Arnav's birthday..

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Khushi opened her eyes slowly early in the morning. Her body felt heavy and ached in places she hadn't known could ache.. She was feeling tired and slight soreness in her muscles.. A deep blush crept up her cheeks as she shyly remembered the reason for her uneasiness.. She smiled softly thinking about last night—the way Arnav behaved, he was full of passion and totally control less, but when he realized Khushi was having tough time to match with him, she was not comfortable like that he became slow and had held her as if she was the most precious thing in the world.. She felt a mix of shyness and joy as the memories washed over her..

She shifted slightly and realized she was lying against Arnav's naked chest.. She could hear the gentle thud of his heartbeat, this sounds were very soothing to her ears and heart.. Carefully, she lifted her head to look at him. Arnav was still asleep, seeing him like this, so close made her heart swell with love.. It's not the first time that they are sleeping hugging each other but today feels different, very different.. She reached up and gently traced the lines of his face with her fingertips, her mind wandered back to the tender moments they had shared, the way he had whispered sweet words to her, the way his touch had set her skin on fire... She blushed again, recalling how passionately he had kissed her, how they had moved together in perfect harmony..Every kiss, every touch, had been filled with so much love that it left her breathless..

Khushi pressed a soft kiss to his chest, feeling a rush of warmth and affection. Arnav stirred slightly at her touch, and she couldn't help but smile.. She nuzzled closer to him, savoring the feeling of being so close, so connected. His arm tightened around her instinctively, pulling her even closer...She hided her face in the crock of his neck and inhaled his manly smell..

Arnav stirred a bit and slowly opened his eyes.. When he saw her cuddled up in his arms wearing his white shirt, what he made her wear in the wee hours of night seeing her shyness, a soft smile spread across his face.. He caressed her cheek with his thumb...'Good morning, jaan..' he whispered, his voice still husky from sleep..

Khushi's heart fluttered at the sound of his voice, she smiled and replied softly, 'Good Morning..'

Arnav pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her protectively... 'Did you sleep well..'he asked, nuzzling his nose against her cheek..

Khushi felt her cheeks and ears were getting warm and red..'Hmmm..' was the only sound that came from her mouth as his nose was replaced by his lips, moving from her face to her neck... He opened the first few buttons of her shirt and placed his face against her chest..

Arnav felt her uneasiness and moved his face away from her chest. He gently tilted Khushi's chin up.. 'Why are you shying like this, babe? I thought all your shyness went away last night while you were screaming my name..'

Khushi gently slapped his arm and murmured, 'Besaharam (Shameless)..'

'I am shameless? You wear a sexy lehenga, decorate the room, seduce me, and now I am shameless?..'Arnav asked with wonder..

Khushi pouted.. 'I wasn't seducing you..I just wanted to surprise you..'

'Well, surprise achieved..'Arnav said with a chuckle..' But you should know, my love, that when you look at me like that, I can't help myself..'

Khushi giggled, 'You're impossible..'

'And you are irresistible..' Arnav whispered, brushing his lips against hers.. She closed her eyes, parting her  lips.. This sight was irresistible for Arnav,he lost control over himself one more time and kissed her deeply.. As they pulled away, he looked into her eyes and said, 'Let's stay like this for the whole weekend.. No ones at home, anyway..'

'No way!..' Khushi replied, trying to get up..

'Why not?..' He asked hovering over her, almost crashing her with his weight..

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