What heart Wants??

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Khushi was filling a water jug but her mind was occupied with Anjali's words,' She and Arnav has no match..' The irony fact is Khushi knows it well,still it hurts so much to hear about it loud and clear..Why it's hurt,she doesn't love Arnav then why it's matter so much..

What's going on with her now a days, how much she tries not to think about him..All she does is thinking about him..They didn't exchange a word since a week still she feels like she can hear his silence, she can hear his sadness, his anger,his disappointment and his love.. As if it's so easy for her to hear him without him actually saying it..

Hearing Arnav's silence is not a new experience for her..she is doing it since she was six..Though she was young she remembers clearly how he used to shed tears in silence hugging her and she used to understand his inner turmoil without his words..She knows he is upset probably much more than her about the ugly fight they had, he is angry with her for thinking of leaving this house and disappointed that after so many things she still doesn't understand his love!!

With all this an old problem arises again..Whenever he comes near her, her heart started beating like a drum..It happened first time few years back when she was only at grade 10 and Arnav went to their house..While he was leaving she was in terrace when she removed her red duppatta from the cloth hanging rope her eyes met his..He was looking at her without blinking from the garden area.. He was gulping now and then, his mouth was little open..His car door was open but he had no intention to go in,he was just standing there and looking at her turning his head..His eyes were so expressive..It was about to be dark and the whole sky was orange..In his bluish grey suit under the orange sky he was looking magnificent and that sight sealed into her heart!!

She can't forget how his eyes were filled with love, hope and fear..Why it was so easy to read his eyes yet  so hard!!..Khushi was up whole night that time with her fast beating heart, when the morning came it didn't go away..It was with her for a long time,she was so naive that she thought it's acidity..This thing was very first for her..This equation of men and women were unknown to her till then but now when she gives it a thought she understands, she had a crush on him but she kind of always knew he is in a forbidden territory!!

She grew up hearing about how her grandfather served Arnav's grandfather and her father served his father..There relationship was totally like owner and servant..It was Ratna who bought a change into that saying and treating them like a family..She called Shashi as Bhai Sab out of respect since Arvind was alive, she never liked him calling her Malkeen..

There is a saying people are most attracted to the forbidden and that's what happened to her too..She buried the feelings of 10th grade and came to Delhi for studying but his nearness was not helping at all.. His nearness, his helping nature, treating her differently from others were enough to bring those feelings back she was feeling as a teenager..Thus the fast heartbeat started again and to avoid it she started maintaining her distance from him as much as possible..

She thought with time things will change including what she saw in his eyes few years ago but she was wrong it only increased..His eyes were saying much more than it was saying at that time..She was losing to herself as her heart was stubborn to think about him..Her fast heart beats returns again..

But, she doesn't love him..right?? Then why she cares so much or her stubborn heart did a stupidity and fall for him without her permission..

When the jug overflows Deviyani called her,'Khusshii bitiya,(daughter) what are you doing??'

She hurriedly turned off the water filter and looked at Deviyani with guilt..'I am sorry Nani ji.. I just.. I am..vo'

Deviyani looked at her confusingly not understanding why is she mumbling..'It's ok bitiya but are you ok?'

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