kissing Melissa's cheek then lips. "You did amazing" she tells him. "Gracias" he whispers before turning to his parents,  sister and brother in law.
After a few more minutes Pablo left his family to get changed and the rest started to make their ways back to the car to head back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, Melissa is quick to get herself and Estela ready because Pablo had told her they were all going to dinner.
Estela giggles happily as she twirls around in her blue sun dress. "I look pretty, mami" she giggles.
Melissa smiles softly at her daughter before quickly fixing her hair.
"You always look pretty, mi amor" the girl spins around to look at her mom. Adding a small hop as she smiles widely.
"You always look pretty too!" Melissa heart swells at her daughters words, she kisses her small cheek.
"Mi niña hermosa, mami te ama para siempre"
"Yo también"

Soon after the door opens, revealing the brunet boy. He shuts the door and walks over to his family. "Ya están listas?" He questions. Melissa nods. He leans down and presses a kiss to her cheek then go to pick up Estela.
"Mira que guapa" he tells her. Estela again giggles and rests her head against his shoulder. "Mama too? Right papi?" She asks.
Pablo turns to look at the blue eyed girl. He smiles softy at his daughter words. "Claro, Mami always looks beautiful" he says looking at his fiancée.
Melissa blushes at his words as she leans in and rest her head against his shoulder. The small family soon start to make their way out of their room. Meeting up with Pablo's family in the gym lobby.
He holds both his girls hands as they start to make
Their way to the hotel entrance. "Look!" Estela says point outside.
Pablo frowns at the flashing lights and sound of people talking. Melissa eyes widen slightly. Back in Spain paparazzi wasn't super bad but this looks intense.
Pablo's dad placed a hand on his shoulder and mumbles something about finding security to him before walking off with his wife and Javi since he spoke a little English.
After a few minutes a couple of security guards and over and led us through the crowd. Melissa walked closely behind Pablo as he carried Estela and used his other hand to keep her head down. Melissa smiles awkwardly as a few people scream her name to get her attention.
Pablo glances back at her to make sure she was close by him but his attention was instantly pulled back to the front when he feels Estela getting tugged. He knew he shouldn't have done what he did but as a father he was quick to shove the person back for grabbing his daughter. He makes direct eye contact with a man, maybe in his 50s who held a picture of him.
"No la toques" he says in a rough voice. The man stares at Pablo angrily for shoving him back. "Y porque mi empujas?" The man asks trying to get closer to the young dad.
"Porque putas tocas a mi hija?" Pablo spits angrily as Melissa and his father both start to push him forward. Pablo huffs angrily, holding his daughter close to him as he starts to walk away, ignoring the man's calls.
The little girl tightens her grip on her dad as a few tears start to fall down her face.
Finally getting cleared away from the people, the young dad takes a look at her daughter face and wipes her tears away. "I'm sorry mi vida" he whispers. The little girls lip starts to pout hinting that she was at the verge of crying. The tug on her little get wasn't super rough, but it in fact had scared the young girl, not only that she already had gotten scared by the amount of people around them scream and all the flashing lights.
Melissa felt her heart break as she watched her daughter trying so hard not to cry. She walks closer to them and places her hand on her daughter back trying to soothe her. Pablo's family stand a ways behind them talking to the guards and trying to find a way to prevent the recent events later on when they come back.

Estela hiccup a few times as tears start to yet again fall down her face.
Pablo cradles her in his arms as she starts to cry. He bounces her up and down in his arms trying to calm het down.
"I don't like it" she hiccups lifting her head up and looking at her dad.
His hearts breaks. Estela looks over at her mom and holds her tiny arms out for hers "mami" she cries trying to reach her.
Melissa is quick to take her baby into her arms.

Pablo walks away to his family and Aurora makes her way over to them and tries her best to help Melissa calm Estela down.

"I don't care what you have to do but figure the fuck something out" she hears Pablo voice yell.
"Sir, we cannot control them" a guard say.

"Joder, call the damn police! This is ridiculous!" Pablo's mom tries to calm him down but he was not having it anymore.
He walks away again angrily to the waiting car.

A/n: yoooo I totally bombed my physics test

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