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"FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!" The family's cheers as the clock hits 12.
Pablo blow his party whistle while he hops around the living room with Estela in his arms.
Melissa giggles at her family before standing up and opening up her arms.
Pablo walks over to her, placing his hand on her lower back as he pulls her to him, pressing a passionate kiss to her lips.
With a wide smile he pulls away and turns to her daughter giving her a kiss on the cheek before the young mom takes her from Pablo's grasp.
She holds het daughter close, pampering her with more kisses.
The little girl squirms in her mothers grasp, giggling as she tries to go back to her dad.
Pablo smiles widely at the little girl taking her back in his arms, holding the back of her head as she lays on his shoulder.
"Oh she loves me more" Pablo jokes, talking in a baby voice as he sways back and forth with her in his arms.
Melissa rolls her eyes causing Pablo to wink at her. "Don't be jealous mi amor" he tells her.

The blue eyed girl laughs, shaking her head before Plopping down back on the couch.
Pablo sits down right next to her with his daughter still in his arms, her reaches on arm out and throws in over his girlfriend pulling her closer to him.
Melissa smiles softly bringing her legs up onto the couch and scoots closer to Pablo, laying her head on his shoulder and resting her hand on his stomach.
She looks up and see Estela trying to fight off her sleep as she rests her head on Pablo's other shoulder.
The young mom smiles softly, lifting her hand back up and gently rubs her back. "Go to sleep mi bebe" she tells the little girl.
Estela doesn't respond but lays her head back down on her dad's shoulder before drifting off to sleep.
The brown eyed boy looks down at his girlfriend, tilting down to press a kiss against her forehead, his hand running up and down her side that was covered in his black hoodie.
"Gracias por otro año increíble" he tells her as she cuddles closer to him.
Melissa tilts her head up and presses a soft kiss to the boys jawline.
"Gracias, mi vida" she whispers pulling back and laying back on his shoulder.
Melissa closes her eyes, relaxing at the sound of Pablo's heart beat.
she doesn't know when exactly she dozed of but she fell asleep in the arms of her boyfriend on the couch.
Pablo on the other hand, stayed up for a little longer, watching a tv show as he held both of his girls in his arms. A small smile plastered onto his face as he's relaxed into the couch.
He looks down at Estela, removing his hand gently away from his girlfriends side and up to his daughters face, and gently pushes back a few strands of her wavy hair from her eyes before taking his arm back around Melissa.
This right here, he would never trade.
Having both the girls he loves and would do anything for in his arms as they slept peacefully.

Sighing, he shifts slightly and rest his head gently onto of his girlfriends as he continues to watch the show.

next day




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