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A/N late again but I hope you enjoy guys🫶

Carina’s health took a toll for the worst the next three days. Her sats had dropped and thus the disappointment and the sadness the two women had. They had been so excited and so thrilled when they heard the news from the doctors that they would take Carina off the induced coma. It took everyone by surprise when her sats had dropped when they had initially thought that it would hold through the night.


Maya was requested to come back into work a day after Car’s health deterioration therefore this was the reason why I was alone with her in her room. My parents were still here with us. My mom and I haven’t talked and to be frank I’m terrified about the outcome of the conversation that we were yet to have.

I would very much like for my mom to support me. I love my girlfriends and as much as it scares me, those two are the only women I’m sure I want to marry. And at this moment one of them has been hospitalised and I also need my mom’s support. It would feel nice to just be able to talk to her about my worries just like a mother and daughter would in this kind of situation.

My mom has always supported me through every decision of my life. When I first came out to them after I told my brother, she was happy for me. She was just relief and a part of her was happy that I trusted her enough to share a significant part of my life. She had reminded me that I was still her daughter and nothing had changed. I was disappointed when she reacted the way she did when I told her about Maya and Carina.

I know for a fact that she would like Maya and Carina if she gave them a chance. She has always given a chance to my exes and she liked none of them. They were always too forward for her and too much for me to handle. That is the reason why I believe she would like Maya and Car. My babies are the kindest and most loving people I’ve ever met. I wouldn’t change them for the world.

‘’She’s okay. Her sats have been improving. So I so hope to God that she gets off the coma today or tomorrow.  Her doctors will be here in a couple of hours to let us know what is happening.’’ I said to Maya. She propped up her phone on her desk. ‘’I know my love. Tell you what? I’ll be out of work in three hours and I’ll come to be with you guys when I knock off. Will that make you feel better princess?’’ ‘’Yeah. Please come soon. I love you. I’ll see you later.’’ I said blowing her a kiss. ‘’I knowww. Because I’m amazing.’’ ‘’Stop being cocky babe. Say it back.’’ ‘’Ok sorry. And I love you too. Bye.’’ She said and hang up the FaceTime.

I sat there scrolling through the picture album that I had in my gallery. I went through the pictures reminiscing all the great times I had in the past eleven months. I have been at my happiest and I’m really happy that I decided against going home the day I met her. I had a really tough shift where I had lost two in utero foetus and a nine-year-old girl, Ariel who I had been treating for colon cancer ever since she was five years old. She was a bubbly little girl and I felt a sense of guilt wash over me when I lost her on the operating table. It was inevitable but I couldn’t help but feel like that. I decided to go to Joe’s that night where I happened to meet her. A real blessing in disguise or every cloud has a silver lining as they say.

I wasn’t really looking for anything when I got there. I just wanted to drink and drown the thoughts but somehow I ended up in a conversation with Carina. She had told me about her girlfriend when she approached me and I didn’t have a problem at all. She showed me her picture and they were both very beautiful women I had to admit.

We instantly clicked when we hung out all together for the first time days after. I was already familiar with Carina but I was so nervous to meet her and from what I could see she was super nervous too. But after the introductions, everything was flowing perfectly. I felt so free and at peace. They made me comfortable and forget about the pain I felt from the losses. We became comfortable with each other.

I put my phone back in my pocket when I heard the door slide open. I turned to see Amelia walk in. ‘’Is it time for her check already? May-‘’ ‘’Oh no. I just came here to keep my friends company. I got out of surgery and I’m free so…yeah’’ she said as she pulled and sat on the chair on the other side. ‘’Okay that’s okay. So what am I missing at work.’’ I asked as I wiggled my eyebrows. ‘’Any new crush Amelia?’’ She looked at me dumbfound, cheeks red. ‘’So there is someone? Spillll’’ I said to her expectantly.

