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First of all...Sorry for updating after so long. I'll try to do better. Enjoyyyy


‘’Babeee…’’ I called out as I walked into the building. I was met with silence as I called out for her again.

‘’Glad you could join us.’’ He said. His voice came up from the far dark corner of the room. ‘’Please don’t do this. Let her go dad.’’ I said to him. I tried negotiating with him to no avail.

‘’I tried being patient with you kiddo but you decide to choose your faggot life with this idiot and the other blonde one. You have good taste really?’’ ‘’Leave them out of this. What do you want Dad?’’ I replied back. I was terrified. I knew exactly what he was capable of. He could easily do to Carina what he did to my mom. That’s what scared me the most.

‘’You could have been a star kiddo. We could have won gold medals but you decided-‘’ ‘’I didn’t decide. I got injured and I still ran my final race and got you your medal so leave me and my gir-‘’ ‘’-who do you think you’re talking to like that? I am your father so lower your voice kid. Or I will show you exactly what I can do Maya. Don’t test me.’’ I looked at him as he said. His forehead vein popping out. I hated how much we looked alike. My brother looked more like my mother. I had his blonde hair, his very blue eyes and some that I’m not really fond of for which I had worked hard to curb.

‘’You don’t control me anymore. What you say could have affected me a year ago but not now dad. I’m not weak you are just a cowa-‘’ I was cut off by the sound of a gunshot. I was not injured and he wasn’t either. I turned my head to the direction he had the gun pointed to. He fired another shot still in that direction. I was about to rush there when he pointed the gun to my head making me stop.

‘’I told you don’t test me little girl. Now are you ready to come back home now that I’ve dealt with your unnecessary problems?’’ I stood there starstruck. It was like I was glued to the floor. Still mum and shocked from the sight infront of me.

‘’’P-p-please dad. Let me assess her first. T-thenn I will go with you.’’ I let out as I slowly approached the body that was tied to the chair. The gun was still pointed to my head. He nodded his head as I quickly sprinted and halted next to the chair. I undid the rope that tied her to the chair and the one that around her wrist.

I slowly laid her flat on the floor and went in search of the bullet wounds. The bullets were all on her chest, already heightening my fears. I checked for a pulse on her neck. It was still there but barely. She was already unconscious having lost a lot of blood already. There was only one bullet exit which meant that one bullet was still inside her.

‘’Please stay with me. I know it’s hard but try. I’ll get you help soon.  I’m right here with you. ’’ I whispered to her. Lane was still a little bit further so he couldn’t hear me. ‘’Leave her alone. You should leave with your father kiddo.’’ Lane said

‘’No…no…let me help her.’’

‘’STAND UP. WE’RE LEAVING.’’ He said with the gun pointed directly to the back of my head. I groaned as he pressed it against my head. Tears fell down my face as I stood up, letting go of her body that had went limp. He led me towards the door that led us outside the building.

I knew my father was cruel and that he didn’t care about anyone but himself but I had no idea he’d be heartless enough to let someone die. But again he’d choose himself over anything really, - even his own family.

I opened the door as per his instructions. I let out a sigh of relief when my eyes landed on the red and blue flashes of the lights from the cars. Behind them were familiar red vehicles. Andy had brought the fire engine and the aid car.

‘’Take a step closer and I’ll blow her brains out.’’ Lane said. I could tell that the man was scared. The police all had their guns pointed towards me since he was behind me. I was scared. Only because we were running out of time. She could be on the way to the hospital by now.

‘’It is all over now. There’s one of you and a lot of them. You’re fighting a losing them. All of these people were trained for situations like these. So just give up dad. Let me go.’’ I said to him.

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