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She's seizing...Page neuro....We need an OR"


We have been in the waiting room for about 3 hours before a nurse came by. "Dr Jones will be done with surgery in a while. She will be out with updates once surgery is complete". "Oh ok...thank you" I said letting out a shaky Breath. We were seated on the bench with Rina's head on my shoulder. She was zoned out as she cried silently with tears streaming down her face. I ran my hand through her brown locs taking her out of the trance she was in. "what's on your mind babe"i asked..."What's on my mind??..Really Arizona?. You're gonna ask me that while our girlfriend is in surgery?..What else can I think about huh?!!" she snapped. There was a lot going on and I couldn't really blame her. "I'm sorry. It's a stupid question" I said to her whilst I wiped of the tears going down my face. "No no Bambina...I-I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped. Forgive me please"...It breaks my heart seeing her like this. "It's okay my love. I understand"

We were going to be there a couple of hours. I was still exhausted and I hadn't slept in more that 48 hours so I went outside to get Car and I coffee to get us through the night. I got to the coffee cut and ordered us two cups of expresso and made my way back to Carina in the waiting room. I handed her the coffee and we drank them in silence.

2137pm The clock on the wall read before Dr Jones and another woman entered the waiting room to find us impatiently waiting on a positive update. Carina stood up first when she spotted them making her way to us.

DrJ: hello. This is head of neurosurgery Dr Anderson. The surgery was a success. It was touch and go and although she coded twice on the table, we were able to figure out what was wrong with Cpt Bishop and get her. I'll let Dr Anderson take you through what transpired during surgery

DrA: The CT scan before didn't show any bleeds but it is most like that she developed the bleed post the CT scan. During surgery I was able to fix the first bleed but then her heart stopped but we got her back before she she had another bleed that I was able to fix with great difficulty. We wouldn't know the extent of her injury until she wakes up so the next 24 hours is critical. But keep in mind that she might also wake up with no damage.

DrJ: She's being moved to the ICU. An intern will bring you to her room once she is settled and you can sit with her. Talk to her. I believe she will be able to hear you and it'll help her knowing her loved ones are there for her

It was a lot to take in. For the both of us. I could feel my head spin as my legs gave out. Carina held me before I could fall to the ground. They set me down on the bench as I tried to control my breathing, process and make sense of what was said and what was going on in my mind

I hated the fact that I was an overthinker. I couldn't help it. My mind was running at a 100miles/hr with the what ifs. "I-I-I-I'm s-cccared Car" I looked up to her with more tears streaming down my face. What if she doesn't wake up. I wouldn't be able to bear the pain of more people I loved. I lost my best only brother and that shook me to the core. And Carina. Gosh she lost her brother too. She wouldn't be able to get back from this. Hell..we both wouldn't...They're my whole world.

In the span of the 8 months that we dated they have loved me in a way that no one else had done.I have been the happiest when I was with them "I'm terrified too Zona...But we have to stay positive and strong for her." Rina said taking my mind off of a spiral. She was write. I have to make my heart and mind believe she'll be good. I engulfed her in a hug and left a peck on her neck. She's going to be fine. She wouldn't leave us. She promised

I chanted.


We sat for 10 minutes before someone came to get us to bring us to her room. We opened the door to her room. I've seen Maya in the hospital a few times due to minor injuries in her job. But nothing would have ever prepared me for this. I've seen worst cases. My zia in Italia had been in a terrible accident but nothing compared to the pain of seeing her pale face and her being hooked up to a lot of machines.

My Bambina.

I took Zona's hand as we approached the bed. I could see that she was going through what I was. Feeling the same pain I was. We had the same fears but we had to be optimistic for our Bambina. We went to either sides of the hospital bed. I broke down crying while I stroked Maya's pale face.

"Stupida...Do you get a kick out of scaring us huh. Please Bella hold on for us. You have to wake up. Look at Zona. You have a family at 19 and Greys Sloan waiting for you. We're here just open your eyes" I pleaded with her. Still no effect. I looked up at Zona who had a straight face. She was like Maya in that way sometimes. Always staying strong for others. Embrace the pain

"Come on Bishop. You really want to piss of an Italian woman. Hell I'm scared for you babe...She's going to kill you herself if you don't wake up. Andddd I'm gonna help her. So please sweetheart just open your beautiful eyes for us my love" Zona said with a little crack in her voice. "'s right you know. So stop being stubborn. This is Not the time" I continued.

We sat down on the chairs that were in her room. I asked Arizona to text the group chart with all our friends to ask about the rest of the station 19 firefighters. She pulled out her phone and texted.


Zona: Hey guys. What happened to the rest of 19. We're with Maya in Seattle Grace. Everybody alright?

Vic: I'm alright...As far as I know everyone is doing well but Maya was with Herrera in the building but fortunately she's ok. Just a sprained wrist and maybe desk duty. How's our captain

Gibs: Yes how's Maya?

Zona: she fractured her tinia and dislocated her shoulder when we got here first. She had 2 brain bleeds and now she's in the ICU after surgery

Bailey: You and Deluca can take all the time you need. I hope Maya recovers well

Arizona put her phone away to be in the moment with Maya and I. I laid my head on her shoulder and stared off into space. I was startled moments later by ZONA semi-screaming. "Carrrrr she moved her hand...look" she said. I turned to look at Maya as her hand moved.

"That's ittt Bella. Open your eyes". I said as ZONA went to call on Dr Anderson who was just outside. She rushed in and pulled out a flashlight to examine Maya's eyes. "I have hope that Captain Bishop will wake up but I want to conduct an EEG to check for brain activity just to be sure". Dr Anderson concluded. We were holding on to our hope as we held Maya's hands.

After convincing Zona that everything will be fine, we went to get lunch while the doctor conducted tests on my Maya. We went to her room after lunch and a well needed walk outside the hospital to clear our heads.

We went back to Maya's room. We just had to wait for Maya to wake up. While waiting Arizona drifted off to sleep. She hadn't slept in two days and she needed the rest. I followed soon after. My eyes were heavy and my mind was tired.


I woke up feeling better. My neck was hurting due to the position I slept in though. I checked my phone and realised we slept for 7 hours straight. Carina was still asleep beside me. As if on cue. I heard a groan and I turned lifted my head to see Maya's big warm blue eyes staring back at mine. She couldn't talk with the tube down her throat.

"Hey beautiful. You're awake" I excitedly said. I woke up Carina who immediately went to get the doctor. She came back to the room while we waited on Dr Anderson who was paged to Maya's room.

I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't know I was crying until I felt Carina wipe the tear of my face. "Bambina...don't cry...she's awake now." Carina said. A nurse came in to remove the tube that Maya had.

"I-I-I-I-I t-o-told you I-I'll a-always c-ccome back. I-I llllistened" she said with a hoarse voice

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