Shocking News..

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Hearing Khushi asking is she crazy, Avanti started laughing again rolling on the bed..Khushi glared at her angrily..What's wrong with this brother sister duo.. what they think of her, is she crazy or she speaks crazy that they are making fun of her..

She took Avanti's phone and called Arnav,which he picked up without any delay..'Hello Avii..'

Hearing Arnav's voice Khushi was huffing in anger and Arnav understood it's khushi on the other side of the call..A small smile appeared on his face..'I am
crazy, you think I am crazy??' She asked with anger..

He laughed without making noise and then made a straight face..'When did I say you are crazy??'

'Didn't you say it to Avanti in text..' She asked annoyingly..

'Did I mention your name anywhere?? Why are you thinking I was talking about you??' He asked raising his eyebrows..

Khushi kept quiet hearing that and Arnav said with a mischievous smile,'So you are agreeing that you are crazy and you speak rubbish that's why you thought I was talking about you, right??'

'I am not crazy and I don't speak rubbish..Samjhe app??(did you get it)' She said huffing in anger..

'Ok sweetheart, I agree with you..Now, listen I am going for checking in.. I will call you once I'm done,ok??' He said like it's a normal thing for him to call her..

'There is no need of calling me..Why would you call me??' She asked confusingly..

'Because I know, you will be worried for me?? You will be thinking if I checked in properly or if I board in the flight on time or not '..He said with a serious tone..

'I won't..don't you dare to call me..' Saying that she cut the call and threw the phone away but Avanti catches it..

'Are you mad?? Tere bap ka mal hai keya Jo tor rahi hai.. (Is it your father's property that you are breaking it)' she said rolling her eyes and then she smiled with a mischief,'But you can break it then I will get another one from your to be husband..'.

Khushi was shooting fire from her eyes to Avanti and then left from there leaving a smiling Avanti behind..


Ratna was super surprised seeing the trash from Arnav's room..Seeing the balloons and roses, there was a huge frown on her forehead..'Avii..Avii..' She called loudly..

'What happened Ma?? Why are you calling me..' Avanti asked little annoyingly as she was putting nail polish and got interrupted..

Ratna looked at her little worried and asked,'What is all this?? Do you have any idea?'

It took Avanti few seconds to understand what's all this..She did noticed that Khushi was missing for some time last night..'Oh!! So Romeo was celebrating Juliet's birthday..' she murmured to herself with a very low tone..

She gulped down a dry lump and said,'Ma..this?? I think this from Bhai's office..'

'Office..??' She asked with a frown..

'Yeah Ma..Bhai said he got a gift from a client yesterday, those were part of this..' She replied nervously..

Ratna kept looking at her for few seconds as she was not believing Avanti's words..'Are you sure?? HP was saying he found lots of mess in the kitchen this morning but I cleaned it very well last night..'

'What has it to do with all this??' She asked squeezing her brows..

'Some one made jalebi.. I am just not sure who?? I think chote, did!!..' Ratna said..

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