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Melissa sits on the kitchen table, making a list of what she would be making for breakfast, Lunch and dinner for the next week.
It was currently 12pm, meaning Pablo should be home at any minute.
"Mami, can we go to park ?" Her two year old asks from her spot on the table across from her mom.
"Sure baby, let's wait for papa to come though. Okay?"

Estela nods then continues to color her picture.
What happened yesterday was still on Melissa's mind.
She knew she should ask Pablo about it but at the same time felt like it might bother him since the most recent events.

"I'm home"
Estela jumps up at her fathers voice.
She slides off her chair and rushes to the front of the house.
Melissa slowly follows the young girl. Making it in time to see her rush into her dads arms that he held open for her.
Pablo lifts Estela up, pressing small kisses to her cheek as he does.
"how are you princesa?" He asks that young girl.
The young girl ignores her dad. "Can we go to park?" She says happily.
Pablo looks up at Melissa who watched the interaction.
"Sure, just let me get ready okay?" He smiles back down at the girl in his arms.
Estela cheers at her dads words then turns to her mom.
"We go to park Mami!"
Melissa smiles at her, reaching out to take her from Pablo's arms, before leaning in and pressing a small his room him lips.
"Better go get ready then" Melissa tells the 2 year old.
"It's a little cold out" the boy warns as he walks passed them.


Pablo holds onto Estelas hand as they walk up to the play ground.
Melissa training shortly behind them.

"Papi let's go to the slide!" The little girl rushes away from her parents, looking back occasionally to see if her dad was following her.

Pablo glanced back at Melissa and she simply waved him off as she goes over to a bench.
Pablo jogs after his daughter, who made her way slowly up the play ground.
Claiming quickly after her, she starts to rush around laughing as she ran from her dad.
The young dad quilling catches her and throws the small girl over to shoulder as she bursts into giggles , telling him to let her go.
Melissa watched as the pair messed around from afar.
She smiles widely as she see Estela wave at her from the top of the playground once Pablo let her down.
She points at the big slide before sitting down and saying something to Pablo.
"She wants you to watch" he shouts at the young mom.
Melissa lifts her thumb up at him.
She watches Estela slide down the slide a a fast rate .
Her mom instincts kick in as she rushes over to the slide.
In time to see the young girl fly right off the end of it.
Estela let's out small ow before giggling and standing up.
"You see!" She says happily to the concerned mom.
Choosing not to make a big deal out of her daughter falling, she nods.
"You did great bebe, just be careful" she tells her daughter.
Estela nods before running off up the playground again.
Melissa then watches a Pablo slides down the slide , looking around for the young girl but is only met with his girlfriend.
"Where'd she go?" He asks standing up.
Melissa point back up to the playground.
Pablo huffs.
"Did you see she went fly?" Melissa questions.
Pablo nods. "I'll get on with her"

His girlfriend nods, pressing a small kiss to his cheek.
"Papi? Where you go!" A little voice rings from above them.
"Slide down amor! I'll catch you" pablo tells her.
Estela let's out a small scream as she slide down the slide and into her dads hands.
"Woah" Pablo says and he picks her up.
Estela claps her hands.
Pablo lets her down before she runs off back up the playground.

"Pedri invited us to dinner later" Pablo says to his girlfriend who still stood next to him.
Melissa hums. "Si, he texted me asking if I'd like to go and I told him I'd check with you"

Pablo nods.
"Ready papi?"

"Always amor"

A/n: short ass chapter. Sorry guys.

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