Newly Married..

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Khushi was shocked seeing NK's behavior and she didn't budge from showing it to him.. She glared at him and asked angrily, 'What is this NK?? How can you behave with me like this??..'

'People are gossiping about you and you always say you don't have any interest in love, in relationships, you prefer to stay away from boys..then what was that?? You were hugging that Arnav..Whole college saw your PDA...Didn't you think once that people can badmouth you..' He replied angrily too..

Khushi's jaw dropped hearing him but he didn't stop there.. 'Khushi, did you forget how arrogant and rude he is, how he insulted you and slapped his sister in the can you??'

'Enough.. Don't you dare say anything about him, and what's wrong if I hug him??.. I don't care what people say about me hugging him, I don't see any wrong in it..' Khushi said irritatingly..

'I can't believe you are saying that??.. Few days back you were all against boys and relationships, how come things has changed suddenly and that's for that arrogant ruthless person..Till yesterday you were saying he is only Avanti's brother for you and today you were hugging him happily?'

'Stop calling him by names, you don't know him and yes till yesterday he was Avanti's brother but today he is my husband and I will really appreciate it if you talk about him respectfully..' Khushi was very pissed off with NK's words and she replied angrily..

'Husband?!?!?!....' NK said beyond shocked, he was giving her an unbelievable look and then he looked at her carefully.. She was wearing a white leggings and dark blue long tops, like she usually wears but her hand is full with mehndi.. She has a pinch of sindor on her forehead and mangalsutra under her tops but it's still visible on her neck..

NK gulped as he didn't notice any of this earlier.. Coming out the initial shock he looked at her worriedly, ' Khushi, how come you are married and that to with Arnav Singh Raizada?? Did he forced you to do that..'

'What?? ' Khushi squeezed her eyebrows and continued, 'Noo0, he didn't.. what's wrong with you NK, how can you think like this!!..'

NK cupped her face and said, 'Khushi tell me, did he forces you to marry him..You can tell me, I am your friend..'

She removed his hand from her face with a jerk and said, ' He didn't.. I married him because I  love him..'

NK was quite for a moment, 'You love him?? When did this happen?? You never mentioned anything..'

Khushi smiled a little, 'It happened long ago, I was just too afraid to confess it, even to myself..'

NK nervously smiled, ' You never said anything about it and you didn't even inform me about your marriage??'

Khushi touched her forehead.. 'Everything happened in a hurry..I actually called you once to inform but your phone was switched off..'

'My phone was missing from college and I couldn't get my old number for some reason...'

'That's why you call was not going.. I am sorry I couldn't invite you at my wedding but whatever you should not have dragged me like this..' Khushi said the last sentence with a grumpy face..

'Ohh I am sorry, people were talking about you and I saw you hugging him.. So I just..' He paused
and smiled..'Anws Congratulations Khushi..'

'Thank you..' Sha smiled and then said with a stern expression,' And don't you dare say anything unpleasant about my husband..Vo sirf dikhte akhru hai per hai nahi (He only looks unfriendly but he is not..)'

NK chuckled, 'Are you happy..?!?!'

Khushi looked at him with little surprise as NK was looking sad.. She nodded and said, 'Very much but are you okay??'

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