Khushi's closed door..

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Right After Arnav was done with his meeting, he got surprised seeing Khushi's call.. A bright smile came to his face..'Hey..'

Hearing his extra sugary voice, she hissed in anger and he misunderstood her angry noise to her crying noise and his heart started pounding in fear..'Hey, what happened?? Are you ok?? Did anyone says anything to you..where are you?? Are you home,I am coming just tell me what happened??'

'Shut up..' she said angrily..

Arnav flinched a little hearing her tone, she never use this tone for him and Arnav doesn't like anyone using this tone for him, even if it's Khushi..He replied with annoyance,'Did you leave all your manners in Lucknow?? Is it the way to talk??'

'Before asking me about my manners check yours..' Another angry response came from her..

'What did I do??' He asked cluelessly..

'What were you saying to Aman ji a while ago..haa??Don't you understand I feel uncomfortable with your this kind of talk..'

'You called me to say this?? I thought you were worried if my meeting went well or not..' He replied making a irritated face..

'Aren't you going little over the board now..please stop this..'

'There was no need of calling for this, you could have tell me all this at home too or you don't have the courage to say it in my face ..' He said with an attitude..

'Yes, I don't have courage.. I came to Delhi for studying not to do all this with you..'

'So, if you love me will I burn your books or something..what's the relation between this two, will you please explain??' Arnav asked raising his one eyebrow..

Khushi felt extremely irritated hearing his reply, she was feeling like to scream at him and say some strong and mean words but nothing was coming out of her mouth..This man is very hot headed and will definitely not listen to should she make him understand that her door is closed and he can't have an excess there..!!

'Why are you not understanding??..' she said pleading..

'I want to understand, you are the one who is not making me understand..' He replied little loudly..

'Ok..if you don't stop all this.. I will leave..' Khushi said suppressing the sadness she was feeling while saying that..

Arnav gritted his teeth in anger hearing her saying that,then said,'Ok.. Go and explain this to my mother and your father that you are going away because I love you..Tell them I am eating your head by professing my love..I also want to know how that goes..'

Khushi looked at her phone..Arnav knows very well she will never be able to do this and he is just taking the advantage of this..'Ok I will do whatever is best for don't worry..'

Some frown appeared in Arnav's face hearing her and he asked her in a stern voice,'What will you do??'

'You will see..' saying that she hangs up the phone..Arnav started thinking what can she do but he couldn't find anything..Then he called her after second ring she cuts the call.. He called her again but by this time she switched off her phone..

Arnav keeps looking at Khushi's number for few minutes and then kept it in his pocket feeling sad..


Next few days passed very quickly.. People do say good time pass quickly and bad time doesn't but here Khushi doesn't know her time is good or bad as it's passing like a super fast horse..Now a days Arnav comes home late as he got a big project and he was busy with it..His usual routine was little messed up too..He rarely goes to jogging and keeps going out of Delhi frequently..

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