Ugly Spat..

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Seeing Khushi in the rear view mirror Arnav felt a thud in his chest..She was looking at him with teary eyed..Closing his eyes he looked down and then he tried to pull his car near her so that he can ask her to get in..But as soon as he pressed in back giar, he saw NK puts his hand on Khushi's shoulder..Seeing NK with Khushi his anger again started pouring his heart and he left from their without saying anything..

'Khushiii..' Moving her eyes from Arnav's car she looked at NK...

'Khushi, I am sorry.. I should not have asked you to come with me..I didn't know..' NK was feeling very bad seeing Arnav's outburst and Khushi's tears..

'NK I told you, it's not your fault..' Khushi said turning her head around as she saw Arnav is leaving without her..

'Let me drop you home please..' NK asked..

'No NK..I will go by myself please..'Saying that she left from there..

When her Auto stopped in front of Raizada mansion,it was quiet dark..She opened her bag to pay the auto and her eyes fall on her phone there was umpteenth missed calls from Arnav and Ratna..She shied thinking how she forgot to inform Ratna that they will be late..Nothing would have happened if she could inform Ratna on time..

She called Ratna when the auto driver told her he doesn't have the change..She picked up on second ring,'Khushi where are you?? Since how long I am calling you.. Where are you?? Chote and Avanti reached long ago..'

'I am in front of the house Auntie..Can you please come or send Hari Prakash with 80 rupees, I don't have change to pay the auto driver..'

'Wait, I am coming..' Ratna replied..

After 5 minutes she came to the front gate and paying the Auto looked at Khushi,'I also didn't have changed so had to take it from chote...You know Khushi I didn't expect this irresponsibility from you, do you know how many times I called you!! You guys really did too much today..'

'Phone was on silent auntie, sorry!! It will never happen again..' She said bowing her head down..

Looking at the other side Ratna took a deep breath and said,'Ok, now come in..' Khushi was taking little steps behind her..She looked at her and saw Khushi's pale face, she was also mad at both of them but hearing everything from Avanti she decided to not say anything further to the girls..Arnav already said a lot!!

Coming to her room she was seating on the bed silently for almost half an hour..Avanti was at Ratna's room..After a while she opened her drawer and took out a change of 100 rupees..

Taking the money in her hand she straight went to Arnav's room..She never enter his room without knocking but today she didn't even knock and directly came to his room..Coming out of shower he just opened his laptop to do some pending works..

Sensing some ones present in front of him, he moved his gaze from the laptop and seeing Khushi in front of him still wearing the outside clothes, he looked at her squeezing his eyes..

'Your money..' Khushi said little angrily holding the money in front of his face..

'Which money..' He asked like a clueless man..

'The money you just paid for my auto..'She said with anger..

Closing his laptop he stands up from the recliner,'Did you come here to make me more angry..'

'I came here to give the money..why would I want to make you angry..'

'Listen I clam myself down after a long..don't put oil in the fire anymore..You will burn yourself along with me..' He said angrily..

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