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Arizona has been awfully quite these past few days. She always says she is fine but we all know she isn’t. it is just a matter of time before she breaks down she is as much as Maya as she is like Carina. She will keep to herself sometimes but end up opening up when she has fully digested whatever it is that she is thinking about.

It has been almost a week and she has spent her mornings and afternoons with Maya and Carina and she goes back to her house at night. They have given her space when she had asked for it but they so much wanted to be with her to comfort her. Just like how they had been there and still are for Maya during her accident or how they had been there for Carina when her father blamed her for her brother’s death. But she wasn’t letting them.


I was in the room when I heard the front door close. Neither Carina nor Arizona were here yet. They went grocery shopping because apparently if she were wait for Ari and I to cook, she’d starve to death or have food poisoning. I mean it is not entirely false but damn do you have to say it out loud though. I thought to myself.

‘’Car?? Ari” I called out but no one answered. I wonder who it can be. Only Carina and Zona have keys as far as I remember and the door was locked. I picked up the crutches that were by the bedside table. Gosh I can’t wait until I have this cast off. I slowly made my way out the room only to find Andy in the kitchen with the fridge open. She had her airpods on. That’s why she couldn’t hear me call out. I put my hand on her shoulder and she jumped up and screamed. ‘’What the hell Maya!!!” she said as I started laughing. ‘’That’s what you get for breaking in” “Well if your pea sized brain can’t remember, your girlfriends gave me a spare key while you were still in the hospital to get them clothes and other stuff.’’ She replied back. That makes sense I guess.

Arizona and Carina have arranged for the team and some of our friends from grey Sloan to come over for drinks and movie night. We thought it would be a good idea for us to be with our friends and people were so much consider as our family. This was Carina’s code for ‘it would be good for Zona’ since she has been insisting she was fine even though we all knew she wasn’t. It was only Carina and I who knew what went down with her parents.

Andy and I went and settled down in the living room while we waited for my girlfriends to be back from their grocery shopping. We put on Girlfriends to play on the background.

‘’How are you doing Mai? I know it’s been almost four weeks since your accident. Talk to your bestfriend.’’ I turned to look at her as I sighed.

‘’Well…I feel stuck and I hate that I have to stay at home and do nothing. I couldn’t even do stuff with my hands until I got my shoulder sling removed a few days ago. I miss work…I miss the adrenalin rush I get from it…and helping people of course and my God running’’ I said frustrated. ‘’I miss running…a lot has happened and I wished I could just put on my running gear and run but I can’t because of this stupid cast I just can’t wait until I get to do all of that.’’

‘’You need to take your time to heal Maya and only then can you go back to work healthy. You don’t want to go back to work without your bone fully healing and risk another accident. This time your women will kill you before you’re killed by debris and quite possibly kill all of us for letting you run into a burning building.’’ She laughed

‘’Trust me...I know. That’s why I’m trying so hard to be patient. For me and for them. I love them too much to put them through that again just because I am too stubborn.’’

‘’Your first accident wasn’t your fault Maya. We had a duty to save those civilians and you did it. It was just unfortunate that the roof collapsed before you could get out.’’

‘’Fair enough. But I’m going to see Link to get a better picture of how my foot is healing and possibly exchange this damn cast for a boot.’’

‘’That’s amazing. You see…patience is virtue.’’ She said while patting my shoulder. We turned our attention to the tv and continued watching our show.

Carina and Zona walked in fifty minutes later with a ton of grocery bags. Andy went over to the kitchen to help prepare for the mini-party/ movie night while I stayed back and scrolled through the phone.

‘’Bambina can you go get ready. We’re almost done here’’ Carina said as she put in what I assumed was lasagne in the oven. Zona and Andy seemed to be done with whatever they were doing.

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