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A/N Hey people🙃.


I woke up disoriented to find a lot of people in my hospital room. I don’t know how long I’ve been in this hospital. I scanned the room to find a face I haven’t seen in a while. The same blonde hair. Their backs were turned to me.

‘’ ’S-so nobody’s g-g-going to say hi to m-me’’ I croaked out. My throat was dry due to how ever long I had been sleeping. Everyone turned around. In no time Maya and Ari were already by my side. Arizona’s father offered me a glass of water to help smoothen my voice a bit. ‘’Why are you guys crying. I am right here si?’’ I said to them while setting down the glass.

‘’I’m sorry. I should have gotten to you soo- ‘’ ‘’Bella no. you can’t do that to yourself. I don’t blame you and I’m sure no one blames you here.’’ I said to her. ‘’True. It’s all Lane’s fault. You didn’t point the gun at her. You didn’t pull the trigger. He did.’’ Her mother said. Now that I can see her face properly. She looks so much like Maya. Eyes ocean like and the same golden blonde hair. Strong genes I must say.

‘’Enough about that. How are you feeling my dear?’’ Dan asked as he sat on the chair next to his wife who was quiet but I could see was hesitating in engaging in the conversation at hand. ‘’I feel like crap. My body hurts.’’ I answered back. Ari went outside and came back in with Nurse Nora.

‘’Finally Dr Deluca. Glad to have you back. Dr Robbins told me you said you are in pain. I am going to administer a dosage of morphine to manage the pain while we wait for your doctors.’’ She said as she prepared to inject into my IV line. I nodded in confusion. How long have I been out? ‘’What do you mean finally? I came to the hospital a couple of hours ago.’’ I said as I chuckled.

‘’Babe. You’ve been in an induced coma for almost a week and a half.’’ Ari said. The door to the room opened. We all turned our heads to see Dr Grey, Dr Hunt and Dr Altman enter. ‘’Good day family. I believe we are stoked to hear from Deluca. Welcome back Dr Deluca.’’ Dr Altman stepped forward and began examining me while the others waited in anticipation.

‘’Well. Everything seems to be going well. Her vitals are good. Lungs and heart sound good. But I would like to get a CT to get a clear image of the surgical sites on the inside.’’ She explained as we listened attentively. I nodded in understanding. ‘’Right. Nora will take you up to get it done. If there is no problem, then I’m sure we wouldn’t have an issue discharging you. You have a doctor and a firefighter at home. Should a problem arise I know Maya and Arizona have you covered. They know what to do. You do too.’’ Meredith said as she typed in info into the tablet she had.

‘’Thank you Meredith. We appreciate the care you all gave Carina all this while.’’ Ari said. ‘’Si si…Grazie mille.’’ I said to the three doctors. ‘’Not a problem. We will leave you guys to it. Deluca that was such a scare. But we are glad to have you here with all your family and friends and all those who need you.’’ She continued. They all made their way out leaving us in the room.


Half an hour later Nurse Nora came in to wheel Carina to the CT room. The rest of the family members waited for Carina in her room. The atmosphere in the room wasn’t as tense as it was at the beginning of Carina’s stay in the hospital. Everyone was talking amongst each other. The mother and daughter duo were both ready to have the long awaited conversation.

Carina was brought back to her room with her doctors tailing behind her. ‘’Hello again. We reviewed the scans and the surgical wounds are healing really well. Her oxygen intake is at 98 percent so I’m not worried about that at this moment.’’ Dr Altman informed everyone. Their faces beamed with smiles at the new update. ‘’You said her heart had failed during surgery, do we have anything to worry about?’’ Maya asked fidgeting with the ends of Carina’s hospital gown. ‘’Oh sorry about that. The induced coma gave her heart the rest it needed to recuperate and therefore we saw nothing concerning to worry about in the scans.’’ Meredith answered her. ‘’Okay thank you doctors.’’ Maya said with a sigh of relief. ‘’Anytime. So one of you can come sign her discharge papers. After they are signed then Dr Deluca will be ready to go.’’ She continued

Arizona left to go sign the discharge papers following Dr Grey’s instructions. Meanwhile Dan left to get a wheelchair for Carina while the rest helped pack and prepare for her departure from the hospital. Everything was ready by the time Arizona came back with a nurse with a nurse to help with the process. She helped them lower her onto the wheelchair despite her protest.

‘’Deluca, try not to land back here again. Same goes for you Robbins and Bishop.’’ Dr Bailey said appearing straight out of nowhere startling all of them. Their parents chuckled while the three women nodded upon realising the seriousness laced in the lady’s voice. That’s the Bailey effect.

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