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Melissa stands there. Something felt off but she doesn't know what. The whole thing felt like something was missing but she doesn't know what.
She thinks to herself. Well if Pablo doesn't want to tell her she'll have to find out on her own.

She finishes up in the restroom then hears back to her bedroom, being met with an empty bed.
Sighing she lays down on her side, planning staying awake until Pablo returns but he didn't.
She doesn't know when she stayed asleep but she woke up to an empty bed at 8 am.

Pressing her lips together, she gets up and gets ready for the day before hearing to Estelas room, who's till laid quietly sleeping.
Melissa makes her way downstairs and just as she suspected she sees Pablo fast asleep on their couch shirtless and zero blanket covering him.
Melissa looks over at the TV click and decides that it was time to wake up or he would be late to training.
She walks over to him and shakes him. "Pablo"she says shaking him.
Pablo opens his eyes and looks at her before closing them again, wrapping his arms around himself and snuggling back into the couch.
"You're going to be late, it's 8" she shakes him again.
"Deja me en paz" he mumbles.

Melissa rolls her eyes and moves to the floor to sit in front of him.
"Pablo, get up and get ready. Please don't be mad at me" Pablo groans and gets up, he runs his fingers through his hair before leaving the couch and heading up the stairs, yet again leaving Melissa there.

Pablo walks into his bathroom quickly getting ready before making his way to his daughters room all dressed and ready for practice. He walks over to her bed where she laid peacefully sleeping.
He smiles softly then leans down to press his lips to her head. "Te amo" he whispers to the sleeping girl.

He stands up straight and makes his way out of her room, coming face to face with Melissa.
He was mad and upset that she had made that decision even though she knew he didn't like her.
"Stop ignoring me" she whispers, looking up at him.
Pablo sighs and closes his eyes before looking back down at her.
"Just promise me you'll find someone else to be your brides made?" He says quietly.
Melissa looks down and nods. "I'll find someone else, I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was planning that. But can you please tell me that truth on why you don't like her?" The girl asks, walking closer to him so she could wrapped her arms around his torso.
Pablo holds her close and rest his cheek on her head.
"Ya te dije" he tells her again.

She looks up at him again. "But you're not telling me the full truth, Pablo, I can tell that you aren't. It's scaring me that you aren't and makes me feel as if something bigger happened" she tells him honestly.
He nods leaning in to kiss her head.
"I'll tell you everything later, okay? But I'm going to be late" Melissa nods and kisses his cheek. So something bad happened?

"Te amo, okay? A ti, a Estela, y al bebe. Son mi vida amor" he places his hand on her stomach.
"Nosotros te amamos también"

He smiles and presses his lips to hers.
"Well I have to leave now...I'll see you later, amor" she nods pulling away from his grasp.


Melissa watches as Estela runs around his her toy car.
"Vroom!" She says running his around.
"Estela, ven" the young mom says.
Estela looks at her mom then rushes over, hopping on the couch.

Melissa pulls her daughter onto her lap. "Do you wang to be a big sister?" She asks the little girl.
Estela things for a second, not being 100% sure what her mom was asking so she looks at her confused.
"You want mami to have a baby?" Melissa repeats the question a different way.
Estela thinks again then nods. "I want baby" she giggles happily.
Melissa smiles at her and kisses her cheek. "Thats good, amor"

The two fall into silence for a few moments before Estela breaks it.
"Mami, is papi the best papi?" The mom looks over at her daughter.
"Do you think papi is the best papi?" She asks her the question. Estela is quick to nod her head.
"I think papi is the best" she tells her mom.
"Why's that?" Melissa asks.

Estela think for a second. "He strong" she giggles.
"He scare monsters, and protect me and play princesses with me. He the best papi in the world"

Melissa smiles at her daughter's cuteness. " I think papi is the best papi too" she tells her honestly.
"You know, I think you looks just like papi...maybe that's why you're so pretty" Melissa taps het little cheek making the little girl giggle again.
"Papi is my favorite" Estela says.
"Pepi says he my twin"

Melissa chuckles. "Pepi isn't wrong"
"Papa tell me that you so pretty and that you're the best mami" Estela says.
"I think you the best mami too"

Melissa pulls her daughter into a hug. "Thank you, amor.
Estela smiles widely.
The two girls spend the rest of the morning watching movies and playing with toys until it was time for Melissa to head out for a small photoshoot she had. Taking Estela with her until Pablo could come pick her up from the place they would be at.

A/n: happy holidays!!!!!

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