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Melissa sat in the hotel lobby with her dad and Pablo's family as they wait for the team to arrive.
Estela was sitting on her grandmother laps as she lets her play with her hair.
Melissa and her dad talked a bit about that game and she showed him some pictures she got.
After a while they see a familiar brunette boy walk up to them wearing a spain national team track pants and shirt.
His family quickly congratulate him and hug him before they all sat down and talked for a little bit about what we should do tomorrow before pablo has training.
"Breakfast then Camel riding seems so fun" melissa agrees with aurora.
They all agree at what to do before they all get up to go their separate ways.
"Abue" is stela says holding out her arms not wanting to leave her grandma.
"say goodnight bebe, we have to go to sleep" Melissa tells her as she tries to grab her from her grandmas grip.
"No" Estela said holding Pablo's mom tighter.
"She can sleep with us, we'll have a little sleep over and I'll drop het off at your room before we leave so she can change" Aurora tells the two parents.
Melissa looks back at Pablo to see if he had any protest to the idea before turning back to his family.
"Are you sure?" She ask.
Pablo's mom nods. "We'll have so much fun" she says; referring her words to her granddaughter.
Melissa nods walking up to Estela telling her to be good and that she loves her.
Pablo quickly does the same before they all went their separate ways.
"My feet hurt" Pablito mumbles, intertwining his hand with his girlfriend as they walk  down the hall their room.
Pablo opens the door to the room, leading the girl in before turning to look at her.
He lifts her chin up with his fingers, bringing her into a soft kiss which she gladly returned.
"I'm mid you say?" He whispers, raising an eyebrow.
Melissa rolls her eyes and walks away.
"Yeah" she jokes taking off her shoes.
Pablo grins at her before walking up and hugging her from behind.
"I've missed you" he says in a hush tone.
Melissa felt her cheeks heat up as she lets her body melt into his.
He leans his head down softly kisses her neck and jaw.
She turns around and wraps her arms around his neck causing his to pull away from her neck and look down at her.
"just teenagers?" She tells him.
Pablo smirks and shrugs. "teenagers living the best life" he whispers before placing his lips on hers.
Letting his hands wonder from her waist to her butt as he gently squeeze.
He leads the girl to the bed, pushing her down before crawling ontop of her and reattaching their lips.
Melissa moves her hands up his shirt, feeling his toned body on her hands as she moved them up and down.
"I missed you" she breathes out, once Pablo starts to move down her jaw.
He slightly hums before pulling the girl to sit up with one hand before he starts to pull off his Jersey from her body then removing his own shirt before they attach their lips again.


Melissa lays her head on Pablo's naked chest, her fingers outlining his abs as they lay in bed watching SpongeBob.
"it was a while since we last done that" Pablo speaks up, rubbing his hand up and down his girlfriends arm.
Melissa nods, cuddling closer into him. "It's hard when you have a two year old" she chuckles.
Pablo smiles, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"When was the last time? Like before I left to France for the Ballon d'or" he points out.
"Never again" he groans, pulling the up and laying onto of the girl who only wore his shirt and underwear.
She laughs but doesn't fight against the boy as she makes himself comfortable ontop of his girlfriend.
"Te amo mucho mi amor" she says, placing a kiss to his shoulder.
"Yo te amo mas" he responds


The next morning Melissa and Pablo danced around their room. They had gotten up and ready for the day and now waited for Aurora to bring up Stela which wasn't for another 30 minutes.
Que las noches sin ti duelen
Tengo en la mente las pose'
Y todos los gemido'
Que ya no quiero nada
Que no sea contigo" Pablo sings as he grips onto Melissa's hands.
Melissa laughs as Pablo spins her around still singing.
Pablo then wraps the girl in his arms, throwing her over his shoulder before he continues to hop around.
"Pablo the people under us are going to get mad" Melissa laughs, holding onto him.
The boy swiftly throws his girlfriend onto the bed, crawling ontop of her as he still mumbles the lyrics to himself.
The blue eyes girl laughs as he rest his head on her chest. She moves her hands up to play with his hair as he slowly stops singing.
"You're an amazing singer" she jokes, combing her fingers through his hair.
Pablo smiles. "Grammy worthy?" He asks, cuddling closer to her.
"Definitely" she responds.
The boys relaxes into her, before grabbing her hand and bring it up to his face and place's gently kisses on it.
After a while Pablo is forced to get up due to knocking on their hotel room door.
"Papi!" The small voice says when Pablo opens the door.
Pablo swoops the girl up, giving her a big hug and kiss. "I missed you mi Estrella!" He tells her.
"Thank you Rory..we'll see you in a bit" Pablo tells him sister. Wishing her by before closing the door and walking over to Melissa.
"Hi bebe" she says happily at the sight of her daughter.
"Hi Mami!" Estela says, wiggling out of her dads arms. Pablo drops her on the bed and she's quick to crawl over to her mom.
"Did you have fun?" Melissa asks, taking her daughter into her arms.
Estela nods while cuddling into her moms arms.
"Well let's get you ready so we can go eat" Melissa saying standing up with the 2 years old.
She walks pass Pablo giving him a quick kiss on his lips before heading to the bathroom to quickly shower the little girl.

A/n: cute little family honestly

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