A new promise..

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When they almost reached Raizada mention, Arnav looked at Khushi, who was still in her deep sleep, putting her head in his shoulder..After she slept Arnav brought her closer and made her sleep in his arm, so that she can get a comfortable sleep.. He kept looking at her for few minutes, how adorable and beautiful she was looking, there was an angelic glow on her face.. Though he still was very upset and mad at her whenever he looks at her he forgets everything..This girl holds to much control over him, her nearness makes him forget everything and sometimes that scares him!!..

Arnav looked at the front seat and found Avanti is also sleeping, he made a big distance between him and Khushi and called Avanti little loudly,' 'Avi, Avi..Wake up, we have arrived..'

Hearing his loud voice Khushi also woke up and looked at him with sleepy eyes, she was feeling worried due to the long journey and sleep her makeup must have been ruined.. At that moment her all concentration was on her look,She didn't want to look awkward or funny in front of her new in laws, though she knew all of them since forever everything feels very new to her..

She asked Avanti if she is looking right or not.. Avanti helped her in fixing her attire and make up, all this time she was looking at Arnav with the corner of her eyes who was engrossed in his phone and behaving like she is invisible to him which hurts her but she remained silent about it..

Coming out of the car Khushi's eyes got wide open seeing the whole mansion is decorated with beautiful golden ferry lights and dark orange Marigold flower.. It's glowing more than her, she felt happy seeing how grandly Raizada's are welcoming her..Ratna did her and Arnav's tilak then kissing her forehead she said lovingly,'Welcome home beta..'

khushi smiled at her..Deviyani asked Khushi to enter the house by kicking the jar full of rice, doing that she stepped into a dish full of alta..After taking few steps Shyam stopped her..'Arey arey khushi ji,where are you going..you can not go in like this?'

Khushi looked at him dumbfounded and Anjali said,'leave it Shyam ji, this is a tradition for those who are coming into their in laws for the first time, khushi already lived here for two years..'

'Doesn't matter bitiya..It's her first time as the daughter in law of this house..So, she needs to perform the rituals..' Deviyani said in a serious tone..

'But chote looks so tired, he will not be interested in this tradition, that's why I said..' Anjali said defending herself..

Avanti laughed, 'Di, you don't know bhai at all, he is only waiting for this opportunity, right bhai??'

Arnav glared at her and looked at his mother who was smiling at him and gesture him to go ahead..Khushi was looking at everyone confusingly and before she could ask anything Arnav swiped her off from the ground and picked her up in his arms..

Khushi clutched his collar and nervously asked,'What are you doing??'

'It's a tradition of our family Bhabi ji..' Avanti said giggling and Khushi looked down feeling too shy to look at Arnav..

After taking few steps Arnav puts her down to their living room..He looked at his mother and said, 'Ma, is there any more rituals to perform??'

'Yeah chote, Khushi needs to perform a pooja and then she will leave her hand marks in our mandir..' Ratna said smilingly..

'Then you have to play the ring finding game too..' Avanti said with enthusiasm..

'Can we play this game tomorrow please.. I have to go now, you guys carry on with the rituals where I am not needed..'Arnav said looking at his mother..

Everyone looked at him shocked, Khushi's heart started beating fast thinking where is he going now..What's so urgent that he is going now leaving his newly wedded wife..

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