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A/N I forgot I had this pre-written so here you go. Also please don't come for me if this chapter didn't go how you had anticipated. I'm not a writer😂...

NB- I have zero medical knowledge so just play along......Enjoyyÿyy


I turned to see Dr Bailey exiting the OR gallery after she saw Carina flat line for three minutes straight while we had tried to get her back. She was left distraught as she went on to give the bad news to her girlfriends. I knew she had lost all hope that we’d get her pulse back hence the look on her face. Her and Carina had gotten close these past few months and I could genuinely understand what she was feeling. NO

We can’t lose her like this. This woman has done a whole lot for this hospital and the field she’s in. We can’t let her go. I listened to the machine that has been flat lining for 3 minutes now. Not going to give up now.

‘’Again. Charge to 250.’’ ‘’Clear’’ I watched to see her pale jolt and still remain motionless.

‘’You have to call it Dr Grey’’

‘’No Dr Hunt. She’s not going to die. Not today and not like this and certainly not in my hands. One more time. Charge to 300’’ We waited to see if we can get her back. ‘’WE GOT A PULSE…Let’s keep working people.’’ I said as I looked at the other surgeons in the OR. ‘’Her heart is too weak to keep going right now but Dr Hunt and I know what to do.’’ Dr Altman said as we all got to work.

We had already repaired the damage caused by both bullets and retrieved the other one that had nipped arteries. I closed the surgical sight that I was done working on to give the two surgeons enough space to work on Carina’s heart while still monitoring her vitals.

What happened today was a miracle. We got lucky and we were still hopeful that her heart will heal will heal along with all the other internal injuries that the poor woman had suffered. I still have an ounce of hope that Dr Deluca will return to her loved ones. We couldn’t make the mistake that was made when we couldn’t save her younger brother. We just couldn’t let Grey Sloan lose another Deluca.
Surgery went on for six more hours instead of four hours due to complications.

Bailey still wasn’t back and I’m assuming she was still with Maya and Arizona in the waiting room. After closing up and instructing the nurses and interns to transfer Carina to the private room in the ICU, Hunt, Altman and I went to over to the waiting room. We found Maya and Arizona sitting on the chairs with Dr Bailey and who I remember to be Arizona’s parents. They all stood up when they saw as coming towards them.



We were all on our feet when we saw Dr Grey coming with Dr Altman and Dr Hunt. As far as we know, Dr Bailey told us Car didn’t make it. She left after she saw them try to get her back for some time. We asked to see her but they told us to wait in the waiting room.

Ari had called her dad and informed him on the situation at hand when she first got to know about what happened. We were surprised to see Dan come with Ari’s mom but all that was not of important now. Carina was and we were yet to find out what was going on amidst all this confusion.

‘’Good evening. I am Dr Grey and this is Dr Hunt and Dr Altman. We are Dr Deluca’s surgeons.’’ She explained for Ari’s parents who didn’t know some of the doctors. ‘’What happened Mer? Where is Carina? Bailey said she-‘’’Ari said before she was cut off by Teddy.

‘’-that’s what happened but Dr Grey pushed for us to try more and harder after Dr Bailey left. We were able to get her pulse. Dr Hunt and I were able to work on repairing her heart while Gr Grey worked on the internal injuries that were caused by the bullets. We put her in a medically induced coma to give time for her heart and her whole body to rest and recover at its own pace. She’s not out of danger yet but we still hope she will survive this.’’ Teddy explained.

If I didn’t believe in God, then I for sure believe in him now. My heart stopped when Bailey told us what happened in surgery. We all were under the impression that her heart had stopped beating but if it was not for the Meredith’s determination then they would have called her time of death. It is such a relief to know that she’s still alive and will hopefully live to fight another day.

‘’We will keep monitoring her vitals and keep administering treatment that will get her vitals to where we are sure she will be stable enough to take her out of the coma. As for the other surgical site, we are certain that they will heal in no time. They are getting her situated in the ICU room 249. But remember two people at a time. We will see you later.’’ Meredith explained

‘’Thank you Mer. This means a lot to us. Thank you guys for not giving up on her.’’ Zona said as she gave them all hugs. ‘’It’s my job Robbins. Besides we’re family. That’s what we do. You would have done the same for my kids. It’s no problem’’ She replied back

‘’Still. Thank you.’’ She said as she gave Dr Grey a teary smile. The three doctor led us to Car’s room in the ICU. We stopped right in front of her room.

