Face Off!!

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Avanti slept early today as she had a tiring day but Khushi's eyes were not closing at all...She was engrossed in her thoughts, after few hours of hassles when she finally managed to close her eyes her phone started vibrating..She opened her eyes slightly and received the call without seeing the caller..

'Khushiii..' she opened her eyes big hearing his husky voice..She looked at the phone and it was 1.30,why is Arnav calling her at this time..

'Arnav ji.. you??' Hearing his name from Khushi's mouth after a long time he felt a cold wave in his heart..Whenever she calls him Arnav ji, he feels intoxicated and today he was feeling it more than ever..He gulped and said,'Can you come to my room please??'

Khushi felt fearful hearing his words..Why should she go to his room at this hour..A young girl in a room of a young boy at this hour, when one of them is attracted to another..No it's wrong!!

'Why and at this hour??..'She asked confusingly..

'I have some work..please!!' He said in a soft tone..

'Whatever work you have say it in the morning, I can't come now..' She said little afraidly..

'Please Khushi, I am requesting you..' Arnav said in a pleading tone and Khushi felt something on her heart hearing his voice..

'Don't be afraid.. I will not do anything inappropriate, My mother didn't raise me like that..if it could be done in the morning I would not have asked you to come now..please Khushi come, just for 10 minutes..'

Khushi silently leaves her room and reaches to Arnav's without making any noise..She was afraid of Avanti, what will she think if she wakes up..

Reaching Arnav's room she found it empty then her eyes went to the adjacent pool side..When she puts her feet there it lightens up with fairy lights, it was beautifully decorated with balloons and some red roses..There was a round table in the middle with her favorite jalebi on it..Shocked, Surprised,Emotional, Overwhelmed she was everything together..

When her eyes were busy admiring the beautiful decorations..She felt someone putting a tiara on her head from her back..

'Happy birthday Princess..' Arnav said with a slight smile..Khushi turned and looked at his face, she totally forgot about her birthday but he remembered..

This is her first birthday with him..In first year he was abroad and last year she went to Lucknow to celebrate with her parents though last year when she returned there was a small gathering at Raizada house, with Ratna,Avanti and few of Khushi's friends..Later Avanti informed her Arnav planned that party for her and asked Avanti not to tell anyone..He even gifted her a beautiful sharee which she accepted without showing any emotion to him..

He looked at her surprised face and holding her elbow slightly guided her near the table where he placed the jalebis.. 'Yeh sab keu!! (Why all this)' she asked looking at him with wonder and removing the flowers made tiara from her head..

'I just wanted to make it special for you.. I wanted to surprise you at 12 but it took me forever to make those jalebi and the tiara..' Arnav said in a guilty tone..

'You make it??' She asked and he nodded..

'Yes, both from my own hand.. I wanted to ordered a cake first then I thought you are very special and special persons birthday should be celebrated specially thus I made your favorite Jalebi..' Saying that he looked at her with a bright smile..

She looked at him with surprise and he held her one palm in his both hands..'Khushi I want to say something..' after a little pause he said,'I am sorry, I shouldn't have said all this and leave you alone in the restaurant..I overreacted, I am really sorry.. I don't know what happens to me whenever I see you with that guy..it's just..'

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