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‘’Dios mio…she is sooo… and I thought Maya was stubborn. Zona is something else.’’ Carina said as she plopped down on the couch next to Maya as the three laughed at me as I glared at them. I know these three aren’t talking about me like I’m not right next to them

‘’Are you sure you’re my dad?? All you guys do is gang up on me all the timeeee.’’ I said as I playfully rolled my eyes. They all laughed as Maya held up the phone.

This had become the new norm in this household. Dad would face-time me just so he could speak to them and me multiple times a week. The two girls loved it. As for me, I am just thankful for the nature of their relationship. Even if they’re hell bent on harassing me. They had made fun of my bed hair when I woke up after two in the afternoon. Ridiculous if you ask me.

‘’Of course I’m your father but leave me alone, I want to talk to my daughters in law.’’ he said as he chuckled. I nodded as I went back to scrolling through Maya’s phone. Tell me why this woman’s Instagram timeline is all workout stuff and Real Housewives. I mean I’m not complaining but it’s boring when I used it.

‘’Babyyyy’’ I called out. The two idiots turned and answered back.

‘’Si.’’ ‘’Yeah.’’

‘’Not you babe…You’’ I said as I pointed at each of them

‘’Yes princess,’’ Maya said as she laughed. ‘’Your insta is so boring. All workout and no hilarious videos. And you’re only following 23 people?? I said

‘’Oh that’s only you guys, station 19 family and some our friends from Grey’s Sloan. If my timeline is boring, then don’t scroll through it smarty pants.’’ She chuckled. ‘’As for your videos then there’s YouTube for a reason.’’ She replied back. Fair enough but there’s just something about Instagram reels that hit different. ‘’Ok babe.’’ I opened up her YouTube and started walking towards the kitchen. I raided the pantry and only came out with a packet of Cheetos. We really need to go shopping soon.

The trio had already finished their call by the time I was half-way through my packet. They both made their way to the kitchen island where I had been for the past 20 minutes. ‘’So you remember you have a girlfriend now?’’ they stared with faltered smiles.

It’s my turn to prank them now

‘’Bamb-‘’ I got up and stormed off to the bedroom, smirking in amusement.

I locked the bedroom door and sat down on the bed.

‘’Bellina please open the door. We’re apologise. I promise we won’t ignore you.’’she said as she knocked. ‘’Come on babe…I’ll get you your favourite ice-cream.’’ Maya added on. Damn that sounds good in this heat. But no

‘’You think I’m easy now?’’

‘’No…we don’t think you’re easy. Not at all.’’ Maya replied back

‘’Great…so I’m hard-headed. Wonderful.’’

‘’Bambina please don’t do this. We won’t make fun of you anymore, Just open por favore.’’ Well this is fun

‘’No…leave me alone. I don’t wanna talk to you. Later.’’ ‘’Babe come on. Don’t be mad. We’re sorry princess. It won’t happen again I promise.’’ Ok now I feel bad. I’m just playing.

I kept quiet as I scrolled through Maya’s Instagram again. In no time I was knocked out.


I swear we didn’t mean to make her feel ignored. We thought we were playing with her with her papa on face-time but now she’s mad at us. Last thing we wanted was to make her sad.

She had been locked in the room for 4 hours now and was approaching lunch time. Maya and I has been sitting in silence like kids put on time-out. Feels like it. I got up to go to the kitchen when I decided to make Zona’s favourite pizza. It’s the least I could do right now. I quickly got out the ingredients and began making the dough. Maya joined me and prepared the toppings for the pizza.

We turned our heads when we heard the bedroom door open. She walked towards me and pulled me into a hug clinging to me. I guess this is how I’m preparing our lunch now. I’m not mad at that at all.

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