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Guess who's back. Anyways. Happy New year beautiful people. It's not a long chapter but enjoy


‘’Here you go. It is ready for you to move into any time you want’’ the agent said to the women as she handed them the keys to the house. Along with the features inside the house, it had a pool out back ----perfect for relaxing with their station 19 and Grey family during the hot summers. The backyard already had a really nice grill place. The three ladies fell in love the place more as they moved around the house and yard.

The huge and spacious closet in the master bedroom sealed the deal for them. It was no secret that both Carina and Arizona had impeccable style and both ladies loved spending their money on clothes and not to forget the shoes. Whereas their significant other on the other hand, not so much a fan. Apart from the wide range of gym clothing the fire captain had.

It was safe to say that the island in the kitchen and the walk in pantry was what won the Italian’s heart. She could already picture herself preparing Italian cuisine that she long wanted to cook ‘’the right way’’ as she insisted. All in all, everyone was happy with the house.

After the house viewing, they went back to Katherine’s place. One more task out the way. Katherine had already left for work by the time they got home. She had lunch awaiting them. She didn’t want Carina to cook as she was still in recovery and from all the conversations and teasing from Carina and Arizona’s parents she knew the other two would have burnt her apartment down by the time she knocked off from work. Literally

‘’How are feeling today babe? The trip to the house viewing didn’t tire you out?’’’ Arizona asked as she place the plate of food in front of the Italian and the blonde. ‘’No Bella. I’m okay. I told you earlier. It wasn’t a lot.’’ Carina replied back after she swallowed the food.

After they finished eating, Maya went on to clean up the dishes and the rest of the kitchen and dining area. The two retreated to the living room and put on a movie to watch while their girlfriend cleaned. She joined them moments into the movie. Just like that they dozed off.



We were all seated at the dining table with Ari’s parents and mom when there was a knock at the door. We all looked at each other knowing we were not expecting any guests.

I stood up and made my way to the door to see who else knew where my mom lived aside from us. I opened the door to see two people at the other side of the door. My jaw dropped when I saw the oh so familiar face. Too familiar. The same blue eyes.

‘’M-M-Mason. W-Wow’’ I let out. I was sure my eyes would pop out of my sockets by how long I stood staring at the two. I was brought out of my trance by Mason snapping his fingers right in front of my face.

‘’You’re not gonna let me in sis?’’ he said as he flashed me a smile. I quickly stepped aside as they went inside the apartment.

I closed the door and let hem to the dining area where everyone was still conversing. My mom stood up and came towards us and engulfed the two in a hug.

‘’Hi Mase...Hey Kass,’’ She said. Ok, what is going on here. I thought she didn’t know where Mason is. I stood there watching the interaction among the three. They all stopped talking when they heard that the room had now gone silent. They turned to look at each other as if they were deciding who should do the introductions considering Ari’s parents didn’t know who they were. Arizona knew who my brother was through the stories and the pictures she saw but neither of my girlfriends have met him before.

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