Mother's Decision..

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Raizada family just reached in Gupta Nivas and settled themselves in the living room where all the Gupta's and Arnav were already present..Situation was so tense that no one was uttering a word..

Ratna looked at Khushi,her eyes were puffy and red due to non stop crying..The marks of fingers were visible in the both cheeks, the corner of her lip had a minor cut..She was looking like a total mess..

Removing her gaze from Khushi, Ratna looked at Garima and said,'Is it the way to treat your own daughter, Garima?!'

Garima looked at her with big eyes and said in a fiery voice,'The daughter who can't keep the promise she gave to her mother,deserves worst than this!!'

Arnav looked at Khushi hearing this, things are clearing up now..So that's the reason she was always avoiding him because of the promise she gave to her mother..He gulped thinking,'Oh Khushi!! Why didn't you tell me!!'

Ratna didn't say anything she was shooting fire at Garima with her eyes, who spoke again..'She promised me she will never involved with anyone..still she did, she broke my trust just like her sister did..' saying that she bite her cheek and looked at Shasi horrified.. Though everyone knows everything about Payal, she didn't want to say that in front of them but in anger it just slipped her tongue..

Arnav was super surprised hearing that so that's the reason behind everything,Khushi's sister..He heard once she eloped with a married guy..Now he understood what makes khushi sensitive towards love and relationships, probably actually definitely they received lots of criticism for Payal's actions and Khushi was trying to protect her family from that again..Plus he agreed or not, there equation is worried, when his own sister was pointing it out..Isn't Khushi's fear justified that others will point that out too..

'Oh so you took a stupid promise from Khushi because of Payal's deed..Khushi was getting punished for Payal's actions..' Ratna said angrily and after a pause she said,'I always saw Khushi keeping distance from Arnav, she used to lock herself in a room when ever Arnav was at home..Though I was suspecting she is doing this to avoid Arnav, now I am sure and living with them for two years I didn't understand that they were having a relationship, but you did understand it from Lucknow wow!! And I asked what's wrong in that even if they are in a relationship.. I don't have any problem with this, why do you have?? Is there anything wrong with my son??'

Taking a deep breath Garima said,'Your society is different from ours Ratna ji,may be no one will say anything to you but people will talk about us..People will say Shasi Gupta betrayed Arvind Raizada by sending his daughter behind his son, he did all this for Raizada's property..People will think my daughter is corrector less who had an affair with a guy with whom she was living in the same house..Our shaken reputation will be ruined once again..'

'When they didn't have a relationship why will people say all this?? And if Arvind Raizada was alive he would have been here with us asking your daughter's hand for his son,from where the question of betrayal came..The person who gave us shelter when we had nothing, will run after our property, at least I don't believe this..'Ratna said angrily..

'Yours or ours believe doesn't matter..People will not leave a chance to don't know how people talk..' Garima said gritting her teeth..

'Who's brother in law throw her out of the house with three children, who has a limp daughter, whose son took her responsibilities at the age of 14 and who's younger daughter was raised up by her alone, will not know how people talk..?? But the reality is I never cared for those for me my children comes first,there happiness matters the most and my Arnav's happiness is in Khushi..So I am asking her hand for him..' She said in a go..

Shasi looked at Garima and then at Ratna,'Ratna Bahen ji, you and us!! How??' He said in a low voice, he was very confused at this time, once he was thinking about his daughter and then at their equation, then there is his angry wife..He was feeling zoned out..

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