They three went to check on updates on her file before they all turned around to continue with their check-ups on the other patients.

‘’Go on Arizona. Go and see your girlfriend. Your mom and I will go outside get you something to eat and some coffee.’’ Dan said. Ari’s mom had been awfully quiet since they got to the hospital. They left closing the door behind them.

‘’Come on babe. Let’s go see her.’’ I held her hand as we prepared to go into the room. I could tell she was scared. She let out a shaky breath as I faced her to wipe the tear that went down her face. ‘’Hey…did you hear Mer. She said she’s alive. Our girlfriend is o-okay. That’s all that matters.’’ I said to her.

I didn’t know who I was trying to convince more.  I still couldn’t believe that she had literally died before she was brought back to us again. I think we both needed to see for ourselves. We needed to see that she was indeed breathing. It was as if the slow beeping from the machines weren’t enough to convince us that she was still there with us.

I opened the door and let her walk in first. we walked to her side of the bed and sat down on the two chairs that were already in the room. Arizona held her hand and stroked her face. There were so many wires connected to het that I assumed were the ones the doctors were using to take her vitals. She was also hooked onto a ventilator. It was scary to see. I stood there clueless as to what I can say or do.

I was startled by Arizona engulfing me in a soft hug, tears streaming down my face. ‘’I-I’m sorry. I should have protected her. And now she-she’s helplessly lying h-here in this hospital bed. P-p-pl-lease forgive me. She had nothing to do with this b-b-but he still dragged h-her in.  I should have just gone w-with him. It should have b-been me in her pla-‘’ ‘’Sshh…don’t say that Maya. you don’t need to feel guilty. No one should be here. It’s his fault alone baby’’ she said in an attempt to ease my worries and guilt.

No matter what anyone said really. Until one of my girlfriends is in the hospital and the other one is worried sick, part of the guilt will always be there. She let me go as we went back to sitting down and watching as her chest kept going up and down. A sign of life that we needed.

We sat there in silence as we listened to the sound of the machines beeping and watching her breath.

The nurses came in twice to check on her before Zona’s parents came back into the room with food and coffee for us. ‘’You all need to eat and do your part in staying strong and alive for my daughter-in-law.’’ He said with a serious face on. It really made me feel better that we had Dan’s support; something Car and I never got from our own fathers. We still had no idea if her mother’s stand had changed regarding our relationship with her daughter.

‘’Thanks Dan.’’ I said smiling at him ‘’Thank you dad. Can you stay here with her? We’ll be outside’’ she said. Ari took the food from him. We left the room and left the two of them there as per the rules that was laid out for us by Car’s doctors. We went down to the cafeteria to have the dinner.


‘’So…what are the police going to do with your dad?’’ Ari asked as she sipped on her espresso.

‘’Umm…the head commissioner called earlier. They are charging him with violation of the restraining order we got a month ago and they also said the attorney general is working on adding attempt to murder considering what happened to Car today.’’ I explained to her.

‘’okay that seems fair. As long as the man goes behind bar and stops interfering with our day-to-day lives then we’re good.’’ She replied back.

‘’And you? How do you feel about your mom being here at this time?’’ I asked her. I looked at her to see her looking down fiddling with her hands. ‘’Honestly I don’t know how to feel. She hasn’t talked to me or replied to my texts in so long. I’m seeing her for the first time since the restaurant and we still haven’t talked. I mean...she won’t even glance at me. I think she’s here probably because dad forced her to come. I don’t know for sure.’’ She let out.

‘’I understand but she also might be here because she genuinely wants to be. She might have had a change of mind about all that you have talked about. I’m not trying to justify her lack of communication but she’s your mom and you’re her baby. She has her fears as a mother. I don’t know. J-just confront her and talk to her about it one last time to see how she feels this time. You might be wrong or I might be wrong about it too.’’ I said looking up to see her nod her head.

‘’I will but not now. I just want to focus on Rina. I’ll talk to my mom once we know for sure she’s going to be okay.’’ She said.

I could understand where she was coming from with compartmentalizing, wanting to deal with one thing at a time. Soon enough we finished the dinner and headed back upstairs to Carina’s room.

I have no idea where I'm going with this but any suggestions?

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