Heart Breaks..

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Avanti was seating in the restaurant and was drinking water from time to time, she was very nervous.. Nervous like she was never before, she looked at her clock and saw its time, time of his arrival..

She looked at the entrance, its raining a lot..Rain means good luck, she smiled a bit with that thought and blew some air out to clam her fast heat beats but nothing was working, today her heart is beating like crazy.. Ten minutes passed, which was not less than ten hours for her but he didn't come..Avanti took her phone in hand and started debating within herself should she wait or leave and at that moment he arrived..

'Sorry..I got caught in traffic..' He said seating in front of her while rubbing his silky hair with a handkerchief.. He was cleaning the raindrops from his hair and she felt her heart is about to come out from her chest..

Avanti smiled lightly and said,'It's ok..' she looked down and started playing with the corner of her tops..

'Why did you call me here, is everything all right??' He asked squeezing his eyebrows..

'Actually I.. I..hmm..' She paused for a moment and said, 'Coffee??.. what about coffee?? You must be tired, don't you want some coffee??'

'Yeah.. that's a good idea, let's have some coffee..' He said with a straight face..

Ordering coffee both again sat silently..An uncomfortable silence was in between them..Avanti was looking down and murmuring something..After a while they were served with two hot coffees..

'Avanti did you call me here just to have a coffee with you??' ..He asked with a surprise, as still Avanti didn't disclose why suddenly she called him in a restaurant..

She shook her head negatively and said, 'I actually wanted to say something..'

'Yes please..' He asked with a frown..

'I.. I.. I actually wanted to say that to you from long long time but never got the courage to tell you..' she said still looking at her laps, too nervous to face him..

He didn't say anything as he already got the idea what she is going to tell him, her nervous face is giving him a clear idea about what coming next.. He actually got the idea from her message already, when Avanti texted him that she wanted to meet him alone he kind of knew what she wanted to say but still wanted to hear from her mouth..

Minutes passed but Avanti didn't say anything.. 'Avanti, I am still waiting..'

'I like you Aman.. I like you a lot..' She said in a go looking at him and immediately looked down.. 'From long time, I don't even remember since how long I am hiding this feelings in myself but I can't anymore.. I really like you, actually what I feel for you is more than like and..'

Aman coughed and Avanti looked at him..She was trying to read his mind.. 'Aman I.. I..' she was out of words and nervously murmuring..

'I am really honored that you like me but I never look at you in that way.. For me you were always just younger sister of Arnav..' He replied with a stern expression..

Avanti gulped, "just younger sister of Arnav.." that line started buzzing in her head.. She didn't know what to and how to respond..

'Avanti you are such a nice and beautiful girl, anyone will be more than happy to be with you but I think I am not the right person for you..Your brother is my best friend,I work with him, I don't want to complicate things between us.. I hope you understand that..' Aman said with little sadness and Avanti just nodded..

Aman looked here and there then said, 'It's getting late I think you should go home now..'

Avanti stood up and looked at him..'Aman vo..'

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