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A/N School has been sooo hectic so this is pretty short. Three years into law school and i still hate the school. Love what i chose to do its just the school. Enjoy. I'd realllly appreciate the feedback though.

‘’Ok…Captain. Let’s see what we are working with.’’ Link said as he held up the x-ray picture against the light, Maya watched his face as he examined it. After a few minutes of silence, he turned to them. ‘’So good news is, we can get your cast removed.’’ Maya let out a sigh of relief as she smiled back at the doctor. ‘’But??’’she replied back. ‘’Well…your bone is healing quite quick but you still have to have a boot on. It won’t have to be 24/7 but for a couple of hours a day.’’ ‘’that’s better I guess.’’ ‘’This will enable you to get stated on regaining motion on your leg through exercises provided for b your physical therapist at times you don’t have your boot on.’’ He continued. ‘’Ok. Thanks Link.’’ ‘’No problem Cap’’

After Link was done with removing the cast on Maya’s leg and making her wear the boot, Maya and Carina then proceeded to the physical therapist recommended by Link. Dr Smith was supposed to be the best in this field of work. They had agreed with her that Maya would come over for her appointment for an hour max twice a week.

Maya and Carina made their way out of out of the hospital. Starting the car, the two went home.

‘’Oh your girlfriend texted earlier. She asked if we could get her her usual coffee order. Andddd some candy.’’ Maya said laughing. Carina turned to look at her while chuckling. ‘’Goshh you Americans…I need to teach you guys how to make authentic Italian coffee. And I really cannot understand you and Zona’s obsession with candy.’’ She said laughing. ‘’Babe it’s like the obsession you have with tiramisu.’ Maya argued. ‘’Maya it is not the same and you know it. My tiramisu is just…’’she said giving a chef’s kiss. Maya knew she couldn’t argue with that. They always beg Carina to make her famous tiramisu after they have one of the dishes Carina would make that she learned from her mother. And it never disappoints at all. Even their station 19 and Grey’s family would agree and back them up on that one.
After a quick detour to Starbucks and picking up Arizona’s candies, they finally made their way home. Their apartment was only 10 minutes away from the hospital. Convenient right? But because Ari wanted coffee and some candy, the journey home was an extra seven minutes. They weren’t complaining though. Whatever baby wants baby gets. And she would always go out of her way to get them whatever they wanted.

Just like that one-time Carina was at a conference in New York and Maya was sick. She drove to the other side of Seattle to get her some soup –because that what the only one Maya could keep in her stomach and some medicine. She called in sick another time because Carina’s period cramps were so bad that it made her sick while Maya was working a 48-hour shift. So it made perfect sense that they do whatever she wants for the woman they’re in love with.


‘’Babeee’’ Maya called out as they closed the door to the apartment. Carina went to the kitchen island to set down Arizona’s orders before she they settled down on the couch in the living room. Arizona poked her head out of the bedroom to check the front door. ‘’Maya who did you come back with?’’ She asked still just with her head out of the door. ‘’Just Carina. Why?’’ ‘’Because I was naked...well…I still am and I was comfortable so I just wanted to make sure nobody saw me like that you know. All this is just for your eyes to see yeah!?’’ She said as she motioned around her naked torso.

‘’Ohh nakeddd…vieni qui bambina.’’ Carina said smirking. Arizona got out of the room and made her way to the couch. ‘’You look really good bella’’ She said as she eyed her from top to bottom, biting her bottom lip. Maya was sitting down on the chair quiet eagerly waiting to see how this will play out. ‘’Come closer bambina.’’ She continued as she pulled out her hand for Arizona to take.

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