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The next day, Pablo had woken up nice and early. Wanting to enjoy the fact that he didn't have training.
He stretches before glancing down at his sleeping girlfriend and daughter on the bed.
He stands up and quietly makes his way over to the restroom to shower and get ready to do nothing.
Leaving nothing but his shorts on his body, we walks out of the restroom and of his room. Making his way down the stairs and heading to his living room.
He sits on his couch watching a TV show for around half an hour before he hears small feet paddling down the stairs.
At the sound, he shoots up from his spot on the couch and runs over to the stairs seeing his daughter slowly making her way down, as she grips onto the railing the best she could.
He runs up to her, picking her ups and resting her on his hip.
"Estela Páez-Perez you can not go down the stairs on your own" he tells her sternly.
"why?" She asks.
"Because it's dangerous..you call me or Mami next time, okay?" He scolds as he head down the stairs with his two year old.
The little girl pouts at her dads words and he walks over and sets her on the couch.
"I need to talk to you about what you told Mami" Pablo says, changing the conversation as he kneels down on the floor infront of her so they could be the same height. "What I tell mami?" The little girl asks confused. Pablo let's out a small laugh. Classic. The daughter doesn't even know what she said yet the mother is mortified by the event.
"You told mama you think I don't love you cause I leave?" He repeats to her.
She thinks for a little bit trying to remind the memory before her face lit up in a small smile.
"Si..but papa here now so you love us" she grins happily.
The young dad smiles sadly at his little girl. "You're right I do love you guys right now..but mi estrella I also love you guys when I'm not here" he tells her.
The little girl scrunches her face at her dad. "Then why leave?" She asks, frowning.
Pablo sighs. "Papi has to go to work but I promise bebe that every moment that I am gone that I miss and love you and Mami. don't ever think that papi doesn't love you guys, okay? I love you more then anything in the world." He tells her.
The little girl stares at her dad, her tiny lip starting to quiver.
"I make mama, papa sad?" She whispers.
She might be two but even a 2 years old can tell when her father is being serious about something.
"No bebe, you didn't make mama and papa sad..we just want you to know that even when I'm not here I still love you so so much" he explains; wrapping the little girl in his arms.
"I love you too papa"
"So so much" she repeats his words.
Pablo smiles softly at her words, pulling back to look at her face. "I'm sorry for leaving so much" he apologizes.
The little shrugs at her dad. "It's okay..you love us so so much" she giggles.
"ugh you're so cute" Pablo's laughs, pulling her into another tight hug.


"Goodmorning Mami!" Estela exclaims as she sees her mom emerges from upstairs.
"papi making breakfast" she whispers as she runs up to Melissa.
Melissa picks her up, pressing a kiss to here cheek.
"that's scary" she jokes with her daughter, which made her giggle before she starts to wiggle. Signaling that she wants to be put down.
The two walk into the kitchen to see Pablo cooking eggs.
"Buenos diassss" he hums at the presence of his daughter and girlfriend.
"Buenos días" Mel chuckles as she watches him cook.

Pablo twist his head towards his the two girls and wife smile on his face showing before her turns back around and places the cooked eggs on a plated
"me and stel already ate..this is for you amor" he walks over to her, placing the plate down on the table before kissing her on the lips.
The two teen parents laughs at their daughters reaction before Pablo quickly swoops her up. Telling her that they should go play while Mami eats.
Melissa sits down at the table and watched as Pablo walks away, holding up their daughter in the air as they pretend that she's a airplane.

The girl eats quickly as she scrolls through her phone while blocking out the screams and giggles coming from the living room.
She goes to her feed and a picture instantly catching her eyes.
She clicks on her and feels slightly relieved.
It was a picture of her and Pablo in the car.
She keeps scrolling, trying to find different angles and videos before noticing that nobody seemed to catch the little girl that was in the back seat.
Melissa scrolls through some comments, multiple people asking who she was or why she was picking up Pablo.
Some even noticed that the hoodie she wore was his.
"Pablo" she calls out from the kitchen.
She hears him say something to estela before he makes his way to Melissa.
"Mmm?" He hums.
Melissa holds up her phone to him so he could see.
He grabs the phone from her hand a scrolls through was she was showing him. "did they get stel?" He ask, still scrolling.
Mel shrugs. "Non that I've seen have her in"
Pablo nods, his eye brows frowned at her hands the phone back.
He stood there for a few seconds, thinking while he gently rubbed his girlfriend shoulder.
"Do you think it's time?" Melissa repeats the same question he had asked her the night prior.
Pablo looks down at her.
"Maybe...we'll see what happens but I think it'll be good for us and Estela. We could finally stop hiding" he tells her, before walking away back to the living room where he had left the 2 years old watching tv.

A/n: 🫡

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