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’’Well…. I’m fucked---…’


‘’Maya…I’m already late I have to go’’

‘’ok just one more kiss baby. ’’she said as she puckered her lips.

‘’You know one more kiss isn’t one kiss with you babe. You know what happened last time’’ I laughed at the memory.

‘’Oh Bailey was so mad we made it late to work’’ Carina said laughing as she walked in from the in suite bathroom.

‘’Fine…I don’t like either of you right now’’ she said with cute pout.

‘’Ready to go Zona’’ Carina said as she reached for the car keys on top of the dresser. I nodded as I went towards the bed to give Ms Grumpy a kiss.

‘’See you later. I love you’’ Carina and I said as we made our way out.

‘’Still don’t like you guys” Maya said. She’s so cute when she wants attention

Carina and I made our way out of the building to go pick up my parents. They had texted me when they landed half an hour ago. We still had time to get to the airport because they still had to make their way through security and get their luggage. Carina went in the passenger seat as I went in the driver’s seat.

I wanted to tell my parents about my relationship with Maya and Carina but I was scared—still am of their reaction. More especially my dad. It took him a long time and me convincing him I’m still the same daughter he raised to come to terms with the fact that I like women. Strictly women. I had to listen to ‘it’s just a phase’ ‘you’ll grow out of it’ and a bunch of tries of him trying to take me to reformation camp in order to ‘set me straight’’ and like men. I meannn I’m as gay as it gets.

We were 10 minutes away from the airport when I got a message. I looked at Carina to tell her to check who it was. She put in the passcode to read the message
‘’Awww…she’s so cute.’’ she instantly said. ‘’Who’s cute”
‘’Maya…she sent the message to our group chat. She said she loves us. Your Ms Grumpy’’

‘’Ohh so she quit not liking us.’’ I said chuckling. She replied to her text as we continued with the car ride.

When we got to the airport, we waited for them as they came through with their luggage from arrivals. I haven’t seen them since last Easters. I couldn’t make it home for Christmas last year because I still had to work. But I spent it with Maya and Carina. It was good seeing them in such a long time.

We exchanged pleasant greetings as we hugged each other.

‘’Mom I don’t know if you remember Carina’’ I said as I turned to face my girlfriend. I wish I could call her that right now. ‘’Of course. Your OBGYN friend. You’re italian right’’ she asked directed to Carina. ‘’Si…si. Nice to meet you ma’am. You too sir.’’ She said as she extended her hand to my mom and dad. I could tell she was nervous. She let out a nervous smile. I know it.

We helped them put the bags in the trunk. ‘’You drive Car’’ I went to the passenger seat while I let Carina drive. I could see she was confused as to go in the back or the passenger seat. We started the drive back home to Maya. My mom asked which way we were going as Carina looked at me to answer the question. I just told her we were going to drop of Carina with her girlfriend before we went to my house.


I can understand why Arizona was afraid to tell her parents about our relationship. My father cut off all communications with me when I told him about us. It didn’t matter to me because our communication wasn’t the best even when I was dating Maya alone. He didn’t like that I was dating women now but I didn’t need him to like it. His disapproval didn’t matter. I know my mamma would have been happy for me because she knew I’m happy with them.

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