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A/N...First off...thank you thank you for the 4k+ reads. Can't thank you enough. Today's a short one for a reason in preparation for the next. But none the less enjoy.

Three weeks later.


Carina has been recovering really well. The incision sites were healed but she still felt a little weak which was to be expected. She has been taking much needed breaks whenever her body told her to. More like we were forcing her to.

Kathy, Maya and I still had to go to work and we had no choice but to trust that Car would be fine on her own. She knows she has to call either of us if there is a problem with her.

Everything with the new house was going quite good too. The furniture of our choice were already almost done fitting. Car and I had put out our houses for rentals. Maya’s apartment already had people living there and all the furniture and all our belongings were all moved into the new house so everything was going great.

Well…not that great. Ever since Maya started going back to work and that’s two weeks ago, she has been weirdly strange. I don’t really know if Car has noticed but I did.

Every time we would wake up, Maya would be sleeping on the couch even though we did sleep together at the end of the night. I kind of had a suspicion that she has nightmares about the day Rina was shot. I can’t confront her about it because she will just shut us out more than she is doing now. That’s just Maya. It has even gotten to the point that she barely sleeps.

I was hoping that she at least talked to Andy about what has been bothering her but she does not. It makes me so scared that she has gone back to the old Maya. It feels like even though her dad is behind bars, he has won. Like everything Maya has worked for is coming undone.

That is not the only thing bothering me. She has been coming home very late. Car and I know when Maya is supposed to come back home from work. Even when I am working and Maya stays out late after work, Car would text because she would be under the impression that perhaps she came to see me. I really don’t want to think whatever my mind’s drawing me to because I trust my girlfriends with everything in me. I know she would never do it but I can’t help but think she would do it.



It’s almost 9am and Zona is jut leaving for work. Maya already left for her 12 hour shift at 7am. I woke up from excruciating pain in my abdomen early morning before Maya and Zona woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep after I took my pain killers.

‘’Ok babe. I’m off to work. I’ll see you in a couple of hours if there isn’t an emergency. Uh and call or text me or Maya if there’s anything you need at all anytime. I mean it.’’ She said as she leaned down to kiss me.

I have to say my bambina looks hot today. Not that she isn’t hot all the time. You get what I mean. I let the kiss linger longer in an attempt to deepen it. For a second she falls for it before she reluctantly pulls away from the kiss. ‘’No come here bella.’’ I said as I stood up going to wrap my arms around her waist while she was putting on her earrings. Head tilted to the side. Perfect.

I attached my lips to her neck nibbling and sucking on her pulse point. She let out a moan as I cupped and massaged her breast through the cream creamed silk blouse she was wearing. ‘’You look amazing bambina.’’ I said turning her around and pulling her into a passionate kiss which she eagerly returned.

‘’N-No baby I have t-to leave now’’ she said pulling away to fix her clothes. I smirked when I looked at the spot on her neck. She looked and me and turned around to look at me.

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