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It was currently 10 at night and Pablo was still yet to come home or even answer any of his calls or messages from Melissa.
"Mami, where's Papi?" Estela whines rolling around the floor.
Estela had been asking for Pablo all day and all Melissa could tell her is that, 'papi went out'.
"I no go sleep if papá not here" she reminds her mom.
Melissa sigh's getting up from the couch. Asking Estela to stay watching tv while she gets a drink for them.

Walking to the kitchen, Melissa pulls out two cups. Pouring apple juice for herself and orange juice for estela before grabbing her phone and clicking once again on Pablo's contact name.

No answer.
She decides to leave a voicemail.
"Pablo, por favor answer. Just let me know that you're okay, amor. Please Estela really misses you right now. I miss you." She pauses for second.
"come home soon" she whispers before handing up.

Sadly she walks back to the living room with the two cups in her hand. She probably shouldn't be giving Estela orange juice so late at night but it's only once.
Putting on her best happy face, she sits next to her daughter, and starts to play with her to get their minds off of the brunette boy.


Pablo stares at his phone as the voicemail ends.
After he left he walked to the nearest shop and asking Alejandro to come pick him up and he had stayed at his house all day since they didn't have practice.

Sighs Pablo walks back into Ales living room. "Todo bien?" Ale asks the boy as he plays another round of FIFA.
"yeah..I should probably head home" Pablo tells him quietly.
Alejandro looks back at him for a quick second before Turing back to the TV and turning it off, not caring about the game he didn't finish.
"Let me guess...Mami wants you home?" Ale teases.
Pablo looks down at the floor, not denying or confirming anything.
"I want to see my daughter" Pablo whispers.

Ale mouth falls open, dramatically. "Omg she used your daughter against you to go back. Man the Fuck up Pablo. Stand your ground and stay the night" the older boy tells Pablo.
"and if she doesn't learn..break up with her" he shrugs as if it was nothing.

Pablo frowns. "I don't want to break up with her...she makes me happy and what about Estela?"
"Take custody..you're rich, you'll win" ale laughs.

"and if she makes you so happy why are you here? It's cause you know I'm right..she treats you like a child and doesn't respect that man you can be" ale continues.
"I'm 18.." Pablo tries to argue.
"That's doesn't matter..she can't treat you like a child. It's embarrassing for you" ale chuckles dryly.

Pablo looks down, nodding his head. Trying his best to ignore the knot that was growing in his throat at his friends words. Excusing himself he walks upstairs to the guest bedroom Ale always lets him uses before sitting down on the bed and pulling out his phone.

Message to
chaparra 😚

im at ale's
we'll talk tomorrow
tell stela that I love her.
te amo

okay, thanks for letting me know
Stay safe.
Te amamos

Shutting his phone off, Pablo sits on the edge of the bed, staring at his feet. He felt bad, he felt confused.
Without saying anything to Alejandro, Pablo got ready for bed.
Hours went by and Pablo tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep.

Muttering to himself he gets uo off the bed grabbing his phone and shoes before walking out.
It was 3 am.
He quietly makes his way out of the Balde house before he starts to walk home. In the cold.
His houses wasn't too far away, maybe a 20 minute walk but he knew that the weather was going to make this trip 100x worse.
Shoving his hands in his pockets, he makes his way through the dark streets of Barcelona.
Only a few street lights, lighting up his path.
"Joder" he mutters as he pulls his hands out if his pockets and wraps them around himself.
Should've brought a thick coat, he thought.
After finally reaching his destination, Pablo hurries to open the front gate then enter the house as quickly but quietly as possible.

Slowly closing the door back turns around pulling off his shoes and hoodie before locking the door and slowly making his way up the stairs.
Cringing at any small noise that he causes.
Why is everything so much louder at night.

Sigh thinking he finally made it to the guest room without waking anyone.
The hallway light flips on which causes him to spin around.
Melissa stands outside their bedroom door, she wore a short pair of shorts and tank top while he arms crossed around her chest.
"Joder, Melissa" Pablo whisper shouts.
"I'm going to need to give you a lesson on what to do if someone tries breaking in because at this rate you'll be gone" he mutters, causing her to roll her eyes.
"I heard noise and checked the front camera" she whispers walking closer to him.
"your frown is noticeable from a mile away"

"Que heces aquí?" She asks once she finally reaches him.
The brunette boy smiled weakly at her. "I live here."
Mel couldn't help but quietly chuckle at the boy.
His cheeks and nose were tinted red from the cold and his smile just made him took super innocent.
"Did you walk?" She question wrapping her arms around his neck, swiftly as she pulls herself against him.
He nods, placing his hands on her hips then resting his head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry for leaving like that, Amor. It was wrong me and I should've just stayed and worked things out" he whispers.
Melissa holds him closer, running her hands through his hair.
"Te amo" he finishes.

"I'm sorry for pushing you to tell me.." Melissa tells him.
He shakes his head and only tries pulling her closer.
"You did nothing wrong, mi Vida"

"Te amo" she tells him, placing a soft kiss to his forehead. "We'll talk about it more tomorrow"
"Let's go to sleep"

A/n: 🎃

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