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‘’What on earth does she want now?  I don’t even want to see her face. After a whole month of not speaking to me…now she wants to talk to me?” Arizona said as she wiped the tear that fell off her face. My poor baby. I just wanted to us to celebrate our 10th month anniversary. Now she gets this? Talk about horrible timing!!

I get that she’s my girlfriend… possibly future wife’s mother but she doesn’t have the right to treat her that way. Telling her Tim was disappointed in her was uncalled for. A very low blow. She purposely wanted to hurt her.

‘’Hey…hey… You’re ok princess. Let’s just enjoy this evening and celebrate the love we have for each other. We will worry about your mother later.’’ I said. They both nodded as we continued talking

Today, 17th November marks our 10th month anniversary. It has been amazing. Challenging dealing with our differences but the love and sacrifices has got us here. Imagine three hormonal women with periods that are in sync having to deal with each other. Car is very stubborn and a cry-baby when she’s on her period. Always talking about personal space. But Ari on the other hand. Also a cry-baby but she’s all clingy. And she’d always want to cuddle with Carina. It was a mess at first but w earnt how to compromise. It’s not that bad now.

I stood up and went into the living room to retrieve their gifts. I came back to the table with two small red boxes. Ari’s had a baby blue ribbon while Car’s had a white ribbon. I know I had told them not to get anything but with everything that happened these past few months, they totally deserve this.

I gave them both each of their gifts. They were similar but meaningful. Car’s necklace had mine and Ari’s birthstones with a picture of us that I knew she liked. The picture was that of me and Ari on the snow laughing. We were on a trip we had forced Carina to go to for Christmas on our 3rd month dating. The woman hates the cold.


‘’Baby come let’s race down the mountain.’’ Ari said as she pulled on Carina. She is for sure asking the wrong person. ‘’Nope. There’s no way in heaven I’m doing that. It’s already enough that you both dragged me here.’’ She huffed. I knew it. ‘’In hell. It’s there’s no way in hell Car.’’ I said to her. ‘’Come on babe. I’ll race you.’’ We were all geared up. I find it absolutely hilarious how she wanted to race me when she hadn’t done it in a long time. Since she was 11. I do it almost every year.

‘’3…2…1…and go’’ Carina said as she held up her camera. Always on about capturing the memories.

We both took off at the same time. Zona lost balance 10 seconds into the race and hooked onto me. We fell to the ground tangled up. Zona burst out laughing with us joining in a chorus of laughs. We didn’t even see Rina click the photo.’’

‘’That’s not true. It wasn’t my fault babeee.’’ Zona said chuckling. ‘’Exactly what a guilty person says all the time Ari.’’ I shot back. ‘’Whatever.’’

‘’Grazie bambina. I love it.’’ ‘’You’re welcome.’’ I said pecking her lips. I helped her put it around her neck. It looks good on her.

‘’I love it…and I love you bellina’’ She said as she ran her hand along the necklace. ‘’I love you too Car’’

Ari’s gift was also a necklace with mine and Car birthstones. Her picture was a candid picture of Carina and I on our first ’unofficial’ date.

Carina counts it as a date for the sole reason that we spent time together at home. We had invited Zona for movies and for obvious reasons it was in our bedroom.

I don’t count it as a date because it wasn’t planned as one. It was just a chill session between friends who weren’t just friends. In the picture, Car and I seemed so engrossed in the movie. We were watching Luca- carina’s favourite.

‘’Thank you my love. I love it and I’m so in love with you. Saying yes to being your girlfriend is the best decision I have made thus far.’’ ‘’Oh we were so nervous that day.’’ I said as I looked back at Carina. ‘’Oh definitely’’ Carina added.

*another flashback lol*

We had gone on four dates with Arizona. We have also gone on individual dates and I must say the chemistry is insane. It scared me how much she had made me feel this particular way in so little time.

Carina and I took interest in Ari 4 months into our own relationship. We had gone to Joe’s for a drink after work and that was when we saw her. Car talked to her first. She wasn’t shy at all.

We had talked about being in an open relationship before but no one striked our interest.

Car took her number and had informed her about e right of the bat.

According to Ari, she was interested in us when she saw us walk into the bar. I only got to talk to her days after.

After Car and I talked to her, we planned a date/dinner to ask her to be our girlfriend. Teddy and Amelia helped us set up a table for three at the beach. There were candles on the sand and a few on the table. It was fairly late because doctors duh but it was good because there was no one near the set up. We had picked out a dress for her and Mark drove her to meet us there. Her reaction was definitely one for the books.

We ate dinner and as the moment came, I was literally shaking. And I don’t get nervous just for anybody. Carina could see just how nervous I was. She squeezed my hand to ease my nerves. I had pre-ordered a mini cake with a ‘’Will you be our girlfriend?’’ in Arizona’s favourite flavour –vanilla- so basic I know. Car had also bout a bracelet that had both our initials to give her after.

Tell me why this woman was silent for damn near 3 minutes.

Apparently it was for suspense. She loved the thrill that came from seeing me all nervous because from what she knows ‘Captain Bishop is never nervous’. I mean that’s the reputation I had to maintain before these two beauties wrecked down my walls.

After she took her time eating the cake, she finally said yes pulling us both into a hug. I had felt my nerves ease. I don’t know what I was expecting. But I was very happy with that. Carina was elated.

‘’Dio mio. I had never seen my bambina so nervous. I swear I wanted to laugh.’’ ‘’Not funny babe’’ I said as I glared at her.

But God am I glad we decided to go through with it and commit to this. Commitment was never my thing. I was all for ‘one night stands and no commitment’.

‘’Happy anniversary my loves’’ Arizona said as she hugged us.

‘’We knew you would do something despite us forbidding you to do that. Sooooo… babe????’’ Zona said as she turned to look at Carina. Carina went to our bedroom and came back with a medium sized envelope. She handed it to me while I darted my eyes back and forth between them. Sneaky people.

‘’This is from me and your goofy girlfriend. Open it bella.’’ She said excitedly.

I opened the envelope and took out the piece of paper and read through it.

‘’There’s no way in ‘heaven’ you guys managed to do this. I mean how??? I mean hell yeah.’’ They got me- well….us a weekend away at a Skylofts in Vegas. ‘’It was a whole lot of negotiations and a lotttt of Italian curse words but the manager caved and let us make a reservation there. So we leave Friday morning and we’ll be back Monday morning’’ Zona said as she laughed. ‘’You didn’t have to do this but thank you sooo much. I love you too my queens.’’

‘’Love you too babe’’ they said

I love these women and I sooo love my life.

A/N Uni isn't cute at all. Assignments and all. I hoped you liked it

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