‘’Ok…I or rather we really really really wanted to know how this went before we told you guys.’’ She started. ‘’Tell us what…are you dating my ex or something?’’ I asked her. ‘’What no Zona. So I have been seeing this woman for a while now.’’ ‘’Awww it’s a she. Do I know her?’’ I asked hoping she’d say the name. ‘’Like I said it just just happened that we slept together like three months ago.’’

‘’Three months Ames. Why didn’t you tell me?’’ ‘’Relax. Like I said it just started as a hookup and then feelings were involved then I asked her out on a date a week after she said yes and yeah we went on more dates and things have been amazing Arizona. I really really like her and I want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I don’t know how to. I mean we do what couples do. We sleep over at each other houses and do stuff but I want to make it official.’’ She said rumbling. Whoever it is, she’s got our Ames whipped for sure. ‘’Ok seems like everything is good. Now are you going to tell me who it is?’’ I asked smiling at the lovestruck girl. ‘’Ummm…yeah...please don’t freak out.’’ She nervously said. ‘’I promise I won’t. Now tell me who’s the lucky lady.’’ I said to her with an obvious smirk on my face.

‘’ Andy’’

‘’Andy as in Andy. Like Andrea Herrera. Maya’s bestfriend?’’ I asked her.

‘’Yeah…her’’ Aww she’s blushing.

‘’Yesssss. I knew I was right.’’ I mumbled. ‘’What did you know?’’ She asked. ‘’Well let’s just say I am 300 dollars richer.’’ I chuckled at the confused look on her face. ‘’ Maya and Carina said I was lying when I said there was something going on between you guys. That you’re more than friends. So we made a bet. And now I won. In their faces ha.’’ I excitedly explained it to her.

‘’But how did you know. We were subtle. We didn’t do PDA or something.’’ She asked. ‘’You THOUGHT you were subtle. 1. She invited you for the spaghetti dinner at the station but I was like ok these are for friends too. 2 the way you look at each other is an easy giveaway. Heart eyes and all.’’ I let out as I watched the shocked look on her face.

‘’And when Jack was flirting with you, it was all fun to the others but I was observing and Andy was fuming. Need I remind you that you followed her when she left the beanery. Y’all had disappeared for quite a while doing God know what. So that’s what alarmed me. There’s more but I’d rather not.’’ I concluded. I started laughing when I looked at her still frozen in place. I’m really good at observing other people I guess.

‘’I also used to do that with Maya and Carina at the beginning of our relationship. It was sooo difficult trying not to hold their hands or kiss them when we were out and about because people only knew of Maya and Car dating, not me. We had to sneak around a lot. Vic almost caught me one time when I was with Maya in her office. A. So that’s how I know the signs.

‘’W-wow. You’re good. So yeah that’s it. I need help and advice on how to do it.’’ She said to me. ‘’Well…I can offer help carrying out your plan but Maya can for sure help you out on the ‘how’ part. She knows what Andy likes and all her preferences so she’ll help. Plus she is very romantic so that’s a plus for your basic ass.’’ I said as she joined in laughing. ‘’Hey…I-I can be romantic too.’’ She said. ‘’You’re funny not romantic Ames.’’ She sent me a glare. ‘’Again I’m not lying. I know you.’’ I continued. We continued catching up.



We just came back from the last call of the shift. It was forty-five past our knock off time. We were called into a small house fire. I missed being Captain and doing this everyday. I just wanted to take a long hot shower here then go straight to the hospital. Car is supposed to be taken off the induced coma today since she has been healing good.

I went on to my office to retrieve my clothes and went to shower. I got out of the shower thirty minutes later. My body felt amazing. It had healed perfectly before they let me come back to work. And because I had healed, I was allowed to get back on the field and not just desk duty.

  It was already past 6pm when I got in my car and left for the hospital. I took the elevator and went up to Car’s hospital room. I opened the door and went in to find Amelia and Ari in a conversation. I put my bags down on the chair that was at the corner of the room and went towards her.

