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"It's papa!" Estela cheers as Pablo and Pedri pop up on the TV.
The two girls sat on their living room floor with a bunch of snacks as they watch a bunch of football players walk down the red carpet. Just waiting for the ceremony to start because the anticipation was killing her to know who won. "I see him baby" Melissa laughs as Estela keeps tugging at her shirt.
The two sat there for a little while more until it was finally time to announce who. Y had won that Kopa Trophy.

Melissa feels her heart beating fast. She holds up her hands to her chest as she waits for them to say the name of the lucky boy. "por favor" she whispers.
Estela on the other hand sat clueless as she stared at the screen who kept switch to her father then other people.
"and the winner is...Gavi"
Melissa let's our a loud "oh my god" at the sound of her boyfriends name getting called out.
Her heart fills with happiness when she sees him starts to make his way up to the microphone.
"Mami what is papa doing" Estela ask, as she eats her candy.
Melissa smiles widely. "Papa gets to bring that thing home baby" she explains, trying her best to listen to Pablo's speech.
"Why?" The little girl asks again.
"Because he kicks around a ball" she laughs. Estela looked at her mother confused but turns back to look at her dad on the screen.
Melissa pulls out her phone, quickly taking a picture of Estela sitting in front of the tv watching her dad.
They watch Pablo and Pedri stay up there for a few more minutes before they finally went back to their seats.
Melissa pulls out her phone again. Clicking on Pablo's contact name.

messages with
Mi Amor ❤️

Felicidades on your win
You deserve it
Me and Estela are so proud of you
call us when you can!
We love you sm 💕
estela te manda besitos

Felicidades on your win amor!You deserve itMe and Estela are so proud of youcall us when you can!We love you sm 💕estela te manda besitos

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mi amor hearted image

mando besos de vuelta
Las amo mi amores!
Thank you ❤️

Melissa smiles at the message, quickly hearting it before setting her phone back down and continues to watch the award ceremony on the screen.


Pablo sighs as he walks into his hotel room. He pulls off his shoes and suit. Only leaving himself in his button down and pants.
He pulls out his phone looking at them time. 12 am.
He goes to his FaceTime app clicking on his girlfriend name.

chaparra 😚

"Hola amor" Melissa says as soon as the call connects.
Pablo smiles at her. "Hola, how did your day go?" He asks, sitting down on the edge of his bed.
"Good..how was YOUR day" she asked, stretching out the your.
Pablo puts a thinking face. "Pretty good you know..I won a award for kicking around a ball" he chuckles.
Melissa's face drops. "Really?" She says sarcastically.
He nods. "Yeah craziest thing ever, no?"
Melissa laughs quietly before speaking. "Actually though Pablo, I'm so proud of you" she beams at him through the phone.
"Thank you amor-wait let me show it to you" he says happily placing his phone on the bed and standing up to grab the trophy.
"Where's Estela? I want her to see it" he says walking back over with it in his hands.
"She fell asleep as soon as the ceremony ended..she was so happy every time you came up on the screen" the girl explains as Pablo picks his phone back up.
He holds the trophy up as he smiles at the camera.
The girl takes FaceTime photo. "You're so cute" Pablo laughs at his girlfriend then places the trophy back down on the nightstand.
"By the way..what happened up there? You and Pedri looked really confused for a second" she brings up.
Pablo laughs in embarrassment as he lays back on the bed holding the phone above him.
"Our headset disconnected so we couldn't hear our translators for a second"
"I'm so embarrassed! I just stood there" he cries out, covering his face with one hand.
The girl burst out laughing, remembering how confused he looked while he was up there.
"Don't make fun of me..you would've been a panicking mess, at least I smiled" he jokes as he tries to defend himself.
"I'm putting stel in English classes when she gets a little older..I'm not tryna have her end up like you up there one day" she jokes.
"Stop" he cries out as he laughs.
"It's so bad" he whines, flipping over to his stomach. Resting the phone against the pillow, resting his head on his propped up hands.
"It's okay amor..your fangirls will love it" she winks at him.
"I don't like you" he mumbles.
Melissa chuckles "yeah, you love me"
Pablo rolls his eyes but couldn't fight back the smile.
"Sure" he jokes.
The couple talk for a little bit longer about everything that is coming up in the next couple of months before they decide  it was time to hang up.
"okay, I love you mi amor, give Estela a big hug and kiss for me and tell her that I'll be home tomorrow..oh! And that I have something for her" he tells her, as he exits the bathroom after he got ready for bed.
Sitting down on the bed, the only thing lighting the room up was the lamp on the nightstand.
"vale, I love you too..do you want us to pick you up from the airport? Or will Pedri drop you off?" She ask.
"you can pick me up..my flights gets home at like 9pm so I think you should be fine to get me" the blue eyed girl nods at her boyfriend words, as she turns off her bed room lights and sits on her bed.
"Okay, goodnight" she smiles.
"Goodnight Mel" he says blowing her a kiss as they say goodbye then hang up the phone then going to Instagram real quick and sees that Melissa posted on her story a while ago.

melissa.perez posted on her story

A/n: I love Melissa and Pablo

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A/n: I love Melissa and Pablo

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