"mi bebe hermosa let's go" melissa calls out for her daughter as she walks into the living room.
"we getting papi?" She ask, standing up on the couch and reaching up for her mom.
Melissa nods, picking her up and resting her on her hip then grabbing her car keys and walking to her car.
She buckles stela in, handing her, her stuffed bunny before getting into the diver seat and started off on the 30 minute ride to the airport.
"Mami music" the little girl in the back seat says.
Melissa nods, then playing a random station for the young girl.
She quietly hums along to the songs as she drives.
"Mami..does papa love us?" Estela ask her mom.
"Of course he is baby..why wouldn't he?" The young mom frowns at her daughter's question. Sometimes the things that come out of this little girls mouth shocking her because she's only 2.
"Papa go away" the daughter says.
"Papa goes away a lot?" Melissa repeats.
The young girl hums at her mom.
"aw..mi bebe, papi has a job that he needs to leave sometimes for but I promise he loves and misses you every time he's gone" she tries to explain.
The young girl wasn't wrong..recently Pablo had been traveling a lot with the Barcelona team and the national team.
The little girl doesn't respond to her mom. "Do you think papi doesn't love us because he leaves?" The mom ask.
Melissa heart felt like it broke at her daughters words. She knew the little girl obviously misses her dad when he's gone but she genuinely thought she was doing her best with keeping her distracted from it. "papi loves us so much, okay corazón?" she tells her daughter who now sat quietly in her car seat, hugging her stuffed bunny to her chest.

The rest of the ride consisted of pure silence between the mother and daughter. It wasn't unusual for that to happen during car rides due to Estela being a quiet kid.

Melissa starts to pull up into the airport pick up, frowning upon seeing a bunch of people, mainly females standing outside of where she was supposed to pick up Pablo.
She sighs pulling the hood of her hoodie on and parks a few spots away from the crowed.
It should be fine my ass
She quickly texted Pablo telling her where she was so he would see it once he lands.
"so many people" Estela points.
After a while of wait, Melissa finally got a text back from Pablo telling her that he was on his way out.
A few moments later she hears cameras and shouts start to get louder.
She turns her head to see a familiar top man walking through the crowd. Lewy. Behind him see saw two dark haired boys and she chuckles to herself on how short they look compared to the polish man.
"Papa" Estela breathe out when she notices the familiar brunette.
After a few moments, she notices Pablo starting to scurry his way over to her car, opening the trunk and throwing his bag in before closing it and hurrying to the passenger seat.
"Hola Mis amores" he exclaims shutting the door.
"Hi Papi!" Estela says happily.

"Dios mio" melissa mumbles as people start gather around her car trying to get pictures of Pablo.
Pablo pulls of his sunglasses handing them to his girlfriend to wear before pulling off his hoodie.
"bebe, let's play a game..don't let papi see you and if I do, you lose" he quickly explains throwing his hoodie onto the little girl who only giggles an 'okay'  before covering herself with it.
Melissa starts to slowly drive away trying her best not to it anyone.
"I'm sorry amor" Pablo mumbles as they starts to get away from the paparazzi and fans.
"It's okay, you didn't know" she tells him.
Letting out a sigh when they're all in the clear.
Pablo reaches back and pulls the hoodie off the little girl who is now smiling widely. "Did I win?" She ask.
Pablo smiles at his little girl. "You did princesa"
He tells her before turning back to the front.
Her glances at his girlfriend before reaching out and resting his hand on her thigh gently rubbing circles.
"I missed you guys" Pablo speaks up.
"me too" Estela tells him.

The rest of the car ride home was filled with Estela telling Pablo about how the last few days went until she fell asleep.
Melissa stayed fairly quiet, still thinking about what her daughter had told her on the way to pick Pablo up.

Pulling into the drive way.
She tells him to take estela out and that she would get his bag for him.
Heading inside and taking his daughter upstairs to her room before walking into his own, where his girlfriend now stood getting ready for bed.
Melissa walks into her bathroom, starting to brush her teeth as Pablo steps in.
He wraps his arms around her wait, resting his head on the back of her shoulder.
"why are you so quiet?" He whispers, placing a kiss on her expose shoulder blade, due to the tank top she wore.
The girl doesn't respond as she rinses her mouth then starts on her skin care.
Pablo waits till she's does washing her face and applying her lotion before continuing.
"amor don't ignore me" he whispers, starts to slowly kiss up her shoulder blade to her jaw.
Melissa let's put a shaky sigh which instantly caught Pablo attention. "Melissa, qué pasa?" He asks, concern on her face.
"she thinks you don't love us because you travel a lot" she whispers.
Pablo stares at his girlfriend through the mirror, is mouth gaped open in shock of what she said. "what?" He whispers.
Melissa turns her body to his, leaning on the counter as she looks up at her boyfriend.
"On the way to pick you up, she asked me if you love us. I told her of course you do and asked why she thinks you wouldn't and she responded with 'papa go away' then I asked if she thought you didn't love us because you travel a lot and she said yes" she explains, her voice cracking in the process.
She obviously knew that Pablo loves them, but hearing her daughter think that complete opposite and her not understanding why he leaves absolutely broke her heart as a mother.
Pablo rests his hands on his girlfriends jaw. "amor, you know I love you guys so much" he whispers.

Melissa nods. "No I know that, but she doesn't and it just breaks my heart that she doesn't understand" she tells him, a few tears starting to fall down her face.
Her wraps her arms around her pulling her into a tight hug.
Pablo's heart feet heavy on the fact that his daughter felt that way.
He presses a gently kiss to his girlfriend forehead.
"I'll try and talk to her tomorrow, okay?" He whispers holding the girl close.
Melissa nods into his chest.
"maybe it's time to tell the world about you guys too?" He mentions.
Melissa doesn't respond. She knew that they couldn't hide forever but she was scared for the judgement, hate, and lack of privacy that might come with it..on the other hand, they could finally go out and do normal family things, go to his games, maybes even travel with him without having to hide.
"Let's go to bed" he whispers.

A/n: spent that day at worlds of fun yesterday 😮‍💨🤞🏼

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