‘’Hi beautiful. Hi Dr Shepherd’’ I said leaning down to peck her lips. ‘’Hi gorgeous. How was the rest of your shift?’’ she asked. ‘’Well…we had another call after we hang up nothing hectic and that’s it. ‘’ That’s good.’’ ‘’You look weirdly happy today. Why are you all smiley? And Amelia looks nervous.’’ I said looking between the two women.

‘’Guess whaaaat’’


‘’You’re supposed to guess dumbass.’’ She said. ‘’But I don’t know. It could be a lot of things Ari.’’ I said back to her.

‘’Well. You and Car owe me 300 dollars babe’’ she replied. ‘’300 dollars?? Why?? I don’t owe you anyth-…oh…oh…that can’t be true. Since when?’’ I asked turning to the shy looking Amelia. I forgot that Car and I made a bet with Amelia with regards to her relationship with Andy.

‘’Three months ago…well not officially but I was hoping you could get in touch with romantic Bishop and help me ask your bestfriend to be my girlfriend.’’ ‘’Oh yeah I can help. What were you originally thinking.’’ I asked as I pulled another chair to sit on. We talked and brainstormed ideas on the perfect way to ask Andy.


‘’Ok. Now lighten the sedation.’’ The nurse did as she was instructed. Dr Bailey, Hunt and Teddy were all here. Car was breathing perfectly on her own, a good sign that her lungs were healed or rather healing well. We were all specifically nervous on how long she would take to wake up from the induced coma.‘’This might take longer than anticipated but she is okay so she will wake up soon so give her a couple of hours. She is going to take her time.’’ Teddy said.

We were just happy that she was going to wake up. I can’t wait to see her beautiful brown orbs and to talk to her. They all left the room leaving me with Ari in the room. My phone dinged. I took it out to read the message. My mom was already outside. I texted her Car’s room number and nervously waited for her to come up.

This would be the first time she meets Ari and car. I texted her last week and met up with her. I was finally able to be comfortable enough to let her be a part of my family. I told my mother about Ari and Car on the fourth meeting after I was sure I could trust her.

Surprisingly unlike most parents, she was excited to meet both of them and that gave me a sense of relief. It made me happy. We talked and caught up on different aspects of our lives. It was actually nice to have my mother take interest in my life in that way. I really hope this lasts.

A few minutes later opened and she walked inside. I walked towards her and gave her a side hug. ‘’Hi mom. How are you?’’ I asked her as we all sat down. ‘’I’m good baby. How are you guys?’’ she asked looking between Ari and I. ‘’We are okay. Mom this is my girlfriend Arizona Robbins and that is Carina Deluca. Babe this is my mom Katherine.’’ I said introducing the two blondes. Ari extended her hand but my mom pulled her into a hug.

‘’Nice to meet you. It’s nice to put a face to a name.’’ she said. ‘’Hi. Nice to meet you too Miss Bishop’’ ‘’Oh no just call me Katherine.’’ Mom said. ‘’You all look so much alike. I can see where Maya gets her good looks from.’’ Ari said looking at me. I could feel my cheeks redden. ‘’Awwww…she’s blushing.’’ Mom said laughing along with Ari. Oh no

We were all sat having a really good conversation. Ari and my mom seemed to get along really well. They were all getting to know each other before Ari’s parents walked into the room.

‘’Daaad’’ Ari said as she hurriedly walked towards him engulfing him in a hug. ‘’Hi baby.’’ He said. ‘’Hi mom’’ Ari said as she smiled at her mom. ‘’Umm….h-hi Baby’’ she said back. This is the first time these two talked since her parents came to visit. It was definitely a surprise and awkward at the same time. Zona stepped forward and introduced our parents to each other. The conversation was flowing perfectly. Arizona and her mom weren’t directly speaking to each other but they were being cordial with each other.

‘’S-so nobody’s g-g-going to say hi to m-me’’ we all turned our faces when we heard the voice.

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