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They sat at the table far left of the restaurant. It had been 10 minutes since they got here and yet nobody has said anything. They all stared at each bother in awkward silence. Dan and Barbera set on one side with the three ladies sitting facing them on the other side.

After the 10-month celebration, it took time for Arizona to reply to her mother’s text. Now a few days after, she replied to it with the time and place she was comfortable with meeting her parents. Her mother specifically.

Ari had no problem with her father. After the painful dinner she had where the blonde made her parents aware of her relationship with Maya and Carina, she had kept in touch with her father. In fact, she had had a few face-time calls with her dad and her girlfriends.

Dan loved Maya and Carina. Every time he called Arizona, it was always to say hi and converse with his ‘bonus daughters’. You would think that would make her feel some type of way but she loved the relationship the three had. Makes her heart swell.

The only challenge was her mother. Always slyly making nasty comments in their calls when she thought they wouldn’t hear her. It hurt Ari more than it hurt Maya and Carina but she still would not say a word. She was her mother at the end of the day.

‘’So…how can I help you?’’

‘’No Hi mom huh?’’ She said as she scoffed

‘’Hi mother. How can I be of assistance to you on this fateful day?’’ Ari said as she plastered on her fake smile.

‘’I see you have even lost your manners. Damn faggots. Is that what they taught you. Is that what you want now Ariz-?’’ she continued

‘’Barbera enough. She’s your daughter for Christ’s sake. They’re human with feelings you know. That’s just rude and a disgusting thing to say’’ Dan said turning to look at his wife. Berbera’s eyes were fixed on Arizona who sat there silently crying. Shock clearly showing on her face.
Maya and Carina’s eyes were fixated on their girlfriend who was in the middle.

‘’Can’t you see they’re changing our daughter? I was okay with her just being gay and now she just wants to be disgusting. And they’re doing this to her. Well…maybe she shouldn’t have moved here.’’

‘’You’re kidding right?’’ Ari said as she let out a laugh. ‘’How are they changing me? Mom I’m still gay and I’m still Arizona. How is the fact that I’m in love with two women change that? Like I said I can’t help who I fall in love with and it just happens to be with Maya and Carina right here.’’

Barbera scoffed as she shifted her gaze to Maya and Carina. You can see the discomfort on the two women’s faces. They wanted nothing but to leave but they wanted to be there for support so they said despite the discomfort.

‘’Arizona think about what people at home are going to say…this is embarrassing and disgraci- ‘’

‘’I should have known that is all you cared about. Well news flash…I don’t care mom because for the first time in a longgg time I’m happy and that’s all that should matter to you. How your daughter feels. But you don’t.’’ she whisper yelled. ‘’ So bye mom.

We’ll talk to you later dad. You can come over if you want too.’’ She said as she stood up. Maya took out a 20-dollar bill and placed it on the table. They all hugged Dan and made their way out.


I was pissed. The disrespect she was giving Maya and Carina made me mad. The disgusting words she used when referring to them made me sad but mostly angry because I know they don’t deserve it. We made our way to the car and I opened the passenger seat and got it. I drove us here but I didn’t think I want to drive anymore. Maya got in to the backseat while Rina got in on the driver’s side and started the car

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