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Needless to say the two teens had the time of their life. Enjoying their free time with zero responsibilities.
Melissa giggles as Pablo dances out their living room, clearly very very drunk.
"I love you so much mi amor" he slurs as he sways his way over to his girlfriend.
Laughing, Melissa takes a sip of her drink, herself being tipsy but not drunk like her boyfriend.
"I love you more" she tells him , from her spot of the couch.
He dances his way over to her, leaning down to press his lips to hers.
"Let's make a baby" he slurs against her lips.
Melissa froze for second before pulling away. "We're 18" she reminds him. He groans and falls onto the couch. "But Amor" he whines.
"No" she giggles at Pablo's childish actions.
She had nothing against having another child but she just felt like it wasn't the best time.
Melissa sits up and crawls onto of Pablo who laid staring at the ceiling.
"Estes bien?" She asks.
He shakes his head. "I think I might throw up" he croaks before Melissa quickly gets off of him and he shoot up off the couch and makes a run for the bathroom.
Melissa sits on the couch feeling bad for the boy but couldn't help but let out a small giggle at how sudden his mood had changed.
She stands up and starts making her way to the puking boy in the bathroom, grabbing a napkin on her way.
She knees down next to him as he leans over the toilet, his hands gripping the bowel so tightly his knuckles were white.
Once he was sure he wasn't going to throw up anymore he turn to look his girlfriend a small forced grin on his face.
She shakes her head at him, reaching up and wiping his lips before flushing the toilet.
"This is what happens when you drink too much" she whispers, moving hair out of his face.
Pablo sighs, pushing himself up from the toilet as Melissa grips his arm.
She turns the light off in the restroom before leading Pablo up the stairs to their bedroom, walking him to the bathroom before telling him to brush his teeth.

She walks out, going over to his drawers and pulling out a pair of athletic shorts for him then starts to get the bed ready to sleep.
He walks back out and sits on the bed, rubbing his face.
Melissa hands him his shorts as she removes his hands from his face.
"Here...I'll be right back" she tells him, walking into the restroom to get ready herself.
She finishes up and leaves the restroom before heading down the stairs to make sure the door is locked then heading back upstairs to see Pablo laying on his front as he clings onto his pillow instead of actually laying on it.
She smiles softly, turning off the light then getting into bed with him.
At the feeling of the girl getting into bed, Pablo moves the pillow away and pulls the girl closer to him, moving his head to her chest and his arm around her waist.
Melissa relaxes, lifting her hand up to the boys hair as she gently starts to play with it.
Her hand's running through his soft waves as she waits for him to fall asleep.
"You're the best" he mumbles against her.
The blue eyed girl smiles at his words. "I guess that mean you can't ever replace me" she jokes.
Pablo let's our a dry laugh before holding her tighter. "Never would I ever even consider it".


"Rise and shine it's New Year's Eve" Melissa smiles as she makes her way into her room the next morning.
Pablo groans at the voice. Feeling his head start to pound.
"Amor" he croaks, shoving his face deeper into her pillow.
The young mom makes her way over to the bed, gently crawl over him so she was straddling him from behind.
She places her warm hands on his naked back and gently starts to rub her hands up and down.
She leans down, placing her lips on his shoulder blade, giving his small kiss.
Melissa felt Pablo's muscles flex beneath her causing his back muscles to look more prominent.
"I told you not to drink so much" she whispers, laying her body fully on him.
Pablo relaxes.
"And when did you say that?" He whispers, shifting his head slightly up to get a glance at the girl who laid on his back.
Melissa hums.
"I don't exactly remember but knowing me, I probably said it."
Pablo let's put a quiet chuckle before rolling around, holding his girlfriend in place show she would fall off of him before letting her relax back into him.
"Let's get up" she mumbles into his chest.
He groans but gently moves the girl off of him before slowly sitting up, pain shooting through his head.
He mumbles something that Melissa wasn't quick enough to catch as he gets up off the bed and walks to the restroom.
Already being freshened up, Melissa snuggles into her and Pablo's blanket as she hears the shower her turned on.

A/n: I've been feeling lazy 💀

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