Visit to Lucknow..

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Though Khushi said she has no problem going by a car, Arnav didn't listen.. He was afraid she might get motion sickness again..She tried to explain few times it doesn't happen always..If she takes medicine and seat in the front seat she will not have any problem but Arnav already bought their tickets and had no mood to listen to anyone..

So, there they were, going to Luckhnow by air..It was Khushi's first time in the air plane and she was nervous like hell, when Arnav buckled their seat belt, she looked at him nervously, he held her hand in his tight hold and said, 'don't worry, I'm here..'

She asked like a child, 'What are we gonna do if the plane is going to crash?'

'Then we are going to die together, what else??...' He said casually like it's not a big deal..

She gasped and said being horrified, 'Don't talk about dying.. I feel scared..'

'Ok, I won't but please relax.. Trust me, everything will be fine..' He said with a smile squeezing her hand and Khushi kept looking at him with an awe expression, it has been 15 days they are married still whenever he smiles at her like this she feels her chicks are getting warm and red..

'You know it's my first time in plane, I never travel by air plane..' She said looking through the window..

'I know and I am lucky that you are doing this with me..' She looked at him emotionally hearing this and he continued,'Now please smile, you are going to meet your parents first time after marriage.. I thought you will be super excited and here you are all tense and worried..'

'I think I have height phobia.. I am so scared Arnav ji..' Saying that she made a wacky face..

He nodded his head with a stern expression and said, ' You are afraid of darkness and lizards, you sometime forget important stuff including that you are married, you sleep so deeply that anyone can easily kidnap you in your sleep..You have motion sickness and now I got to know you might have height phobia too..'

He paused for a second and thought something,then said ,  'Tumme or keya keya technical kharabi hai Khushi (what else technical difficulties do you have khushi?)'

'Hawww!!!.. Laad Governor, you are making fun of me..' She said moving her face to the other side feeling angry..

He chuckled and made her look at him, 'I am sorry my princess, I was just kidding..'

Khushi felt her heart is blooming with happiness hearing him referring her as his princess, every time he called her princess, she feels a different sensation in her heart.. It gives her immense joy..

'Arnav ji, can I ask you something??' She asked happily and he nodded positively..

'Why do you always call me princess??..' she asked curiously..

' Do you want me to call you something else? Tell me what should I call you sweetheart, honey, darling, baby or something else??..' He said with a serious face..

'Arnav jiii...' She said, irritatingly..

Arnav chuckled again,'Don't you think you are smiling way too much today??' Khushi asked seeing him smiling continuously since they boarded in the plane, though it's not a new thing..In last fifteen days she saw him smiling like this many times.. Always angry Arnav was replaced with a much relaxed Arnav since they got married..

'Because I am happy..You know I always knew one day I will be going to your house as your husband, as the son in law of that house and today that dream came true.. '

Khushi smiled and said circling her hands in his arms..'You didn't tell me yet why do you call me princess always.. Even you said that to babu ji too that you will keep me as your princess??..'

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