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"Gracias Señor, buenas noches" Melissa smiles softly closing the house door as Pablo's dad walks off to his car. The girl makes her way back upstairs to her bed room where Pablo laid on their bed. "Do you need anything?" She asks walking over to him, setting a hand on his cheek. He shakes his head and rest his head against her hand. "Okay, I'm going to go get ready for bed and I'll be right back" she tells him before walking away to get ready. It was 3 am in Barcelona and Estela was still at her grandparents house for the night, leaving her alone with Pablo.
The girl quickly get ready for bed, changing into shorts and a sweater then heading back to bed.
She crawl in next to Pablo, letting the boy rest his head against her chest. He had a visit tomorrow morning at 8 am to get a MRI done to see what exactly had happened and what the next steps were to recovery. It broke Melissa's heart seeing the boy so upset. She knew that football was one of the most important things in his life and hearing the he might be out month wasn't a very good moment. She could tell that he was upset with himself and she tried her hardest on the plane ride and the ride home to make him feel a little better.


Melissa opens the door for the boy as she tries her best to help him out of the car. Pablo winces slightly making her stop her movements. "Lo siento" she says panicked. He shakes his head as he gets settled in the crutches he was given yesterday. They slowly make their way into the building and went straight to the examination room. The boy carefully places his leg up on the chair to let it rest. He reaches his hand out and pulls Melissa closer to him then rests a hand on her stomach. The girls heart flutters with excitement as she feels the baby move, like they have been recently. Pablo looks up at her excitedly. A true smile appearing on his face. The small moment was ended when the doctor comes into the room to talk to Pablo about the injury and what happened before they took him to get his x-ray.
The boy gripped his girlfriend's hand until he was out the door. "Would you like to come?" Asked the doctor.
Melissa shakes her head. "I can't" she said giving him a soft smile.
He smiles back understand what that meant. "Congratulations" he says before leaving.
The blue eyes girl sits down in Pablo original spot, waiting for him to return. Her body filled with anxiety as she waited. After a couple of moments the boy was brought back into the room. Quickly Melissa stands up to give him his spot back but he stops her. "Siéntate, Amor" he tells the girl. Hesitantly she sits down.
The doctor leans against the wall as he holds up the X-ray in front of a light board so it can be seen better.
Melissa sees Pablo tense as the doctor talks and what both of them hoped didn't happen, happened.
A few moments went by and the doctor left the couple alone.
Pablo was angry. He felt the need to punch something but there was nothing he could punch in here.
Without saying anything the boy gets up the best he could, leaning against the wall for support. Melissa quickly gets on her feet and grabs the boys crutches for him. He doesn't say anything as he takes them and starts to make his way out of the room, the girl following behind him.


"Papi!!" Melissa had just picked her up and dow was quickly running off after Estela as she bolts through the house doors seeing her dad.
Pablo holds his arms out catching her before she is able to jump onto the couch where his legs rested.
"Hola, mi Vida" he says happily, holding Estela to him.
The little girl giggles as she cuddles into her dad. She turns to her dads leg that was wrapped up in a bandage. "Ouch?" She questions. Pablo nods sadly at her. Melissa squats in front of the couch and looks at her daughter. "Papi is going to be hurt for a bit, amor. we have to be careful not to hurt his leg" she tells her.
Estela pouts then nods, holding her dad close. "You get better soon, papi" she tells him.
Pablo smiles weakly at his daughters words and kisses her head. The young mom gets up and starts to make her way to the kitchen to get started on a quick breakfast. She plays a bit of music as she does. "Pablo do you want something for pain?" Melissa calls out for the kitchen.
"Si, porfa" he calls back out.
Melissa grabs a few crackers and a glass of water along with 2 pills and takes his to the brunette haired boy.
He puckers up his lips at her and she leans down to give him a small kiss, earning a ew from their daughter. The girl chuckles before she goes back to continue making their food.

A/n: this one is not the best

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