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‘’I’m homeee.’’ I announced as I closed the door to the apartment. No answer.

I had been gone for almost five hours now. Conversations with my best friend were always that good. We caught up with all the good and the challenges we have experienced in our lives thus far. We went to help him shop for a gift for his girlfriend before we parted ways.

‘’Carinaaaaa’’ I called out

‘’Mayaaaaa’’ Still nothing. I put down the little grocery bag I brought back home and walked to the room. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard moans coming from the room. A smile crept in my face as I went back to the living room. Horny ass people, I laughed to myself.

I sat down in the living room and put on something to watch on the tv. I’m not really gonna watch it. Just gonna scroll through my phone while I waited for them to finish. I also need to talk to them to get everything off my chest.

They both came out of the bedroom a while later. ‘’Hi babe how was lunch with Sloan?’’ Maya asked as she leaned in for a kiss. I held my hand up between us. ‘’You guys smell like sex. Shower first, kisses later’’ I said as I scrunched up my nose laughing.

‘’Finee.’’ They laughed

As time went by, I got really nervous. But I know I have to talk to them so they could understand where I’m coming from. Forty minutes later, they came back in sweatpants and t-shirts. Still looking hot. I meannn how????

‘’Now you can kiss me, horny ass.’’ I said as I pecked both of their lips. Carina went to sit next to me while Maya straddled my lap. ‘’Hi beautiful’’ Maya said as she bit her bottom lip. ‘’Hey’’ I replied back snaking my arms around her waist.

‘’Stop looking at me like that Maya. You just had sex.’’ I said to her. Carina chuckled. “So?? You look sooo sexy. Have you seen yourself?’’ she replied as she kissed up my neck. I let out a moan as she touched my boob through my bra. It feels so good but I have to do this.

‘’Babe no. Not now at least.’’ I said pulling her away with a peck to her lips. ‘’Later? Promise?’’ she asked. I don’t know what has gotten into her today. ‘’I promise my love’’ I laughed. She’s on something today.

She stayed on my lap when I thought she’d get off me. She turned and sat across my lap facing Carina who sat there staring at our interaction. ‘’I also don’t know what she ate or drank today but I love it.’’ She said as she laughed at my questioning face. We know Maya never initiates sex. Welllll…not never but she barely does. ‘’Stoppp.’’ She said pouting. Adorable right??

‘’How was lunch with Mark bambina?’’

‘’Umm…that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.’’ I said nervously fiddling with the ends of Maya’s t-shirt. ‘’It was good. We went some new Chinese restaurant. We talked and he umm…made me realise it’s important for me talk to you guys about this. I haven’t thought about it in a while and I guess what you said yesterday brought up again I guess.’’ I lifted my head up to find them intently listening to what I have to say.

‘’We’re here to listen bellina. What is it?’’ Car said

‘’Well…I had always thought my brother would be here if I were to get married. My parents too. He would always say ‘I’ll walk you down the aisle Zee, Be the kind of brother who gives your future wife a death threat when we get to the alter’ so it kind of threw me off and reminded me of that when you said that yesterday. I’m not saying I don’t ever wanna get married. Trust me it’s what I want from this. To get married to you and maybe have kids if it’s what you guys what. I don’t kn-‘’

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