Arnav's anger..

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Khushi was afraid how will Arnav react now, she remembered last time he burned his hand seeing her with NK..What if he does something crazy this time too..She felt hurt but why is she hurt, is she hurt because of Arnav's feelings will be hurt seeing her with NK..Khushi looked at Arnav coming towards her table but passing her table he went to the rest room without looking at her..

She was feeling thirsty and sweaty..She removed sweats from her forehead and looked at the direction of the rest room..'Khushi, anything wrong?? Why are you behaving strange suddenly??' NK asked seeing Khushi's pale face..No words came out of her mouth.. she was praying that he won't do any stupidity in his anger..

'What happened Khushi?? Why are you not saying anything?? Are you ok??' NK asked again seeing her frightened face..Khushi looks at him helplessly, how will she make anyone understand what storm is going through her mind..NK gave her a glass of water and she started drinking it little by little..

After a while Arnav came out of the rest room and Khushi looked at him with fear but Arnav's eyes were as cold as ice..Khushi could not understand what's going on in his mind..He looked at NK and then her for a moment before leaving from there..Seeing Arnav's calmness made Khushi more uncomfortable, his anger should have been more soothing than this no care attitude..

Khushi's eyes moved with Arnav and she saw he is leaving with Aman..Taking her bag, she gets up from there to leave but NK stopped her..'Where are you going?? Seat na?? I still have a lot to discuss..'

'Some other day NK.. I need to leave now..' saying that she came out of the restaurant but Arnav was already gone by then taking a big breath she also returned home..

It was around 10.0 pm but no sign of Arnav, Khushi was just spacing on her room holding a book in her hand..Her all concentration was at door bell not at her book at all..At this moment Ratna came,'Avii..Chote will be late today, please open the door for him when he arrives and don't forget to warm up food before giving him, he doesn't like cold stuff.. I am going to sleep, headache is killing me..'

Saying that she left making Khushi little more restless why is he getting late today..Little by little time passed and Khushi saw it was about to be 12.00.. She looked at Avanti and said little annoyingly,'Avanti call your Bhai and ask him when will he come's almost 12.0'

'If you are so worried why don't you give him a call and ask??' Avanti asked teasingly and Khushi looked at her helplessly..

'Did you lovebirds fought or something??..He called this afternoon and asked about you and now you are not calling him..' Avanti asked making a serious face..

'Avanti please, you are speaking too call him..' Khushi said annoyingly..Arnav informed Avanti he will be home within 15 minutes but almost 20 minutes passed there was no sign of Arnav, Avanti took a big yawn and said..'Khussshii please open the door when Bhai will come, I can't stay awake anymore..And I don't want to be a third wheel between you two anyway..' Saying that she dozed into sleep and Arnav arrived after 20 minutes of that..

Khushi opened the door with little fear, Arnav was opening his shoes and didn't look at the person at the door..'Avi warm up the food soon please.. I haven't eat anything since long..' Saying that he looked at person standing in the door and gets little surprise..

'Oh you!! I thought Avanti..Go and sleep, I am not hungry..'

'But you just said that you haven't eaten anything since long..'

'Yeah but I am not hungry and don't want to eat anything..' Saying that he left for his room taking big steps..

After a while Khushi knocked at his door but there was no response from him..She knocked again and still no response, getting little courage she entered his room and saw he just came out of bathroom taking shower..
He was wiping his head with a towel..Though she didn't want to still her eyes got fixed on him for a brief handsome he was looking fresh coming out of shower!!

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