Unexpected Interruption..

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The dark sky is sparkling with the vibrant colors of fireworks.. The noise of fireworks, party horns, cheers, music, and many more was creating a jubilant atmosphere but Arnav and Khushi were too engrossed in their very first kiss that no loud noises were reaching their ears, no phosphenes were bright enough to make their closed eyes open, the chilly weather was not able to break their concentration.. The excitement, nervousness, fluttering warm sanction of their first kiss was so overwhelming that it was suppressing all other feelings..

Two people who waited for each other for a long period, whose love story was nothing but a roller coaster journey, who at a point lost their hope of being with each other were finally reaching a milestone by kissing each other and nothing was able to steal that precious moment from them..

Though none of them had any intention to break the kiss they had to due to shortness of breath.. Breaking the kiss, both of them started breathing heavily, they were standing in each other's embrace joining their forehead together.. Arnav was the first one who opened his eyes and gently moved his forehead away from hers..He was mesmerized by seeing Khushi in his arms, her eyes were closed, beautiful colors of lights were falling on her face, she was holding his shirt in a tight fist and her lips were shaking a bit.. The noise, lights and lady of his dreams in his arms were creating a magical moment.. He so wanted to kiss her again and kiss her till his heart is content.. He waited years for this moment, in his head imagined that moment thousand of times but truth is that his reality seems more beautiful than his imagination..

Slowly Khushi opened her eyes.. Her breath was still getting normal, she looked at his eyes, which was filled with so much love for her..Khushi was feeling a different emotion on her, which she never felt before..She was feeling happy, nervous, excited and overwhelmed.. She wanted to stop this time right here, everything was feeling like a dream to her.. The man she gave her heart to before even realizing what does it mean was standing so close to her that their breaths were mixing with each other..This feeling of butterflies, love, lust and fear were overwhelming for her!!

She was looking at him with so much vulnerability and took a little step closer to his lips but stopped there feeling shy and nervous.. Arnav gulped seeing her quivering lips and bending down he kissed her again, it was a soft kiss more like a peck, he stood there for few minutes touching her lips with his..

Once he broke the intimate touch, she looked at him with shyness..He smiled and caressed her cheeks, she trembled a bit.. He smirked seeing her closing her eyes again..He kissed her ear lobe, then said in a husky voice, 'You can kiss me whenever you want, you don't need to stop in the middle.. Don't worry I will not mind..'

Khushi opened her eyes and looked at him opening her mouth a bit.. Noticing the way Khushi gazed at him, Arnav smiled tenderly and cupped her face with his one hand, while other was resting on her back, "You look beautiful, Khushi.." he whispered, his eyes reflecting genuine admiration, Khushi blushed, feeling a surge of happiness and love...

Taking a step backward, he removed his black coat and covered her with it, 'You might not be aware but your body feels quite cold..' He held her hand while guiding her inside the apartment, they settled into the couch they were sitting earlier..

Wrapped in Arnav's coat, Khushi looked up at him with a mix of emotions, the night was still alive with the celebration around them, but their private world seemed to envelop them in a cocoon of warmth and love..

He gently brushed his lips against hers, savoring the sweetness of the moment, 'I've waited for this for so long..'  Arnav admitted, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and contentment..

Khushi,  looked at him with teary eyes, she was having hard time to control her emotions and desires... This moment was nothing but a dream come for her too.. Though she didn't utter any word her eyes was expressing everything she felt.. Breaking the silence, Arnav spoke softly, "Khushi, do you remember the time you came to Delhi, to stay with us? The twists and turns that brought us here?" Khushi nodded, a fond smile playing on her lips. "Though it was nothing but a torture at that time, yet every moment led us to this beautiful place." Arnav said pulling khushi closer..

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