Doubts ?!?

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It had been more than a week since Khushi and Arnav had been intimate for the first time.. In that time, khushi had discovered a new side of Arnav, who was always happy and romantic and never failed to make her feel special... They had gone on dates, shared romantic dances, had gone to the movies, where they held hands and exchanged passionate kisses in the dim lights, they enjoyed each other's company to the fullest.. However, something was bothering Khushi...

Despite the many moments they spent close together, Arnav hadn't initiated anything physical since their first night.. There were times when they cuddled on the couch, or lay in bed, sharing soft kisses and intimate whispers.. Sometimes, Arnav would press her against the wall, kissing her deeply, his hands exploring her waist and back, but he always stopped before things could go any further..

Whenever it seemed like they might take things further, Arnav would pause, pulling back, saying he was tired or sleepy.. Khushi couldn't help but feel worried.. Did Arnav not enjoy their first time together? Did he not like being with her in that way? These thoughts made her feel anxious and unsure..

One night,Arnav and Khushi were lying in bed.. Khushi was playing with his shirt buttons and Arnav had his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer..They were enjoying each other's presence in silence..

Khushi looked up at him, and caressed his cheeks, 'Arnav ji..' she whispered softly..

Arnav tilted his head to look at her, Khushi hesitated for a moment, then leaned in and pressed her lips to his.. The kiss started slow, gentle, but soon it deepened. Arnav's hands moved to cup her face as he kissed her back passionately..Without breaking the kiss, he gently maneuvered Khushi so she was lying beneath him..

Khushi's hands moved to his shirt, her fingers trembling slightly as she unbuttoned it.. She pushed the shirt aside, revealing his bare chest, her hands roamed over his skin..Arnav's kisses grew more intense as he trailed his lips down her neck, making her shiver.. He continued to explore her body with his hands and mouth, taking his time, savoring every moment.. Khushi felt her heart race, her breath quickening as they became lost in each other..


Arnav slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders, pulling it down slowly.. Khushi's heart raced as she felt the fabric slide off her body.. Arnav's eyes darkened with desire as he looked at her..He leaned in, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss..His hands moved to her waist, pulling her closer against his bare chest. The feeling of his skin against hers sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire within her.. Khushi wrapped her arms around his neck, returning his kiss with equal fervor..

Arnav's lips left hers to travel down her neck again, this time with more urgency.. He kissed her collarbone, then moved lower, his mouth exploring every inch of her exposed skin.. Arnav gently nuzzled Khushi, his nose brushing against the fabric of her bra.. Khushi shivered and her fingers tangling in his hair as she arched her back, pressing him closer to herself..

He was kissing, biting and teasing her sensitive skin, making her moan softly.. The sound of her pleasure spurred him on, and he continued to worship her body, taking in every reaction, every gasp, every tremor..

Khushi was lost in the sensations, in the heat of their passion..Arnav's touch was both tender and demanding, a perfect blend that made her feel cherished and desired..

But suddenly, Arnav slowed his kisses, making them softer and gentler..He carefully pulled back and reached for Khushi's dress.. He gently helped her back into it..Khushi opened her eyes wide, feeling a mix of surprise and confusion as he adjusted her dress.. She searched his face, trying to understand why he had stopped..Arnav leaned in and kissed her forehead softly, 'Good night, Khushi..' he whispered..

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