Is it the End!!

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Arnav was seating in front of the holy fire waiting for his bride..His gaze was fixed on the fire only as it was reciprocating his inner flame..Since past one and half years that's all he is feeling a fire burning inside him..
No happiness, no sadness, no anger..Only fire..

Those who didn't lose their loved ones they don't know how it feels or how to describe it because what he was feeling it can not be explained in words, it's only can be felt..Suddenly everyone started chiming,'Bride is here..' 'Bride is here..'..

Though Arnav didn't want to but he couldn't control himself from looking at the stairs..There she was coming towards him wearing a golden lehenga and red duppatta, which he designed long ago for someone very special, someone close to his heart..

Arnav immediately moved his gaze from her face to the fire..He completed the whole wedding without giving a glance at her..When the pandit declared them Husband and Wife he closed his eyes and in many months first time he shied in relief..In many months first time he felt the fire inside him got a bucket of water..

Finally He got her..Yes,finally he got married to Khushi Kumari Gupta..She is officially his wedded wife now..
He looked at her face and saw she is looking down, it was hard to say if she was sad,shy, guilty or happy..

He remembered the day when he came to Lucknow after taking a 15 hours long flight including layover time.. He reached at her home with the fastest speed he can only to find out she just got married with Druhv Singhania..His whole world came to an end hearing this..He was lost and feeling of betrayal was killing him..Though Khushi never committed to him, all he was feeling was she betrayed him, his loyalty and his unconditional love..

When they tried to touch Ratna's feet to take blessing, they did feel the uncomfortableness in her..Indeed she was not happy with this marriage but accepted it for her son's happiness..She did saw how he suffered without Khushi..Ratna was mad at Khushi, for not standing for Arnav's love..For getting married with someone else when she was in love with Arnav and tortured him like this..Ratna heard from Avanti that Khushi also had feelings for Arnav but for her family's sake she married Druhv..Ratna smiled a little and bless them, she decided to keep her feelings a side and give their relationship a chance..Same was with Deviyani she accepted the relationship only for her grand son's happiness and bless them with little smile..

Anjali didn't come to the wedding showing her extreme disapproval to this relationship..She was mad at Arnav for deciding to marry Khushi, not only a girl who's father was their servant but also she herself is a widow..She was married to another man for almost a year..How can her brother,who is best among the best can marry a girl like this..So, she and her husband didn't attend the wedding..

But there were two people who were beaming with joy seeing them together one was his best friend Aman and another was her best friend who is happened to be his sister,Avanti..They were so happy seeing finally love win..Seeing a miracle In front of them..

Two people were standing in little far with so much emotion, happy that finally Khushi is in a good hand, sad that she will again leave them, nervous thinking about her future and too guilty that all the misery Khushi suffered could have been avoided only if they were an understanding parents..Yes, they were Shasi and Garima..

Khushi was very quiet as she was remembering how she reached here..Though one and half year sounds a little bit of time, only she knows how much longer this time was..Putting a stone in her heart she got married to Druhv..Her whole being was shaken when she saw Arnav at her house right after her wedding ceremony.. His eyes had tears and he was accusing her through his eyes for doing this to him..He left that day without saying anything and she thought this was the end of them..

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