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Maya groaned as she turned over to switch of her alarm. 0730am the time on her phone read. To say she was excited was an understatement. She had the physical therapy with Dr Smith today Anything to get her closer to starting going to work she would do. Plus, she had no choice. She’d have her girlfriends breathing down her neck. Carina to be precise.

She got out of bed and limped to the shower. She discarded off her clothes and placed them in the hamper behind the door. She turned on the shower to her desired temperature. While waiting for the water to get hot she brushed her teeth and quickly used the toilet. She slid the shower door open and got started on her shower.

After her shower, Maya got dressed and went to the kitchen to get breakfast. She put together a strawberry smoothie to drink. She got her phone out her phone and scrolled through her apps. She texted their group chat


*Miei Bambini*

Me- Good morning my queens. How’s work going today. 0813am

Blondie- Hi baby. It’s exhausting but I’m almost done. I don’t know about @ItalianGoddess. Can’t wait to plop down in bed and sleep. 0819am

Me- Aww sorry. You’ll get some sleep and cuddle with your Rina when you get home. I’m leaving for my appointment after breakfast. So in like 25 minutes. 0820am

Blondie- Good girl. You know better. Your girlfriend just got to my office. We get off work at 9am baby. 0831am

Blondie- A lot of these mammas have a reason to be thankful for this coming thanksgiving. Hi bambina. 0832am

Me- That’s okay. I just have to finish up and leave. 0835am

Blondie- Babe your girlfriend is such a baby when she’s tired. Tell me why she just snatched my phone ANDDD she’s sitting on my lap too. I want to be babied too. 0837am

Blondie- I just want my bambina to give me love and attention. 0838am

Me- You guys are such babies. I have to leave else I’ll be late. I will talk to you after my PT session. I love you. 0844am

I went into the kitchen and rinsed out the glass I used for the smoothie. I quickly went to grab my bag, locked up the apartment and went outside where Andy was waiting to drive me to the hospital. Driving -another thing I miss doing. I used to be Car and Zona’s designated driver- not in Carina’s porche- and I loved everything about it. Now I have to wait for approval from my physical therapist. Annoying I know.

We got to the hospital in well under 8 minutes. I made my way out of the car into the hospital. I took the elevator to the Dr Smith’s floor. Let me tell you, this boot isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world but I think it is sure better than a damn cast. I said what I said

‘’That’s it Bishop. I know it’s not easy but one more and you’ll be done darling’’ She said as I completed my last exercise. Darling?? If I didn’t know better, then I’d think she’s flirting with me. Maybe she’s just being nice. Or Sympathetic. We had been repeating my routine exercises for about thirty-five minutes.

It was really tough but I can handle tough. I just have to embrace the pain. I have to do this if I want to return back to work fast. My station needs me there. I mean Andy has been doing an impressive job as acting Captain but I miss work. I miss having authority and I just miss being around my family and the firehouse ambiance.

‘’This was your first session but so far I can tell I’m going to like this session.’’ I turned my head up to look at her weird. ‘’I-I-I mean b-because you don’t complain like most of my patients. You know what you want at the end of this. I like that.’’ She said she smiled at me. I awkwardly smiled back and went straight back to putting on the boot while mumbled a thank you under my breath. Weird

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