Tied Legs..

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Arnav's hand was burning unbearably but more than his hand his heart was burning..The pain of heart was bothering him more than the pain in hand..He is not understanding his own action,why he reacted like this for such a small issue, he is a mature person, he deals with lots of people everyday, still he always behaves like a immature child when the thing is about Khushi..His heart became very restless though he was trying hard to clam it down..His heart was determined to disobey him today but the question is when did his heart listens to him when the matter involves Khushi..

'Let's go to a pharmacy,you need to put ointment on it..'Ratna's worried voice broke Arnav's trance..

'It's a small burn Ma, don't worry..' He said to assure Ratna that he is fine..

'Your whole hand is red, if we don't get it treated now there will be blisters..' Ratna had tears in her eyes..

She almost dragged Arnav out from the restaurant and took him to a nearby pharmacy..Bidding bye to NK, Khushi also followed them..While the pharmacy technician was dressing Arnav's hand Ratna was looking at him with worry, she always feels guilty that her son sacrificed his childhood because of the misery they experienced..He took the responsibility of the family when he needed to be taken care of and that's why his slightest pain breaks her heart into pieces..

'Bhai did it purposely, I saw him.. He was jealous as you were talking with NK..'Avanti whispered in Khushi's ear and she gestured her to keep quiet..

As Arnav got hurt they wrap up their outing and came home getting food from the restaurant..After a while Arnav left for office saying he has some urgent work..


'You shouldn't have done this..At first you stopped her from going to Shimla and then pulled up such a cheap stunt.. what's wrong with you??'

Hearing Aman's voice Arnav looked at him with a sad expression.. Losing his tie he rested his head on the chair..'What should I have done then?? Knowing that it's a three days trip I would have allowed her to go..what if something happened to her?? There will be no one to take care of her..'

'And why did you burn your hand, what were you thinking??' Aman asked narrowing his eyes..

Arnav gave a deathly glare to him and almost screamed,'I don't know what was I thinking.. I was feeling extremely uncomfortable seeing her with someone else.. she was laughing and holding his hands..'

'So?? Aren't she allowed to have friends?? Why are you behaving like a hopeless teenager??' Aman asked with annoyance.. He was upset at his best friend who hurt himself for such a silly reason..

'You know very well why am I behaving like this.. I know I overreacted but the way that guy was looking at Khushi, I didn't get any good vibe..'

'I know, I know but she doesn't know.. why don't you tell her whatever you feel for her..'

'What if she rejects me..' Arnav asked while looking at the blank wall, pressing his head more to the chair..Lots of thoughts were going on in his mind..

Aman smiled a little and said,'Arnav Singh Raizada is afraid?? Aren't you the one who crashed his father's family like a lion two years ago and the same you became a cat for a girl...'

'Yes, because she is not just a girl..she is special..she is my Khushi ' He said looking at Aman..

'Hmmm..' Aman smiled teasingly..

Arnav smiled shyly..'I was only 12 when my life turned upside down with my father's sudden demises.. I was clueless and extremely angry at his family who threw us out from our own home saying we don't have any rights in it..we started staying at her house on that extreme bad condition.. '

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