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This had been the longest shift ever. I might be exaggerating but I'm allowed to ok?!..After changing into some leggings and a blue jumper, I grabbed my bag and left the office to go home. I've just clocked out of a 48hour shift and I'm exhausted. I missed waking up to cuddled to my girlfriends. I left Grey-Sloan and started my drive to Maya's apartment building. My phone started ringing as I approached a red light. I took a quick glance at the caller ID *Hazel Eyes❤️*.

I answered the call.

C: Bambina.
A: Hi my love. What's up?
C: Can you come home? I n-need you h-hhhere per favore bella
A: hey...hey...what's wrong baby?..Talk to me

I could hear the fear in her voice. She was on the verge of a panic attack. Her breathing was erratic

C: it's Maya. -She said as she cried. "what's wrong with Maya" I said. I could feel my heart ache as I was awaiting her answer. "I'm s-s-sscared something may have happened to her. I called her phone but she isn't answering. They got called into a five alarm yesterday afternoon and even Andy isn't answering her phone. Nobody is." She said as she rambled. My heart dropped. "I'm 2 minutes away. I'll talk to you when I get home Rina ok??. I love you". "O-o-okay...Te amo. Ciao"

I stepped on the gas as I hurried my way home. I have always been scared of the uncertainties of Maya's job. Even before I started dating them I was still skeptical because I didn't want to go through the pain of losing another loved one. But I'm so glad I said yes to them. The love I had for her over weighs my fears and I always know she tries her best to come back to us. Always.

I parked my car, got my back and rushed up the stairs.


I heard the front door open and close and I rushed to see Ari. I jumped to wrap my arms around her as I nuzzled my head in the crook of her neck and sobbed. Arizona led me to the living room and laid us both on the couch. I laid my body completely on top of her and she ran her hand through my hair. That always soothes me.

I felt my self completely relax in her arms. I always felt safe in my bambini's arms. Like I could completely be at peace because they would be there to protect me. After a few minutes Zona turned her head to face the TV where I had put on the news channel hoping to get updates about Station 19 on the five alarm. We both watched as we tried to spot some of the firefighters from Maya's Station.

"You know...I was sooo looking forward to being in this position and instead of the news, WAGS would be playing in the background. I wanted to do that after my shift with you and Maya babe" Ari stated. "In my mind Maya would have dragged us both here to watch it the moment I got into the appartement" she continues. I chuckled. Gosh the way our girlfriend is obsessed with this show is insane. Ari and I never got why she was obsessed but we still watched it with her anyways. Just so we could spend some time together. "OH for matter how exhausted you are after your shift she still would've dragged us to the couch" I said to her

We spent half an hour cuddled up on the couch still watching the news until Arizona's phone rang. "Ocean eyes❤️" the caller ID read. She picked it up and put the phone on speaker.

A: Babe why weren't you answering our calls. We've been worried sick about you. Please come home now.
?: Hello. Is this Doctor Robbins?
A: Yes speaking. Where is Captain Bishop
?: I'm sorry this is Dr Jones from Seattle Grace. Captain Bishop has sustained a couple of injuries and since you and a Dr Deluca are her emergency contacts we would like for you guys to come to the hospital
A: Thank you Doctor. We will be there in 15 minute.

She cut the call. We immediately got up and headed to the hospital. Zona's hands were frantically shaking with tears streaming down her face. I was no better than her but seeing her like this and knowing Maya was in the hospital didn't help my fears. I intertwined my hand with hers to ground her. It helped ground me too and prevented me from a really bad panic attack. Having her here and knowing she understood what I was going through helped a little.

After three traffic rules violation and 10 minutes later we pulled up outside Seattle Grace and hurried on to the Emergency Room's reception area. The lady at the reception paged Dr Jones as we waited in the waiting room. It felt like hours before I heard our names being called.

DrJ: Dr Robbins...Dr Deluca??
C. : Yes.
DrJ: Follow me please

We stood up and followed the redhead into one of the exam rooms where I assumed Maya was. She opened the door and led us into the room where Maya was laying awake with a cast on her right leg and a shoulder sling on her right shoulder. Ari and I immediately rushed to her bedside

M: Oh there are the most beautifulllll women in the whoooole world. No offense doctor.- she said clearly still under the effect of the pain medication

DrJ: None taken.

M:heyyyyy where are my kisses.- Maya said pouting her lips. We chuckled at her little cute act. Arizona went on and pecked her lips and I followed after.

Before we could ask Maya what happened, Dr Jones spoke up. "Captain Bishop has fracture her tibia and also she had dislocated her shoulder. Both injuries as per what I was told are due to the fall she had when the roof collapsed on the 3rd floor-"

C: scusami. 3rd floor Bambina?? Is she okay. Did you check for a brain bleed?..concussion?"--

Dr: We conducted a CT when she got here 4 hours ago where there was no indication of a brain bleed ma'am

A: Thank God. See babe you'll be okay in no time. And be back to giving us orders around the house.- arizona said laughing

Dr Jones left the exam room while Zona and I stayed back in the room with our bambina. Seeing her interact with Arizona and seeing her alive and breathing, I let out a loud sigh of relief that caused them to look back at me. "Car I'm fine reaaally." Maya said. "Are you sure Bella...please don't downplay your pain level. Don't embrace the pain. Tell us if something hurts" I said fighting the tears in my eyes. "I'm on pain meds right now but I promise I'll tell you...Now come cuddle with us baby" she said. They both made space for me in the fairly big hospital bed. "You scared us but I'm happy you're okay babe" zona said as she leaned up to kiss Maya. "I'm sorry...I'm fine now and I came back see" Maya said as she kissed both of our foreheads.We drifted off to sleep.



We were woken up by violent shaking from beneath us. I opened my eyes to see Maya shaking in her sleep. Before my brain could register what was going on, Car and I were escorted out of the exam room with nurses and doctors rising in and out of the room

"She's seizing....Page neuro.....We need an OR"....

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