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Melissa walks onto set, fretting all the familiar faces and she walks.
Greeting her agent with a small hug and kiss to the cheek, they both make their way over to the makeup and wardrobe section.
After getting her hair and makeup ready and putting on the outfit.
Melissa stood in front of the camera waiting to start.
Her phone in her hands as she takes a few selfies to send to Pablo.

"Ready?" The photographer asks taking his place.
Melissa nods, smiling at the lady who came over to take her phone for the pictures.

Melissa never picture herself becoming a model.
She always grew up thinking she wanted to be a nurse but then she had Estela and Pablo started making a lot of money and had suggested that she just becomes a stay at home mom.
Which honestly she didn't mind because she felt out of her mind that first year, trying to work and take care of a baby.

Melissa turns to her side and slightly tilts her head to the camera like she instructed to.
Her hands both in her hair.
She worse a satin dress and they we're currently taking pictures for a clothing line which just came out with a bunch of summer clothes.
"Great" her agents beams.

Melissa couldn't help but let a small blush raises on her cheeks.
The photographer liked the look and took even more pictures.
After a few more poses and a few more pictures.
She left to change into another outfit and get her hair and makeup redone.

It was a blue bikini but it was covered up by their black crochet style swimsuit cover up.
Which fell just a at her thigh.

She repeats the same things for 4 more outfits before she is able to change back into her original clothes then make her way back home after attending a small meeting.


Melissa makes her way inside her house. "I'm home" she calls out.
A few seconds later Pablo walks in with a pile of folded laundry in his arms.
He beams at him the girl, setting down the pile then walking over to her.
"How was it?" He kisses her cheek.
"It went good" she responds.

The boy smiles at her again and walks back over to the pile of clothes.
"Estela is watching TV, I'm going to go out these away, I've been productive all day" he says before heading for the stairs.

The girl chuckles before walking to the living room.
It was usually her to have to stay home all day and take care if everything.
But it's currently summer so Pablo doesn't have to work.
The young mom takes a seat next to her daughter after greeting her with a few kisses.
Estela starts to tell her mom about what they did while she was gone.
"Amor, I'm going to work out for a bit, there's clothes in the drier" Pablo says jogging down the stairs, changed into his athletic clothes before making is way to the work out room.

Melissa runs her hand through her daughter's wavy hair.
"Want mami to put your hair in braids?" Estela nods at her mom as she keep chewing her apple slice.

Melissa stands up and gathers the hair supplies before heading back over to Estela and braiding her hair.
After finishing the two girls make their way to the kitchen, not before Melissa takes the clothes out if the drier.

The younger girl insisting to help her mom make dinner as they head to the kitchen.
Melissa sits Estela on the counter next to her, occasionally letting her dumb the things into the pan.
After a couple of minutes the two year old didn't find what her mother was doing as interesting anymore so she asked to leave.
Which the mom didn't protest by.

After finishing up preparing everything and leaving it to cook, she covers up the food and placing the heat on low, she decided to go check on Pablo meanwhile.
She passes by Estela on the couch, hypnotized by the screen in front of her.

Melissa reaches the work out door at the very end of the hallway.
Opening the door,
To see a shirtless Pablo finishing up a bench press.
The boy lifts his head up, and pulls one side of his headphones off.
"Hi, amor" he beams.

Melissa smiles over at him then make her way to him.
"Just came to check up..make sure you haven't passed out" she jokes as she analyzes his body and he gets up from the benching rack.
Pablo smirks as he sees her eyes wondering his naked top.
He makes his way to the treadmill.
Meaning he was at the end of his workout.

Melissa smiles at him as he stops right next to the machine.
He chuckles as he watches the girl approach him. Smiling, he leans down to meet her lips.
Leaving a small passionate kiss on them before turning back around. "Do you need a massage later?" The blue eyed girl watches his back.

Grinning he turn to face her, and nods. "Of course I do"
"Good..dinner is ready in 20 minutes" she tells him them makes her way out of the workout room, taking one last look at him.

The girl makes her way back to the kitchen, checking in on the food before sitting in a chair.


Melissa smiles as she watches Pablo basically drown down the pasta with veggies in front of him.
Estela sits right next to him, slowly picking at it and popping little by little in her mouth with her tiny fork.
"Pablo, you're acting as if I don't feed you" she laughs at her fiancé.
He looks up and her and wipes his mouth with his napkin and he nods his head.
"This is really good" he tells her.

"It's yummy mami" Estela tells her mom.
The young mom smiles happily and takes her own bite of her food.

"Thank you, I'm glad you guys liked it" she beams at them.
Pablo takes another fork full of pasta into his mouth and he lets out a silent groan.
"So fucking good"


A/n: finals are in 3 weeks. I'm going to fail.

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