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Maya has been in the hospital for two weeks now. Carina and Arizona put in a request get her transferred back to Grey Sloan with it being her primary hospital. Therefore, she was kept at Seattle Grace for a few days before the doctors deemed it safe for her to be transported following her brain surgery.

The blonde fire captain was recovering pretty well. She still had killer headaches and she had to remain two more weeks until she can finally get rid of the shoulder sling. At least something’s going well for her.

In all this, both Carina and Arizona still had not gone back to work with the sole fear that Maya waking up was a dream. They stood guard in her room. Neither girlfriends had the desire to go back home the first week. So with them having built in showers in their offices and spare change of clothes, they were able to take freshen up to be with Maya.

However, that system didn’t last before chief Bailey forced them out the hospital room. I mean the woman was short but all it took was her giving Arizona and Carina ‘the bailey look’ for them to start taking turns going home every night. That is how things worked until today.


I laid in bed bored yet again. Zona was cuddled up on my non-injured side sleeping. My poor babies hadn’t been getting proper sleep. So I let them get as much sleep as they could, considering they couldn’t sleep well without me in the room. Carina went back to the apartment last night and she was due back here in an hour or two. I was one hundred percent sure she doesn’t sleep when they take, turns going home.

The door to my hospital room opened. ‘’Firefighter Barbie…we come bearing news’’ Amelia chirpily said. ‘’Good news or bad news?’’ I asked. ‘’Both. The fracture in your tibia will take longer than we anticipated to heal. And even then you will need a month of PT therefore that means only desk duty until I say so Captain. ’’ I groaned as I listened to Link. ’’Oh come on…it’s not that bad. On the bright side you get to go home today. I already informed sleeping beauty next to you and your Italian goddess that as long as someone is with you at home then I’m comfortable with discharging you. Now I just have to run the last neuro exam then were good to go.’’ Amelia said as she approached my bedside taking out her penlight and examining my pupils.

‘’I know you still get headaches. So how bad is it on a scale of 1-10?’’she proceeded with the exam. ‘’2…so not bad’’ I replied. ‘’Uh uh babe stop lying.’’ Zona mumbled beside me. ‘’Si we all know your 2 is way more than that bambina.’’ Car said. We all turned to face the door where she was with what looked like breakfast. Where did she come from? I swear these two can appear well out of nowhere. All to put me in check. ‘’Fine. It’s a 7. But I can handle it.’’ I finally said. ‘’No you can’t. So I will prescribe you some pain meds. I don’t want to see you back here again Bishop’’ She concluded. ‘’No promises. I might just turn up agai- ‘’ I was cut off by Arizona softly hitting my chest. ‘’Sorry but not funny’’ she said. ‘’ I’m kidding. I don’t intend on coming here unless it’s to visit’’. I said laughing at the looks of relief on their faces.

Carina followed both doctors to go sign my discharge papers and pull up the car so we don’t have to go further than we had to.

Meanwhile Zona helped me pack my bags. Well not entirely considering she glared at me when I wanted to help her pack. She gathered my clothes and essentials and neatly put them in my bag. She went on to quickly wash her face and freshen up before she had the breakfast that Car brought when she came into the hospital. She had brought back three expressos and bagels with cream cheese. It was definitely an upgrade from the hospital food I have been having these past weeks. Apart from the really good orange jello Amelia snuck in for me, everything else just average but edible. We munched of the food while we waited for Carina to return.

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